- International
Modèles de business plan à télécharger gratuitement
Le business plan est un document qui permet de présenter votre entreprise en détaillant le but du produit ainsi que les stratégies de développement de l’entreprise. Le business plan permet aussi de présenter une synthèse de l’étude de marché que vous aurez faite de votre activité. S’il est bien constitué, vous n’aurez pas de mal à faire parler de votre produit ou de votre service. Un business plan permet aussi de susciter l’intérêt des investisseurs d’avoir l’adhésion de plusieurs partenaires financiers. Ainsi, si votre business plan n’est pas bien conçu, vous aurez du mal à obtenir un financement pour le lancement de votre projet d’entreprise. Mais, comment doit se faire le business plan et quel modèle choisir?
Mode d’élaboration du business plan
Un business plan doit s’écrire en ayant toutes les informations liées à l’entreprise ou au projet d’entreprise . L’élaboration doit se faire une fois que l’étude de marché est terminée. Cette étude de marché permet de connaitre le marché et d’avoir un portrait de la concurrence. Elle permet aussi d’avoir le ressenti des clients afin d’adapter le produit ou le service à leurs besoins réels. Toutes ces informations sont utiles pour avoir un business plan solide et surtout convaincant.
Il faut aussi adapter le business plan au domaine d’activité de l’entreprise concernée. En effet, un business plan concernant la restauration n’est pas le même qu’un business plan dédié à une entreprise dans le domaine commercial ou artisanal. Même si le format va être presque le même, il faut faire attention aux informations particulières auxquelles les investisseurs s’attendent quand ils lisent le business plan.
Bien choisir son modèle de business plan
En matière de business plan, le Maroc n’exige pas de modèle précis pour les entrepreneurs.
Toutefois, il faut tout faire pour que le document qui sera présenté aux investisseurs contienne toutes les informations nécessaires. Un bon business plan doit contenir un exécutive summary , les objectifs du projet, la cible concernée ou encore les stratégies de communication et d’écoulement du produit. Il est aussi important de présenter aux potentiels investisseurs les avantages du service (ou du produit), la concurrence et les stratégies pour se positionner d’une manière innovante par rapport à la concurrence.
Pour vous aider à bien rédiger votre business plan, nous vous recommandons de faire appel à un expert-comptable. Ce dernier pourra vous aider à définir toutes vos stratégies et permettra de déceler rapidement les forces et les faiblesses de vos concurrents. De même, ce spécialiste pourra vous aider à mieux apprécier votre stratégie de développement et d’adapter en cas de besoin votre projet d’entreprise afin d’atteindre vos objectifs.
Toutefois, vous pouvez toujours décider de concevoir le business plan par vos propres soins de A à Z. Dans ce cas, il ne faut pas oublier de faire attention à toutes les étapes précitées. Nous vous recommandons de choisir le modèle de business plan parmi ceux proposés dans la liste ci-dessous. Vous y trouverez des business plans adaptés aux domaines de l’artisanat, de l’agriculture, de la restauration, du service ou du commerce, etc.
Modèle de business plan spécifique au secteur de restauration : Télécharger
Modèle de business plan spécifique aux services : Télécharger
Modèle de business modèle spécifique au commerce : Télécharger
Modèle de business modèle spécifique à l’artisanat : Télécharger
Modèle du business plan spécifique aux agriculteurs : Télécharger
- Quel modèle de business plan utiliser au Maroc ?
- Les étapes du business plan en création d’entreprise au Maroc
- Comment faire un business model au Maroc ?
- Comment rédiger un executive summary de business plan ?
- Comment réaliser un business plan efficace pour obtenir un crédit au Maroc ?
- Conseils pour réussir son étude de marché au Maroc
3 réflexions au sujet de “Modèles de business plan à télécharger gratuitement”
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Votre Business Plan au Maroc
Qu’est-ce que le business plan .
Le business plan est parmi les outils de présentation servant à choisir la stratégie afin de concrétiser l’idée d’un projet et en atteindre la maturité. Un bon business plan doit être sans failles et sans erreurs sur le fond et sur la forme car pour élaborer un business plan solide et efficace il faut faire preuve de précision et mettre à l’œuvre ses connaissances approfondis.
9 étapes pour la rédaction d’un Business Plan:
- Executive Summary (Résumé opérationnel)
- Présentation de l’équipe fondatrice
- Exposition des valeurs du projet
- Faire l’étude du marché : L’offre, La demande, Besoin (marché)
- Stratégie commerciale
- Stratégie de communication
- Business model : CA prévisionnel, Plan de financement
- Choix de la forme juridique
- Sources de financement
Pour la bonne réussite d’un business plan au Maroc, ce dernier doit être soigné au niveau de la présentation car la 1ère impression est toujours la bonne ; il ne doit pas être trop long mais plutôt concis et complet ; il doit être clair et bien structuré dans un style simple et facile à comprendre ; il faut être sûr de la précision des éléments avancés dans le business plan, et il faut absolument que ce dernier soit vendeur et que la personne qui le lit soit convaincue que le projet proposé est une valeur sure.
Dans le cadre de l’élaboration d’un business plan ayant pour but d’appuyer auprès des organismes financiers une demande de crédit INTILAKA ou autres types de financement à crédit, ce dernier doit traité de tous les points cités ci-dessus dans les moindres détails. Dans la majeure partie des cas, un business plan fait avec précision est synonyme d’accord à votre demande de prêt.
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Structurer son Business Plan au Maroc
Réaliser son business plan au Maroc est une étape indispensable faisant partie intégrante du projet de création d’entreprise. Ce document cumule deux propriétés fondamentales : non seulement il permet de définir la stratégie de l’entreprise mais surtout il confère une forte crédibilité à l’entrepreneur face aux banquiers ou aux investisseurs. C’est pourquoi la qualité du business plan au Maroc est essentielle et tout entrepreneur doit respecter des règles bien précises au cours de son élaboration.
Le business plan au Maroc est un outil incontournable dans le mécanisme de la création d’entreprise. Ce document de 10 à 30 pages est une référence aussi bien pour l’entrepreneur que pour les acteurs extérieurs. En tant qu’axe directeur du projet de création d’entreprise, le business plan doit refléter la personnalité de l’entrepreneur et rimer avec efficacité. Sa mission est de capter l’attention et de convaincre de la faisabilité du projet. C’est pourquoi le dossier du business plan doit être structuré : les idées doivent être organisées selon une suite logique et être présentées de manière concise mais précise. Inutile de remplir les pages de termes techniques ou bien de généralités. Le but est de présenter son idée, de l’argumenter et de rassurer le lecteur ou l’interlocuteur de sa viabilité. Tout business plan doit contenir un résumé opérationnel, plus couramment appelé Executive Summary. Sur deux pages, l’entrepreneur doit effectuer une synthèse des éléments clés du business plan et faire la démonstration de la rentabilité du projet. La qualité et la clarté de ce document feront la différence et permettront de se différencier parmi les centaines de business plans proposés aux investisseurs.
Il n’existe pas de présentation type de business plan au Maroc. Seul l’Executive Summary est obligatoire. La conception du business plan répond à une initiative personnelle et originale. Cependant l’entrepreneur doit veiller à présenter un dossier structuré. Si l’Executive Summary apparaît en première position dans le dossier, il est recommandé d’y inclure à la suite un sommaire, une présentation générale du projet puis une présentation du/des créateur(s). Au business plan doit être intégrée l’étude de marché réalisée en amont ainsi que l’analyse de l’environnement concurrentiel. Puis il faut décrire le produit ou le service, exposer la stratégie marketing et commerciale, détailler les facteurs de différenciation et les moyens mis en œuvre. Enfin, la dernière partie peut être consacrée au choix du statut juridique, au prévisionnel et au calendrier de développement de l’entreprise.
Elaborer un business plan au Maroc peut paraître une tâche aussi difficile que technique aux jeunes entrepreneurs. Néanmoins il est suggéré de le réaliser soi-même car tout au long de sa réalisation l’entrepreneur se posera des questions qui le mèneront à faire évoluer son projet et à l’affiner. Lorsque l’entrepreneur devra présenter son business plan aux banques ou aux investisseurs il devra faire preuve non seulement de confiance en soi mais aussi d’une maîtrise parfaite du sujet pour convaincre. L’exercice du business plan au Maroc est un engagement professionnel démontrant l’implication de l’entrepreneur et son professionnalisme : il met en avant son charisme et ses compétences.
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5 Erreurs Courantes dans la Gestion d’une Entreprise de Distribution au Maroc et Comment les Éviter
5 erreurs coûteuses en gestion de stock que Manageo peut vous éviter
Back to Business: Les Clés pour une Reprise Réussie après les Vacances
- Actualités (17)
- Business développement (7)
- Création d'entreprise (19)
- Études de cas (2)
- Finance (23)
- Force de ventes (12)
- Gestion commerciale (11)
- Gestion de projet (2)
- Gestion de stock (3)
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- Ressources humaines (9)
- Uncategorized (5)
TMS Consulting
Agence Conseil et Accompagnement des entreprises, business plan, étude de marché, développement commercial et marketing
Faire un business plan au Maroc
Pourquoi réaliser un business plan .
Faire un business plan au Maroc ou plan d’affaires, est un document synthétique rédigé qui présente un projet de création, de développement ou de reprise d’entreprise, déroulant tous les aspects du projet. Il doit présenter de façon argumentée le besoin de financement et le potentiel de rentabilité du projet ainsi que la vision du futur dirigeant concernant son entreprise. Le business plan a pour principal objectif de séduire le(s) investisseur(s) potentiel(s). C’est grâce à ce document qu’ils vont décider (ou non) d’aller plus loin avec vous.
Le business plan a trois objectifs principaux. Il permet de :
Vérifier la viabilité de votre projet : que vous envisagiez de vendre un nouveau service ou de vous lancer à l’export, votre business plan va vous permettre de déterminer la pertinence de votre projet d’un point de vue stratégique et financier. Le business plan est comme un filtre : à travers lui, vous affinez vos idées, planifiez, et chiffrez vos actions.
Convaincre des partenaires commerciaux ou financiers de la qualité de votre projet : pour être crédible auprès de partenaires externes, vous devez leur présenter un projet viable, avec un plan financier qui confirme sa rentabilité avec des éléments concrets.
Servir de guide lors de la mise en place du projet : pour le chef d’entreprise, comme pour son équipe, le business plan sert de point de repère tout au long de la mise en place.
L’activité de l’entreprise : Présentation et structure de l’entreprise, présentez vos produits ou services en mettant en avant les avantages de votre offre, à quels besoins répondent-ils ?
L’équipe dirigeante : Une présentation du porteur du projet et des personnes clés de l’entreprise, montrez que le management est composé de personnes dont les compétences s’allient pour mener à bien ce projet
L’étude du marché : démontrez que l’opportunité commerciale est bien réelle. Définissez aussi précisément que possible votre clientèle cible, Résultats d’enquêtes auprès des clients ou prospects, La taille et l’évolution du marché : démontrer l’importance et la croissance de ce marché.
La stratégie : Stratégie de l’entreprise, les facteurs clés de succès, expliquez comment vous allez vous différencier de vos principaux concurrents et comment vous allez trouver des clients, mettre en place un plan marketing et de communication, stratégie commerciale, plan de développement.
Le plan financier : quels sont les besoins financiers et les retours sur investissement attendus ?
Pour l’entrepreneur lui-même : Pour s’assurer de sa démarche et mettre sur papier les différentes étapes de son projet.
Le banquier : Dans le cas de la recherche d’un prêt, Faire un business plan au Maroc devra démontrer votre capacité à rembourser le prêt.
Les investisseurs potentiels : Pas de levée de fonds sans business plan, qui est l’outil qui permet aux investisseurs de sélectionner des projets, vérifier que les projets répondent à leurs critères.
Les futurs recrues ou associés : La plupart des premiers employés demanderont une démonstration du potentiel du projet car ils prennent eux-même un risque en vous suivant !
Pour vous assurer de la qualité de votre Business Plan, vous pouvez confier cette tâche à TMS Consulting le spécialiste des Business plan au Maroc, que ce soit pour sa réalisation complète ou partielle.
Business Plan pour agence de location de voiture
Business Plan pour agence de voyages
Business Plan pour hôtel
Business Plan pour restaurant
Business Plan pour café
Business Plan pour Boulangerie Pâtisserie
Business Plan pour Boucherie-charcuterie
Business Plan pour parc d’attraction
Business Plan pour salle de sport
Business Plan pour centre de beauté
Business Plan pour parfumerie
Business Plan pour SPA
Business Plan pour parapharmacie
Business Plan pour clinique
Business Plan pour cabinet de kinésithérapie
Business Plan pour centre de formation
Business Plan pour crèche
Business Plan pour une école
Business Plan pour startup
Business Plan pour site e-commerce
Business Plan pour entreprise industriel
Business Plan pour entreprise agroalimentaire
Business Plan pour entreprise de service
Business Plan pour franchise
Business Plan pour concessionnaire automobile
Business Plan pour d’entreprise de nettoyage
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Comment structurer son business plan au Maroc : guide complet
La création d’une entreprise au Maroc passe par une étape essentielle : la rédaction d’un business plan solide. Un business plan bien structuré est indispensable pour obtenir des financements, convaincre des partenaires et assurer la viabilité de votre projet entrepreneurial.
15% de réduction sur la création de votre entreprise
- Qu’est-ce qu’un business plan et pourquoi est-il important au Maroc ?
Un business plan , ou plan d’affaires, est un document détaillant votre projet entrepreneurial, décrivant vos objectifs, les stratégies pour les atteindre, et les prévisions financières. Il sert de feuille de route pour le développement de l’entreprise et est essentiel pour convaincre les investisseurs, les banques, et les partenaires potentiels.
Au Maroc , un business plan est souvent requis lors de la demande de financement , que ce soit auprès des banques, des programmes gouvernementaux (comme le programme Intelaka ), ou des investisseurs privés ( business angels ). Il montre la solidité de votre projet et prouve que vous avez bien pensé à chaque aspect de votre entreprise.
- Les étapes pour structurer un business plan au Maroc
Un business plan doit être bien structuré et comporter plusieurs sections clés pour être convaincant. Voici comment organiser chaque partie de votre business plan :
1 ère étape : un résumé exécutif
Le résumé exécutif est souvent la première partie lue par les investisseurs, il est donc important de le rendre accrocheur et de donner envie de lire la suite.
Le résumé exécutif est la première section de votre business plan et doit capturer l’essence de votre projet de manière concise et percutante.
- Présentation de l’entreprise : nom de l’entreprise, secteur d’activité, forme juridique.
- Vision et mission : quelles sont vos ambitions ? Pourquoi cette entreprise existe-t-elle ?
- Résumé de votre projet : produits ou services proposés, marché cible, objectifs à court et à long terme.
2 ème étape : la présentation de l’entreprise
Cette section présente en détail votre entreprise. Elle doit inclure :
- Structure juridique : SARL , SA, auto-entrepreneur, etc.
- Localisation : où est basée l’entreprise ? S’agit-il d’une zone franche ou d’une zone continentale au Maroc ?
- Historique et statut actuel : si l’entreprise existe déjà, donnez un aperçu de son histoire , de ses réalisations, et de son statut actuel.
Décrivez également les motivations qui vous ont conduit à créer cette entreprise et vos avantages concurrentiels.
3 ème étape : l’é tude de marché
L’étude de marché est une composante essentielle pour démontrer que votre projet répond à une demande réelle. Cette section devrait inclure :
- Analyse du marché cible : qui sont vos clients potentiels ? Quel est le segment de marché visé (âge, sexe, localisation, besoins spécifiques) ?
- Analyse de la concurrence : qui sont vos principaux concurrents au Maroc ? Quels sont leurs points forts et leurs faiblesses ? Comment votre entreprise se différencie-t-elle ?
- Tendances du marché : incluez des données et des statistiques pour montrer l’évolution du marché et les opportunités qu’il présente.
4 ème étape : la stratégie de marketing et de vente
Cette section explique comment vous prévoyez de promouvoir vos produits et services et d’attirer des clients :
- Stratégie de marketing : quels canaux de communication allez-vous utiliser ? Par exemple, marketing digital, réseaux sociaux, affichage publicitaire, événements.
- Plan de vente : décrivez comment vous allez vendre vos produits/services. Utilisez-vous un réseau de distribution, un site e-commerce, ou une force de vente sur le terrain ?
- Politique de prix : quelle sera votre stratégie de tarification ? Justifiez vos prix par rapport à la concurrence et à la valeur ajoutée de vos produits.
5 ème étape : le plan d’exploitation
Le plan d’exploitation décrit le fonctionnement quotidien de votre entreprise :
- Processus de production : décrivez les étapes nécessaires à la fabrication de votre produit ou à la prestation de votre service.
- Fournisseurs : qui sont vos fournisseurs principaux ? Précisez s’ils sont locaux ou internationaux.
- Localisation et équipements : quels équipements sont nécessaires pour vos opérations ? Où se situent vos installations (bureau, entrepôt) au Maroc ?
6 ème étape : l’équipe de gestion
Présentez les membres clés de l’équipe qui vont participer à la réussite de l’entreprise :
- Fondateurs : qui sont les fondateurs et quelles sont leurs expériences et compétences ?
- Rôles et responsabilités : décrivez le rôle de chaque membre de l’équipe et les responsabilités principales.
- Compétences manquantes : mentionnez les compétences qui pourraient manquer à l’équipe et les moyens de combler ces lacunes (embauches futures, consultants).
7 ème étape : le p lan financier
Le plan financier est l’une des parties les plus importantes du business plan, car elle montre la viabilité économique de votre projet. Cette section doit inclure :
- Prévisions de ventes et de revenus : établissez des prévisions sur une période de 3 à 5 ans. Montrez comment vous allez générer des revenus.
- Compte de résultat prévisionnel : indiquez les dépenses, les coûts directs, et les bénéfices attendus. Cette analyse permet de voir la rentabilité de votre projet.
- Bilan prévisionnel : décrivez la situation financière prévue (actifs, passifs, capitaux propres).
- Plan de trésorerie : montrez la gestion des flux de trésorerie, pour s’assurer que l’entreprise pourra couvrir ses coûts au quotidien.
8 ème étape : le besoin de financement
Indiquez combien d’argent est nécessaire pour lancer l’entreprise et pour quelles raisons vous avez besoin de ce financement . Cette section doit couvrir :
- Montant requis : combien avez-vous besoin pour le lancement et les premières années ?
- Utilisation des fonds : comment allez-vous utiliser ces fonds (achat de matériel, marketing, recrutement) ?
- Source de financement : souhaitez-vous obtenir un prêt bancaire, un investissement, ou des subventions (par exemple via le programme Intelaka au Maroc) ?
- FAQ sur la structuration d’un business plan au Maroc
Pourquoi un business plan est-il important pour obtenir un financement au Maroc ?
Un business plan montre la viabilité de votre projet et est souvent requis par les banques et investisseurs pour évaluer les risques et le potentiel de rentabilité.
Combien de temps faut-il pour rédiger un business plan complet ?
La rédaction d’un business plan peut prendre entre plusieurs semaines et quelques mois, selon la complexité du projet et le niveau de détail nécessaire.
Est-il obligatoire d’avoir un business plan pour créer une entreprise au Maroc ?
Bien que la rédaction d’un business plan ne soit pas obligatoire pour créer une entreprise au Maroc , elle est fortement recommandée pour planifier efficacement et attirer des partenaires financiers.
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- La domiciliation d'entreprise au Maroc
- Le bilan d'entreprise au Maroc
- Le financement d'entreprise au Maroc
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- Business plan Maroc
Business plan Maroc : Quel modèle de business plan utiliser ?
Au Maroc, face à la crise inédite, les banques proposent aux particuliers et aux professionnels des taux de crédit de consommation plus avantageux.
Lorsqu’il est question de création, de reprise ou de développement d’entreprise, le business plan ou plan d’affaires est un sujet fréquemment abordé. Un business plan au Maroc , comme un peu partout dans le monde d’ailleurs, est pour beaucoup considéré comme un document servant principalement à l’obtention d’un prêt auprès des banquiers !
Certes, le business plan est un document synthétique qui permet à un entrepreneur ou un porteur de projet de présenter de manière simple et efficace les tenants et aboutissants de son projet, afin de gagner la confiance des interlocuteurs, et donc d’obtenir plus facilement et à de meilleures conditions un crédit de la part d’une banque par exemple, ou de tout autre type d’investisseur potentiel que l’on souhaite solliciter. Mais si l’on dresse un modèle de business plan au Maroc uniquement dans ces seuls buts, c’est à la fois une utilisation et une vision très réductrice de ce document essentiel !
En effet, le business plan est tout un condensé de la stratégie d’entreprise, des actions et moyens à mettre en œuvre dans un projet afin de développer, au cours d’une période déterminée, les activités nécessaires et suffisantes pour atteindre des objectifs visés. En d’autres termes, le business plan est un véritable outil de pilotage essentiel avant tout pour le porteur de projet ou le créateur d’entreprise, et c’est seulement après que viennent les autres. À travers cet article, nous vous proposons de faire un zoom sur l’importance de votre business plan au Maroc .
Bâtissez votre projet avec votre business plan au Maroc !
Le business plan, c’est en premier lieu un outil qui va permettre de rassembler sur un même document tous les axes qui constituent le projet. Faire un business plan est un passage obligé pour créer son entreprise. La démarche oblige à travailler sur de nombreuses problématiques et pousse à se poser les bonnes questions. Le plan d’affaires va servir à définir la stratégie pour concrétiser le projet et atteindre les objectifs. Il doit donc être irréprochable, tant sur le fond que sur la forme. Il s’agit de faire preuve de méthodologie et de rigueur pour construire un business plan solide. Votre business plan au Maroc aura trois objectifs principaux qui vont permettre alors de vérifier la viabilité du projet, de servir de guide lors de la mise en place du projet et de convaincre les partenaires financiers et commerciaux.
Vérifier la viabilité du projet
Que l’on envisage de vendre un nouveau produit/service ou de se lancer à l’export par exemple, le business plan va permettre de déterminer la pertinence du projet d'un point de vue stratégique et financier. Le business plan agira comme un filtre : à travers lui, on peut affiner les idées, planifier, et chiffrer chaque action.
Servir de guide pour la mise en place du projet
Le business plan sert de point de repère tout au long de la mise en place, et ce, autant pour le chef d’entreprise, que pour le reste de son équipe. Les objectifs stratégiques, commerciaux, financiers… pour les années à venir y sont détaillés. C'est le document auquel on consultera de temps à autre pour faire le point, comparer ce qui a été accompli et ce que l’on a prévu de faire, et mettre en place de nouveaux objectifs.
Convaincre les partenaires et investisseurs
Pour être crédible auprès de partenaires externes, vous devez leur présenter un projet viable, avec un document complet qui confirme sa rentabilité grâce des éléments concrets : votre business plan au Maroc !
Si vous sollicitez un financement auprès de votre banque, celle-ci évaluera la solidité financière de votre projet et également votre potentiel commercial. Quelles sont les chances de succès de l'entreprise? Quel est le niveau de dette dans la structure du capital? L'entreprise génèrera-t-elle suffisamment de trésoreries pour payer les intérêts et rembourser le principal? etc. Pour un investisseur en fonds propres, le business plan doit mettre en avant le potentiel de retour sur investissement du projet. Votre business plan doit être en mesure de convaincre l'investisseur que la rentabilité du projet sera suffisante pour compenser le risque qu'il prend en investissant dans l'entreprise et que celle-ci a les moyens d'atteindre les objectifs fixés dans le plan.
Quel modèle de business plan pour votre projet au Maroc ?
Il faut dire qu’il n’existe pas de modèle universel de business plan convenant à tous les projets, chaque projet étant unique. Néanmoins, il existe des éléments de base qui devront être communs et présentés dans chaque plan d’affaires.
La présentation de l’équipe
Il est essentiel de présenter la formation, le parcours et les compétences de chaque membre de l’équipe. Le but est de mettre en avant la complémentarité de l’équipe, qu’elle constituée de professionnels expérimentés et qu’elle réunit l’ensemble des compétences nécessaires.
La présentation de l’activité, des produits / services
L’activité et les produits / services proposés sont présentés en mettant déjà en avant l’offre : le caractère innovant de l’activité et des produits/services, les avantages et inconvénients par rapport à l’offre existante, les besoins auxquels ils répondent…
L'étude du marché
C’est dans cette partie qu’il faut démontrer que l'opportunité commerciale est bien réelle. Il faut également définir aussi précisément que possible la clientèle cible. Par rapport au marché visé, l’offre et la demande seront bien analysées, l’étude de la concurrence en est aussi la composante essentielle.
La stratégie
La stratégie commerciale va permettre de se différencier de la concurrence et va aider pour la prospection de clients.
Le modèle financier
Le plan financier va démontrer la capacité de l’entreprise à créer de la valeur par son activité, à générer un chiffre d’affaires important et une forte rentabilité.
Pour créer votre plan d’affaires, le choix vous revient. Vous pouvez le faire vous-même, en vous inspirant d’un modèle de business plan au Maroc . Vous pouvez par exemple choisir de créer un business plan sur Excel au Maroc , mais vous devez avoir des connaissances en bureautique et en modélisation financière pour obtenir un document prévisionnel fiable. Vous pouvez aussi faire appel à un professionnel tel qu’un consultant ou un expert-comptable pour vous accompagner pleinement pour son élaboration. Vous pouvez alors vous renseigner sur le prix de business plan au Maroc proposé par les professionnels.
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The 65 Best Business Ideas To Start In Morocco [2024]
Interested in starting a business in Morocco in 2024?
We put together 65 of the best businesses you can start in Morocco today.
In this list of ideas, you can find:
- Home-based businesses to start in Morocco
- Profitable online business ideas
- Unique business opportunities for Morocco
- Low investment business ideas (under $5k to start)
- Easy businesses you can start in Morocco today
For each business idea, we’ll show you real-world examples, revenue expectations for each idea, + a step-by-step on how to start your small business in Morocco.
Here's the full list:
1. Start a bed and breakfast business
Bed and breakfasts have been around for a long time. Owners interact with customers while they benefit from affordable lodging.
Travelers nowadays have a high interest in experiencing local culture, ready to take on the adventure of meeting and interacting with others from different backgrounds and perspectives in order to get a unique taste of how a small town or even neighborhood might live.
The great thing about starting at home B&B in Morocco is that you don’t need a degree in business. You only need enough capital to purchase essential items needed to open your very first one.
Listed are the steps to start a bed and breakfast business.
- Plan your business plan
- Secure needed permits, licenses, and certifications
- Open a bank account for business transactions
- Prepare your business for operation -Promote your business
2. Start a meal prep business
A meal preparation business is a service that delivers prepared meals to its clients in the comfort of their own homes. The meal preparation business is a fast-emerging niche that offers a real opportunity to earn good money. To succeed, the starter must be efficient in the meal preparation and ensure proper communication skills. Besides, the entrepreneur must keep time when it comes to delivery to avoid customer disappointment.
A global survey shows that demand for food delivery service is on the rise. This is as people get busier with their careers and other more important tasks, leaving limited time to prepare meals and bond with friends.
Therefore, starting a meal preparation business in Morocco can be a great way to earn extra monies.
How much you can make: $50,000 — $600,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $500 (?)
How long does it take to build: 6 days (?)
Healthy Chew is a profitable weekly meal preparation service that grew from 200 to 10,000 weekly bowls in just over 3 years, with an overall sales figure of $1.8 million, achieved through effective branding and personalised customer service.
3. Become a gift basket seller
A gift basket is typically a bundled gift filled with presents and delivered to the recipient at home or the workplace.
The gifting ritual is an old practice, and regardless of the occasion, people love giving each other gifts (and receiving them). According to data, the global gift market’s worth is estimated at $62 billion , with 62% of Americans preferring to give personalized gift markets over expensive items.
If you love unique gifting, starting a gift basket business in Morocco could be a gratifying and fun business idea. Many gift basket shops choose to operate entirely online since an online business allows them to work from anywhere, while customers can also purchase at their convenience.
How much you can make: $400/month
Vowed Box Co. is a line of curated, quirky gift boxes with non-traditional brides in mind, offering four different products that have helped the business become profitable most months since its launch in 2018, with a monthly income of roughly $600.
4. Create an online course
An online course business involves creating and selling digital classes teaching specialized skills or knowledge to subscribed students.
As an entrepreneurial course creator, you identify educational gaps around topics you have expertise in and develop engaging video lessons and supplementary materials.
With flexibility around self-paced or cohort-based structures, building a student base provides passive income potential.
For founders who enjoy information-sharing, launching an online course platform presents a lucrative way to monetize your instructional talents with small startup costs by serving eager lifelong learners seeking convenient access to emerging subjects.
How much you can make: $275 — $1,000,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $2,000 (?)
How long does it take to build: 88 days (?)
Learn how one couple created a successful personal finance blog, The Savvy Couple, that now makes over $20,000 per month and has sold thousands of digital workbooks and courses, by focusing on purposeful content and optimizing their ROI with efficient time management.
5. Start a cleaning & maintenance business
A Cleaning & Maintenance business is a service-based business in which you are the owner, operator, and lone employee. In a cleaning and maintenance business, you provide a specific service such as carpet servicing or pest control. It's important to note that although it seems straightforward, this business type can grow very quickly if done properly.
Cleaning and maintenance can be a real hassle, especially if you have a lot of employees or just your own staff. The cleaning and maintenance industry generates over $40B a year in the US alone. This makes it one of the largest, most competitive industries in the USA.
Starting a cleaning and maintenance business in Morocco is pretty easy. You can start small with residential clients or businesses. Just make sure you check with your local government to ensure licensing (or certification) requirements.
How much you can make: $100,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $499 (?)
How long does it take to build: 60 days (?)
MaidThis®, launched by Neel Parekh in Los Angeles with just one cleaner in 2013, has achieved over $10 million in total revenue by focusing on cleaning Airbnbs and vacation rentals, thanks to its successful remote business model and new-age marketing tactics, and has now launched MaidThis Franchise to expand the business further.
6. Become a mobile personal trainer
Do you love helping people through their fitness journey? If you want a great side hustle to earn extra income, consider becoming a personal trainer.
The fitness trainer side hustle can be an adamant industry to earn good money. However, once you develop a reputation as a good trainer, you can get more clients through referrals. You need to register for the certification course to start offering personal trainer services in Morocco.
To attract your first clients, consider online advertising, and seek referrals from every customer.
How much you can make: $600 — $60,000/month
How long does it take to build: 365 days (?)
Time commitment per week: Min. 4 hours/week
Sweat from Home is a two-way, interactive, and live-streaming group fitness workout startup that has held over 800 classes since March 2020, generates $25k in monthly recurring revenue, and has donated over $7k to 6 different charities; they aim to become the world's best live-streamed fitness class.
7. Become a nutritionist
As individuals seek to adopt healthier lifestyles, there is an increasing demand for professional nutritionists who can offer tailored advice.
A nutritionist offers personalized nutrition advice and guidance to individuals or groups, helping them achieve their health and wellness goals through dietary recommendations and education.
This may include creating meal plans, conducting assessments, and providing ongoing support to clients seeking to improve their nutritional habits.
To become a nutritionist, consider obtaining relevant certifications and gaining practical experience through internships or supervised practice.
How much you can make: $600 — $500,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $2,750 (?)
How long does it take to build: 180 days (?)
Time commitment per week: Min. 3 hours/week
RDRx Nutrition is a successful private practice that offers individual nutrition coaching, boasting profits of $1,800-$2,100 per month after just one year of business, and achieving a client base of over 2200 followers on Instagram alone.
8. Start a mobile photography business
Want to start your own photography business? You're not alone. With the rise of social media and photo-sharing, blogging, and online retailing, it's never been easier to start making money behind your camera.
There are photographers shooting weddings, creating images for ad campaigns, freelancing for magazines, touring the world, taking photographs of destinations — the list is endless!
To start mobile photography in Morocco, research the target audience and determine which specialization area is more lucrative. Invest in high-quality, professional cameras, lenses, and a computer with professional software photo-editing software.
How much you can make: $2,000 — $500,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $5,000 (?)
How long does it take to build: 190 days (?)
Photobooth Supply Co. offers a profitable business opportunity through their sleek and portable photo booths, with up to 97% satisfaction rate and a focus on customer experience, in a fast-growing event industry where photo booths are exploding.
9. Start a book store
Starting a bookstore is a great way to start a small business.
Bookstores are found anywhere, from the smallest towns to the largest cities. Perhaps you have thought of running your bookstore in Morocco. People need to read and buy books, and that’s been true for thousands of years. A bookstore is also a great central location where people can browse and purchase books.
Listed are the steps to start a bookstore business.
- Register your business
- Get all required permits and licenses.
- Organize your business operational flow
- Promote your business
How much you can make: $30,000 — $50,000/month
How long does it take to build: 212 days (?)
OrderOfBooks.com is a website that lists books in both publication and chronological order and generates six-figure revenue after starting off as a resource for the founder and his friends, serving as a valuable resource for book readers.
10. Become a social media consultant
Social media has become popular due to its ability to link businesses to their target customers. Social media consultants are professionals who help their clients improve, optimize and grow their social media presence. Becoming a social media consultant comes with work flexibility and higher earning potential, but it also takes time and work commitment to grow the business.
To become a social media consultant in Morocco, you must first become adept at using social media platforms and industry tools. Take online or offline courses like content marketing, public relations, and communication skills. Social media experts can choose a general practice or opt to focus on a niche.
How much you can make: $100 — $550,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $2,250 (?)
MeetEdgar, a bootstrapped social media automation tool founded in 2014 by Laura Roeder, has grown to $4 million in annual recurring revenue and more than 5,000 customers, with a team size of two dozen, achieved through content marketing, social media marketing, and organic search.
11. Become a wedding planner
A wedding planner assists with designing, planning, and managing a wedding, so the bride and groom have the happiest day. Wedding planners enjoy a flexible working schedule and opportunities to travel locally and globally, and it’s a great career with numerous growth opportunities.
To start a wedding planning business in Morocco, identify your target clientele and study their wedding cultures so you can offer the clients excellent service. Remember, excellent wedding planning is all about having the passion and knowing how to harness that passion for designing weddings that bring out the emotions of those in attendance.
How much you can make: $774 — $200,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $6,735 (?)
How long does it take to build: 90 days (?)
How a former food truck owner founded the successful New York Food Truck Association which generated over $1M in its first year of business, providing local vendors with high-margin ancillary revenue streams, and saw consistent growth of 50% YoY.
12. Start a bookkeeping service
As the nature of business changes, bookkeeping is an essential function that is on-demand across all business sectors.
Bookkeeping services support businesses by handling their accounts receivables, creating and sending invoices to the correct accounts, and processing accounts payable to ensure business owners settle them when due.
To become a bookkeeper in Morocco, pick the niche market, choose a bookkeeping software, and set up the necessary business infrastructure. You need a website, an address, client database software, and file-sharing tools where your clients can access records on demand.
How much you can make: $8,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $515 (?)
How long does it take to build: 7 days (?)
A4E, a full-service accounting business, grew five times from when it started about a year ago when it was only offering tax services, and its current MRR is around $8k with a targeted MRR of $13k, providing 100% done-for-you accounting solutions that combine bookkeeping, taxes and CFO services under one roof and for an amazing value for US-based businesses in tech-related industries and services.
13. Start a home tutoring business
A home tutoring company is an educational company that offers private tutoring from a tutor who visits the students at the student’s home.
Home tutoring is a growing business opportunity for motivated people and comes with the flexibility of working anytime, anywhere, and creates a passive income.
If you love teaching and helping others, one way to make money is to start a home tutoring business in Morocco. Whether you want to tutor kids or adults, there’s a niche for you.
Once you have started your home tutoring business, promote it by putting fliers at other stores and on bulletin boards at colleges and libraries. Also, engage parents and guardians for home tutoring opportunities.
How much you can make: $100,000 — $830,000/month
Third Space Learning has become the largest online tutoring company in the UK schools market with around 75% of English primary schools and over 100,000 teachers signed up, generating around £8m in revenue this year and delivering nearly 800,000 hours of teaching to just under 70,000 pupils since 2015, with plans to expand globally in the future.
14. Start a car rental business
Starting a car rental business can be a profitable venture for those interested in the auto industry.
Retail and corporate are the main segments within the car rental industry. Retail car rentals focus on individuals who rent cars for shorter periods, while corporate car rental targets companies that want to transport clients or employees.
If you are starting a car rental business in Morocco, target airports, hotels, railway stations, commercial offices, and other high-traffic areas.
Market your business, hire employees who will manage the operations and keep records, and purchase business insurance for both cars and employees.
How much you can make: $870 — $10,000/month
How long does it take to build: 135 days (?)
ROAMERICA, a campervan rental company founded by Taylor Hood and Gretchen Bayless who quit their full-time jobs to focus on their business and have expanded their fleet quickly to meet the demand of adventure-seeking customers, with most of their web traffic coming from organic Google searches and a focus on social media and brand awareness.
15. Start a language translation service
Language translation services bridge the linguistic barriers, helping businesses reach a wider audience outside of a single language. A language translation job is an opportunity to cover a wide range of topics and meet people from different cultures.
To become a language translator in Morocco, master a second language and earn some experience so you become fluent in the second language.
How much you can make: $5,000 — $550,000/month
How this founder started a $100K/month guaranteed transcription service for medical, legal, law enforcement, financial, academic and general business industries, winning the NASPO ValuePoint transcription services contract over 26 other companies and learning valuable lessons about getting a coach and getting as much PR as possible.
16. Start an antique business
Owning an antique and vintage business can be fulfilling and profitable for those targeting the elite.
Antique businesses focus on procuring items at a low price and restoring them, then selling them at a profit. The items can include old toys, cars, bikes, household items, crafts, vintage jewelry, etc.
Opening an antique item store in Morocco may seem somewhat daunting. However, once you have researched the items available and acquired the necessary skills and expertise, you will be ready to kick off.
For some, a storefront with enough storage for antique items might fit the bill. For others, an online store will work pretty well. Regardless of your approach, the secret is applying your entrepreneurship strategies to an overall framework for success.
How much you can make: $15,000/month
How a former educator built a successful antique restoration business from scratch, growing from a 2-car garage to a 2200 sq. ft. space over seven years, thanks to communication skills, dedication to organization, regular website updates, and utilization of Google My Business and Maps.
17. Start a hair salon
Hair salons offer a wide range of beauty services including hair-cutting, waxing, nail treatment, massages, and complementary care such as aromatherapy.
With the increased demand for high fashion beauty services, starting a hair salon could be a profitable venture.
To start a hair salon in Morocco, you need a strong business plan and find a niche that attracts a local client base. To succeed, hire knowledgeable and experienced employees, and encourage them to maintain a good customer service culture,
How much you can make: $30,000 — $550,000/month
How long does it take to build: 75 days (?)
This case study follows the founder of Urban Betty, who started her salon business with only one contractor, and now has two locations with over 50 employees, growing from 1.5 million to 3.4 million in revenue from 2014-2018, and investing around 2% of its gross income every year in Yelp, Google, and Facebook Ads.
18. Start a carpet cleaning service
One of the most common household decorative items is a floor carpet. Carpets are extensively used in commercial and residential spaces to provide an aesthetic look. The increased use of carpets has influenced the demand for carpet cleaning services.
If you are starting a carpet cleaning company in Morocco, you will need quality equipment and an on-point marketing strategy to stand out from the competition. You will be challenged by managing customer quoting, invoicing, allocating labor, and collecting payments. Therefore, invest in the right software for managing business operations and tracking invoicing.
How much does it cost to start: $261 (?)
19. Start a ticket reselling business
Ticket reselling is a brokering business where you purchase event tickets in bulk and resell them at a higher price. Ticket reselling allows you to make more money within less time, so long as you target the busiest times and market well.
To become a professional ticket reseller in Morocco, join a ticket broker association and choose a specialty niche. Obtain necessary business licensure, build a professional website, and market your ticket broker business.
20. Start a mobile auto detailing service
A mobile carwash business reaches clients whenever possible and offers its services conveniently. Therefore, car owners do not need to drive to different locations looking for a car wash, as the mobile service provider is there for the client.
The advantage of offering a mobile car wash business in Morocco is that clients will call you to their location whenever they need their vehicles cleaned. You can serve more customers based on convenience compared to an immobile car detailing business.
How much you can make: $5,000 — $20,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $2,500 (?)
How long does it take to build: 30 days (?)
Learn how former tech salesman, Matt Paskow, left the industry to start Fresh Look Mobile Auto Detailing, a profitable mobile auto detailing business generating around $5k per month that focuses solely on SEO, Google AdWords, and Google My Business for marketing.
21. Become a mobile makeup artist
A makeup artist is a beautician who offers general makeup services, including facial aesthetics, thorough makeup, and creating custom looks for celebrities and even actors on movie sets.
You can serve clients from their homes or offices as a makeup artist. Therefore, makeup artists avoid paying rent or paying expensive licenses. Besides, makeup artists get to meet different famous people.
To stand out as a professional makeup artist in Morocco, keep up with the developments in the cosmetology industry, and focus on providing personalized customer service.
22. Become a temporary tattoo artist
Starting a tattoo business is not as difficult as you might think. If you have the talent, ability, and guts, you already have the essential qualities for starting your own tattoo company. The Tattoo Artists market size in the US in 2022 is $1.4B .
The tattooing business is profitable and famous, and it is one of the most rewarding careers that you can have. However, becoming a tattoo artist in Morocco requires a lot of commitment and hard work.
Tattoo shops have strict standards for artists who work in shops, so to have an ideal career as an artist, you might have to go the freelance route. It can be a short-term or long-term career, so you must be prepared before taking on such a responsibility. It won’t come with a million-dollar salary at first, but once you’ve developed a good reputation and have completed enough work, the money will start rolling in.
How much you can make: $1,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $100 (?)
Forgotten Mermaids creator Anslea shares how she started a passive income business while living out of a van, creating mermaid temporary tattoos and accessories, and has grown to average $1,000 per month in mostly passive income over the last six months.
23. Start a stock photography business
Stock photography is typically sold on an exclusive basis to one buyer for a single usage fee. Stock photos are often available in different sizes, resolutions, and file formats. Businesses most commonly use stock photos for marketing purposes.
Stock photography is the supply of photographs often licensed for specific uses. Stock photos are the perfect marketing and advertising resource for website owners and bloggers.
You can build an impressive portfolio and earn a passive income by uploading high-quality stock photos.
To start a stock photography business in Morocco, invest in some good photography gear and learn how to take stock photos. An excellent online presence can help you sell your stock photos faster and at profitable margins.
How much you can make: $1,200 — $45,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $3,500 (?)
Pro Photo Studio founder Tsour Lee Adato shares how she turned a $5k investment into a business that services over 500 clients annually and makes approximately $350k per year with plans to expand and become a 7-figure business while offering advice to fellow entrepreneurs to always be innovating, learning and growing, and not to undervalue themselves.
24. Start a cryptocurrency business
Curious about tapping into the digital gold rush? Consider starting a cryptocurrency business. This venture involves engaging with digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and emerging altcoins.
You’ll be diving into a world that blends finance and technology, offering services like crypto trading, mining, or developing blockchain-based applications. It’s an industry ripe with potential, but it demands a firm grasp of market trends and a willingness to stay up-to-date with regulatory changes.
Imagine harnessing the power of the blockchain to offer secure, transparent financial solutions. There’s considerable opportunity for innovation, whether it's launching your own token or building a crypto exchange platform. Given that the field is still evolving, there's room for newcomers to carve out a niche and make a significant impact.
Starting a cryptocurrency business requires tech-savvy, strategic thinking, and resilience. Although challenging, it's a venture that could place you at the forefront of a financial revolution.
How much you can make: $3,699 — $220,000/month
CBlocks is a cryptocurrency startup that generates random wallets of the top 100 cryptocurrencies, funds them, and ships them on a USB drive alongside software to manage them, with $32k made in the first 30 days and almost $3k on their second day from being featured in TheNextWeb, Forbes, The Outline & LifeHacker all within their first 3 weeks.
25. Start a window cleaning business
If you are ambitious about cleaning spaces, you may consider the window cleaning business opportunity.
Starting a window cleaning business in Morocco offers several advantages. First, you get to choose a suitable work schedule. Also, you have access to repeat business since windows need regular cleaning to keep their shiny appearance.
Besides, starting a window cleaning service is not capital-intensive and comes with minimal overhead costs.
How much does it cost to start: $50 (?)
26. Start a cleaning service
A housecleaning side business is a beautiful idea for people with free time on weekends or even weekdays. The side hustle idea requires little capital to start. During the launch, you can choose to offer the service to your neighbors and scale as you gain experience. The average salary for a house cleaner is $17.32 per hour.
By starting a house cleaning business in Morocco, you are tapping into an enormous market with plenty of clientele. There could always be demand for your cleaning service, which keeps you in business as you help homeowners keep their homes spotless.
How much you can make: $3,000 — $600,000/month
How long does it take to build: 70 days (?)
Time commitment per week: Min. 7 hours/week
27. Start a moving company
Moving companies help people move their belongings from one location to another. The services can involve packing and shipping household items to physically moving them from one place to another. The moving can include anything from local moves to long-distance relocations.
Moving companies typically charge by the hour or job, so you’ll need to price your services accordingly. You’ll also need to invest in moving equipment, such as trucks and dollies.
How much you can make: $60,000 — $2,500,000/month
A 23-year-old founder started a moving company that now averages $115,000 a month in revenue and has record monthly sales of $158,000 by prioritizing customer service and using simple, common sense practices like friendly movers and a transparent pricing structure.
28. Start a daycare
Daycares provide educational, medical, and social services for the children of working parents either during school hours or when the parents are out of the home for an extended period of time. This can be a lucrative enterprise if you start a daycare in an area where it is needed.
As the growth of families has become dependent on two incomes, the need for quality daycare has skyrocketed. Starting a daycare business in Morocco is challenging but rewarding. You will face many challenges but can overcome them as long as you are ready to make the sacrifices required.
29. Start a tour company
Starting a tour company is a great way to bring your love of travel to life. You can share your passion with others and help make their dream vacations come true!
There are many types of tour businesses, so choosing something you are passionate about and knowledgeable about is best. Here are a few of the most popular tour companies to start in Morocco:
- Food & Drink Tours
- Adventure & Sporting Tours
- Sightseeing & Historical Tours
- Shopping Tours
- and many more!
It’s also essential to determine what mode of transportation you want for your tour company, as this will determine the initial startup costs needed for your company.
To get started, find out if you need a license to operate in your state. Some states require tour companies to be licensed, while others do not. If you are required to be licensed, talk with the licensing agency to find out what steps must be taken before you can apply for that license.
How much you can make: $3,750 — $500,000/month
How Jessica Baumgart founded a successful food tour business in Denver, which broke even and started making a profit after just three months, generating $20,000/month in revenue from offering different food tour experiences.
30. Start a digital marketing business
Digital marketing businesses serve local and international companies to expand their reach and grow revenue. A top reason digital marketing is so exciting is that the field is constantly evolving and is easy to learn.
If you plan to start a digital marketing business in Morocco, educate yourself and understand how digital marketing agencies work. Then, focus on building your digital skills and advancing your career through online digital marketing courses.
To stand out, find a digital marketing niche and focus on the audience interested in your services.
How much you can make: $100 — $1,250,000/month
H-supertools founder Hasan developed a set of free SEO and digital marketing tools generating $2k per month in profit using Google Adsense, affiliate marketing, selling ad spaces, and email, plans to launch a membership option, and has attained over 80k registered users and 300k monthly visits in less than two years.
31. Start a content writing company
Content writing involves writing, editing, and publishing content in a digital format. Examples of content include a blog post, product description, and podcast script—eBooks, press releases, or landing page content.
Becoming a content writer allows you to work as your boss. Therefore, you choose whatever working schedule suits you and take a manageable workload. Moreover, content writing helps you develop essential skills you may not obtain from regular writing.
Content writing is a highly-on-demand service, as companies compete for the online audience who often begin their shopping journey by searching for relevant and educative content online. Therefore, a content writing company is an excellent source of passive income.
To start a content writing company in Morocco, research the market and choose a suitable niche. Sketch a proper business plan and create a website. Hire a pool of talented writers and leverage modern technology to streamline operations.
How much you can make: $1,000 — $550,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $600 (?)
Scribly.io, a subscription-based copywriting service providing high quality content that helps businesses scale at roughly 50% of the cost of hiring in-house, created by Dani, a first-time entrepreneur who started with just a few hundred dollars worth of projects and with the help of three other writers; as of last month, Scribly.io topped $14K monthly revenue.
32. Become a freelance app developer
A freelance app developer is a programmer who creates mobile apps for Android and iOS devices. Freelance app development business targets creating various apps that give a user-friendly experience.
To become a freelance app developer in Morocco, first, touch up on your skills. There are several courses available online. Once you obtain the certification, choose your niche and focus on your skill set.
Then the best way to showcase your work is to build a portfolio website where you will display your skills, projects, and testimonials. Another way to promote yourself is to create your brand and blog. This will, in turn, build a network, and you will be able to connect with people and attract more clients.
How much you can make: $6,000 — $500,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $750 (?)
A software agency started by a non-technical founder helps diverse clients with their minimum lovable product, boasting a revenue of over $700,000 this year with a 20% profit margin and a team of 8.
33. Open an ice cream parlour
Ice cream is something that people of all ages equally enjoy globally, making it a profitable business to venture into.
This frozen dessert industry has registered massive growth in recent years, a trend that shows the industry’s potential.
If you are looking to start your ice cream business in Morocco, follow these steps:
- Decide whether to make your ice cream or to source from established ice cream brands
- Write an effective business plan for the ice cream shop detailing the goals, strategies, and plans
- Fund your business idea
- Choose a spacious shop in an area with plenty of foot traffic
- Offer different ice cream flavors
Opening an ice cream parlor is not easy work. However, if you do it right, it is rewarding and can be a lot of fun.
How much you can make: $16,000 — $400,000/month
How long does it take to build: 730 days (?)
The Good Scoop, a California-based artisanal ice cream shop, started with a small Italian countertop ice cream maker and now has a production facility, wholesaling to various venues, offering frequent scooper programs, and using Instagram as their primary advertising platform.
34. Start a restaurant
If you love cooking and are passionate about entrepreneurship, starting a restaurant can be a fun and lucrative business.
To get started, choose a great location, and hire an excellent support team. You will need a chef to inspect the food and line cooks, waiters, and waitresses to serve the customers. No matter the restaurant type, you need great culinary and business skills to make your dream come true.
If you plan to open a restaurant in Morocco, gain insight from consumer preferences and focus on serving modern consumers what they need.
How much you can make: $124,998 — $2,000,000/month
How long does it take to build: 120 days (?)
One Life Meals is a Toronto-based healthy meal delivery service that made 14,500 meals per month and generated $130k in monthly sales in 2018 through their one-on-one consultation, lean protein and seasonal veggies-based meals, and their focus on the client experience.
35. Start a transportation service
Transportation businesses offer ridesharing services, haul consumer goods, or ship supplies and products from one location to another. They target individual passengers, other companies, or global business partners.
If you are starting a transportation service in Morocco, decide who and what you will serve, set up the business structure, register the business, and apply for the required business licenses or permits. To ensure a profitable business, incorporate proper hiring procedures and keep up with maintenance and recertifications.
How much you can make: $6,000 — $1,080,000/month
Deepfinity, a proptech/logistics company, has developed an internal parcel tracking software tool that's helping large buildings cope with the influx of online shopping, and has been growing 20% MoM since making its first revenue 1.5 years ago, currently making $6K/Month.
36. Start an errand service
Errand services help people and businesses who have daily errands to run but need an extra hand. So, they seek professional help who can do their chores on time with utmost efficiency.
You can provide various services as an errand business, including grocery shopping, picking up + sorting through mail, going to the bank, and much more.
Starting an errand business in Morocco is relatively easy. Consider offering package deals as a way of getting and retaining customers. Most errand businesses charge per hour, and you may charge per mileage if the task involves driving.
37. Start a gardening business
A gardening business makes money by planting trees, growing specific produce, maintaining landscapes, and more.
Gardening companies work with homeowners to install, maintain and repair their landscaping areas. For instance, a typical gardening business provides all-inclusive services to create and maintain a lawn, such as mowing, fertilizing, and edging.
Owning a gardening business can be a very flexible and profitable business venture.
How much you can make: $700 — $150,000/month
Founder of RinseKit shares how he designed a portable pressurized shower that generates over $1.5M in sales per year and achieved great success with Kickstarter and appearing on Shark Tank, while providing advice on designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your first product.
38. Start a cooking class
Online cooking classes can be a great side hustle for seasoned chefs or cooking enthusiasts looking for a way to earn some extra cash. You can create content and teach your audience how to prepare meals.
Consider creating members-only content to earn more from your cooking class side hustle. Alternatively, you can sell recipes for a small fee as well. To grow your reach, consider offering some free content on your social media pages as a way to build curiosity among potential audiences. You can charge your audiences a subscription fee so they can have exclusive access to your content.
To start cooking classes in Morocco, choose a niche and follow your passion. Create a website and maintain an active social media presence. Apart from online cooking classes or live sessions you can also offer exclusive offline weekend classes to give your audience a hands-on personal experience.
Time commitment per week: Min. 5 hours/week
Hipcooks is a 7-location cooking school business that has grown organically to reach $100k/month in revenue, and attracts and retains customers through their communal approach, vibrant online presence, and updated Google and Yelp business pages.
39. Start a dropshipping business
Dropshipping is a business model where you sell products to customers without holding inventory.
Instead, when a customer makes a purchase, you buy the product from a third-party supplier, who then ships it directly to the customer.
To start a dropshipping business on a budget, choose a niche or category of products you want to sell.
Next, set up an online store using platforms like Shopify or WooCommerce. Then, find reliable suppliers from platforms like AliExpress, list their products on your store, and focus on marketing and customer service to grow your business.
Remember to carefully manage your expenses and monitor your profit margins to ensure profitability.
How much you can make: $6,000 — $3,000,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $8,500 (?)
Time commitment per week: Min. 10 hours/week
Entrepreneur Kamil Sattar has developed multiple six-figure drop shipping businesses, and his company, e-commerce mentoring, specializes in helping others create their own successful companies, with favorite platforms including using Shopify and apps such as Loox reviews and SMSBump.
40. Start a transcription business
A transcription service converts live or recorded speech into a written or electronic text document. Transcription service is in demand globally across industries.
Becoming a transcriptionist can be a side hustle or a full-time job, so long as you have the right gear.
Do you plan to become a transcriber in Morocco? Take an online transcriptionist course and work on your listening skills. To succeed, you need a good typing speed and excellent language command.
How much you can make: $3,000 — $300,000/month
41. Start a bakery
Everyone loves baked goods, be it sweet items like cakes, muffins, and cookies or savory baked food like pizzas, buns, bread, and puff pastry. Baking takes a lot of effort and patience, which is why many people buy baked items from stores or restaurants instead of baking them at home.
Starting a bakery can be a rewarding business opportunity if you have a passion for baking. If you plan to start a bakery, consider that happy customers often become repeat customers. Therefore, always focus on quality and work on customer satisfaction.
To start a bakery in Morocco, pick an ideal format. Some options include:
- Counter-style bakery
- A hybrid bakery with a cafe,
- Food truck with a bakery
- Home bakery.
Write a suitable business plan and choose the correct location.
How much you can make: $2,500 — $25,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $1,250 (?)
French chef and founder of online bakery Pastreez, Anthony Rosemond, shares keys to success including validating ideas with the market, focusing on SEO and organic growth, building customer relationships through email and SMS, never offering discounts but offering freebies, and diversifying the business with new products and content on social media.
42. Become a delivery driver
The delivery driver side hustle can be a fantastic idea if you own a delivery car and a valid driver’s license. Receiving deliveries at home or at the office has become an almost undeniable convenience for most people. There are more and more platforms that deliver all kinds of products and, therefore, the demand for couriers is also increasing.
As an independent delivery driver in Morocco, you choose your most convenient working hours, and the more deliveries you complete, the more your earnings. Besides, you interact with a wide range of people from different backgrounds.
Your core roles will include loading and unloading cargo, delivering goods to the customer, accepting any payments for shipments, and handling paperwork.
How much you can make: $25,000/month
Muver is a mobile app for gig workers allowing them to multi-app seamlessly between Uber, Uber Eats, Doordash, Grubhub, Lyft, Instacart, and more within a single app with over $270k revenue in the past 12 months.
43. Start a courier business
Courier service is a premium, all-inclusive service that collects and delivers shipments within the shortest possible time frame. Courier services serve individuals, e-commerce stores, law offices, banks, hospitals, etc.
If you dream of owning a courier service, you can start as a delivery driver and rely on self-employed delivery drivers to get the goods to customers. As the business grows, you can invest in delivery vans to handle bulky deliveries.
To run a convenient courier service in Morocco, ensure you have a reliable delivery car and proper time management skills.
How much you can make: $5,000/month
Bangladesh-based logistics company Parcelmagic has onboarded over 100 merchants and delivers 10,000 parcels each month within just six months of operation, offering technology-based end-to-end services for small to medium business parcel delivery, individual document and parcel couriers, and corporate logistics service solutions.
44. Start a catering business
A catering business is responsible for providing food & beverage-related services for vast types of events.
Catering businesses are known to be more flexible than other businesses because they don’t have to worry about location or pricing and can even work 24/7. They can cater anywhere and offer any price point that they want.
However, starting a catering business requires a lot of planning.
To start a successful catering business in Morocco, you'll need to plan and prepare menus, manage budgets, handle clients, and more.
In addition, catering allows you to meet more people and show off your cooking skills.
How much you can make: $4,000 — $6,000,000/month
Spokeo is a people information service helping over 15 million users a month search and connect with others through organizing over 14 billion records into easy-to-understand reports generating over $6M per month.
45. Become a massage therapist
Massage is a growing industry, and as such, many business options exist for those who want to enter this field. The most typical form of massage therapist business is an independent operation. This can be either out of one's home or a massage studio rented on an hourly basis.
Building a successful massage therapy business in Morocco is not as difficult as you might think. Massage therapists offer much-needed services to communities and clientele. If you are looking for a new career or want to increase your income while delivering an important service, then starting a new massage therapist business can be an excellent choice.
Turn your massage therapy practice into a successful business by applying core business skills that lead to success.
How much you can make: $5,000 — $275,000/month
How long does it take to build: 100 days (?)
Professional cuddler, Sam Varnerin, developed her successful one-to-one cuddle service, Snuggle with Sam, as a result of recognising the universal human need for connection and touch, which also led to her opening Sam’s Snuggle School, a course for aspiring professional cuddlers.
46. Start a coffee shop
Starting a coffee shop is an exciting and rewarding venture. It's a business that can be started with relatively little capital, and there are many ways to make it profitable. Coffee shops feature a low-cost stock but are profitable businesses.
If you plan to open a coffee shop in Morocco, you may purchase a franchise, buy an existing business, or start from scratch. Whichever the decision, ensure a strategic location and renovate the space to create an inviting atmosphere. Develop a fantastic offering and begin marketing the business even before you open.
How much you can make: $3,000 — $15,000/month
New Zealand-based Fernweh is a subscription service that offers subscribers a new coffee roaster featured in the country each month, delivering coffee, tasting notes, and a story about the producer in a unique package for around $40 a month.
47. Start a pool cleaning business
Pool cleaning services serve affluent homes and commercial places. Their service involves adding and testing chemical levels and catching debris to keep the swimming pools clean. A pool cleaning company ensures the swimming pool water stays clear and inhibits the growth of microorganisms.
Starting a pool cleaning business fulfills your entrepreneurial spirit and is also profitable. Suppose you are starting a pool cleaning business in Morocco. In that case, you need a basic understanding of how to mix pool cleaning chemicals, invest in professional pool cleaning equipment, and market your pool cleaning business.
How much you can make: $8,000 — $50,000/month
Learn how a third generation business owner started a profitable pool service and installation business in Southern Ontario, earning an average of $8000/month net revenue during peak season and growing from servicing 0 to 350+ pools since May 2016 by doing things that don't scale, such as manually talking to customers and focusing on the ideal customer.
48. Start an auto parts shop
If you want to start a retail business in the automobile industry, consider an auto parts business in Morocco.
The auto parts business is one of the most successful businesses in the world. There are many Auto Parts Businesses in the United States, Canada, and the UK, where most are part-time.
Listed are the steps on how to start an auto parts shop business.
- Pick a location
- Do your market research
- Secure all permits and licenses
How much you can make: $9,000 — $1,200,000/month
This case study follows an inspiring 22-year-old entrepreneur who started an eCommerce store for aftermarket vehicle accessories, making 5x the amount of money he used to make per month, and generated over $90,000 in sales last year.
49. Start a graphic design business
Graphic designers create logos, brochures, ads, and other marketing materials for companies and organizations. They also design websites and other digital content, including social media graphics.
Graphic designers may specialize in one type of design (such as print or web design), or they can be generalists who do everything from logo design to social media graphics.
Starting a graphic design business can be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. It’s not easy, but if you’re passionate about design and want to make a living, starting your own graphic design business is a great way to go.
Consider a suitable pricing structure when starting a graphic design business in Morocco. You may charge the customers per hour or fixed pricing based on the project’s nature.
How much you can make: $2,500 — $1,750,000/month
How much does it cost to start: $1,000 (?)
How long does it take to build: 87 days (?)
Learn how two friends bootstrapped a SaaS business to $55k monthly recurring revenue (MRR) by creating a simple graphic design tool for non-designers and focusing on content marketing for customer acquisition.
50. Become a nutritionist
51. Become a massage therapist
52. become a temporary tattoo artist.
53. Start a moving company
54. Start a mobile auto detailing service
55. Start a bakery
56. Start a meal prep business
57. become a virtual assistant.
Virtual assistants support businesses, teams, or individuals by performing administrative tasks remotely. As businesses these days tend to outsource their tasks, the demand for virtual assistants is growing rapidly.
Becoming a virtual assistant is flexible, as you can choose a work schedule and location at your convenience. Many virtual assistants in Morocco have a dedicated home office where they work in a quiet and distraction-free environment.
To become a virtual assistant, identify a niche you like and undertake any training. Then, figure out how much to charge your customers and create an online presence where you can apply for jobs. As a virtual assistant, you can define your work schedule depending on your availability.
How much you can make: $1,000 — $1,000,000/month
Filipino Virtual Assistance by FVA Business Consultancy, founded by Julmar Grace Locsin, offers online and offline training to empower marketers, enable businesses, and equip freelancers which has trained 25,000 students from their 31 courses, has 16 coaches assigned from different territories, and fifteen in the FVA team for global digital leadership that will impact the world through digitalization, one life at a time.
58. Open an ice cream parlour
59. Start a cooking class
60. Start a cleaning & maintenance business
61. Start a language translation service
62. Become a proofreader
Proofreading business is a service that helps customers review their written work and ensure it is ready for publication. Typically, a proofreader corrects grammatical errors and provides the written piece meets any relevant style guide.
As a proofreader, you can work online, allowing you to choose what time to work.
If you plan to start a professional proofreading business in Morocco, make sure you possess the following skills:
- Have an excellent grasp of grammar
- Ability to correct mistakenly capitalized words
- Familiarity with the proper use of capitalization
- Use spell-checkers to flag misspelled words
Proofreading is a great way to enhance content quality. With the increased use of written content marketing to reach a broader market, the demand for professional proofreaders has grown tremendously. Professional proofreaders earn an average of $12/hr. And $30/hr.
Therefore, consider proofreading as a business if you are looking for a great side hustle idea or simply looking for ways to increase your income.
How much you can make: $2,000/month
A proofreader was able to build a consistent income of ~$2,000 per month from scratch with zero experience in the field, no expenses, and barely any upfront costs by targeting bloggers and content creators who want their content to be copy edited and proofread.
63. Start a mobile photography business
64. Start a hair salon
65. Start a courier business
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Business plan au Maroc : les activités rentables
Dans le monde des affaires d’aujourd’hui, le terme “business plan” est souvent invoqué, mais qu’est-ce que cela signifie réellement ? Au cœur de sa définition, un business plan est un document structuré qui détaille la stratégie et les objectifs d’une entreprise. Il sert de feuille de route, guidant les entrepreneurs à travers les diverses phases de leur projet, des premières idées jusqu’à la concrétisation de leurs ambitions. Au Maroc, pays riche en opportunités d’affaires et en dynamisme entrepreneurial, la rédaction d’un business plan adapté au contexte local est essentielle. Ce document ne se contente pas de donner une direction; il est souvent la clé pour convaincre partenaires, investisseurs et autres parties prenantes de la viabilité d’un projet. Dans cet article, nous allons plonger dans l’univers du business plan au Maroc, explorer son importance et vous guider à travers ses composantes clés. Que vous soyez un entrepreneur en herbe ou un investisseur potentiel, cette exploration vous offrira un aperçu précieux du paysage des affaires marocain.
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Contexte économique marocain :
Le Maroc, porte d’entrée de l’Afrique et carrefour entre l’Europe et le monde arabe, jouit d’une position géographique stratégique et d’une histoire riche en échanges commerciaux. L’économie marocaine, diversifiée et en constante évolution, s’est développée ces dernières années grâce à des réformes structurelles et à une vision claire de l’avenir économique du pays.
Le secteur entrepreneurial au Maroc a connu un essor remarquable. Les jeunes, de plus en plus audacieux, se lancent dans l’aventure entrepreneuriale, tirant parti des opportunités offertes par les nouvelles technologies, l’innovation et un marché en croissance. De grands projets structurants, comme le Plan Maroc Vert pour l’agriculture ou le Plan d’accélération industrielle, ont positionné le pays comme une destination de choix pour les investissements nationaux et étrangers.
Parallèlement à cela, le Maroc a mis en place une série d’initiatives visant à encourager l’entrepreneuriat, telles que des zones franches, des incubateurs d’entreprises et des programmes de financement dédiés. Ces initiatives témoignent de la volonté du pays de créer un écosystème favorable à l’innovation et à la création d’entreprises.
Les tendances actuelles montrent une orientation vers le digital, la durabilité et les solutions adaptées aux défis locaux, offrant ainsi de vastes opportunités d’affaires dans des secteurs variés : de la technologie à l’agriculture, en passant par le tourisme, l’énergie renouvelable et l’artisanat.
En somme, le Maroc se présente aujourd’hui comme un terreau fertile pour les entrepreneurs et investisseurs, mais pour réussir dans ce marché spécifique, il est crucial de comprendre ses nuances et ses particularités. C’est ici que le business plan, adapté au contexte marocain, devient un outil indispensable.
Les activités rentables au Maroc :
Le Maroc, avec sa position stratégique à la croisée des chemins entre l’Europe, l’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient, présente un potentiel économique diversifié. Ces dernières années, plusieurs secteurs ont montré une croissance significative et offrent des opportunités rentables pour les entrepreneurs et les investisseurs. Voici quelques-uns des domaines les plus prometteurs :
- Avec ses paysages variés, son riche patrimoine culturel et historique et ses côtes attrayantes, le Maroc attire des millions de touristes chaque année. Le tourisme d’aventure, écologique, culturel et de bien-être connaît une croissance particulière.
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire :
- Le Maroc bénéficie de terres arables et d’un climat propice à diverses cultures. Les produits comme les agrumes, les olives et les épices sont très demandés à l’exportation. Le secteur de l’agro-industrie, avec la transformation alimentaire, est également en expansion.
Energies Renouvelables :
- Avec des projets ambitieux comme la centrale solaire de Ouarzazate, le Maroc mise sur les énergies renouvelables. L’énergie solaire et éolienne offre de nombreuses opportunités pour les investisseurs.
Pêche et Aquaculture :
- Le Maroc dispose d’une longue côte atlantique et méditerranéenne, rendant le secteur de la pêche et de l’aquaculture très rentable. La valorisation et la transformation des produits de la mer connaissent également une croissance.
BTP et Immobilier :
- L’urbanisation croissante et les grands projets d’infrastructure, comme les autoroutes et les ports, offrent des opportunités dans le BTP. De plus, le secteur immobilier, notamment de luxe et balnéaire, attire aussi bien les locaux que les étrangers.
Technologie de l’Information et Digital :
- Avec l’essor de l’économie numérique, le Maroc voit émerger une multitude de startups dans les domaines de la fintech, de l’e-commerce, du développement de logiciels et des services IT.
Industrie du Textile :
- Historiquement, le Maroc est un exportateur majeur de textiles. L’industrie du textile, surtout le prêt-à-porter, reste un pilier important de l’économie marocaine.
Offshoring :
- Grâce à sa proximité avec l’Europe et à une main-d’œuvre qualifiée, le Maroc est devenu un hub pour les centres d’appels, les services financiers et les services informatiques.
Artisanat :
- L’artisanat marocain, reconnu pour sa qualité et son authenticité, est très demandé aussi bien localement qu’à l’international. Des articles comme les tapis berbères, la poterie ou les bijoux traditionnels ont une grande valeur ajoutée.
Transport et Logistique :
- Avec le développement des infrastructures et la croissance du commerce, le secteur du transport et de la logistique connaît une croissance soutenue.
En conclusion, le Maroc, grâce à sa diversité économique et à ses atouts géographiques et culturels, offre une multitude d’opportunités d’affaires rentables. Cependant, comme pour tout investissement, une étude approfondie du marché et une bonne préparation sont essentielles pour réussir.
Éléments clés d'un business plan au Maroc :
La rédaction d’un business plan au Maroc, tout comme ailleurs, exige une attention méticuleuse à plusieurs composantes essentielles. Toutefois, tenir compte du contexte socio-économique marocain est primordial pour assurer la pertinence du plan. Voici les éléments clés à considérer :
Description de l’entreprise :
- Mission : Quelle est la raison d’être de votre entreprise? Pourquoi a-t-elle été créée?
- Vision : Où voyez-vous votre entreprise dans le futur? Quel impact souhaitez-vous avoir?
- Valeurs : Quels sont les principes qui guident votre entreprise?
- Historique : Si applicable, présentez un bref résumé de l’origine et du développement de votre entreprise.
Analyse du marché :
- Taille : Quelle est la taille du marché cible? Combien de clients potentiels?
- Croissance : Le marché est-il en expansion ou en déclin?
- Segmentation : Comment le marché est-il segmenté? (Par âge, genre, revenu, etc.)
- Concurrence : Qui sont vos principaux concurrents? Quelle est leur part de marché?
Stratégie commerciale :
- Positionnement : Comment votre entreprise se différencie-t-elle des concurrents?
- Marketing-mix : Quels sont vos plans pour le produit, le prix, la promotion et la distribution?
- Chaîne de valeur : Comment votre entreprise crée-t-elle de la valeur tout au long de son processus opérationnel?
Plan opérationnel :
- Ressources nécessaires : Quels sont les besoins en termes d’équipements, de personnel et de technologie?
- Processus : Comment votre entreprise opère-t-elle au quotidien?
- Calendrier : Quels sont les principaux jalons à atteindre?
Plan financier :
- Prévisions : Quelles sont vos prévisions en termes de revenus, coûts et bénéfices pour les prochaines années?
- Investissements : Combien devez-vous investir pour démarrer et faire croître votre entreprise?
- Coûts : Quels sont les coûts fixes et variables?
- Retours sur investissement : Quand prévoyez-vous de devenir rentable?
Analyse SWOT :
- Forces : Quels sont vos principaux atouts?
- Faiblesses : Où voyez-vous des opportunités d’amélioration?
- Opportunités : Quels sont les éléments positifs du marché ou de l’environnement qui peuvent vous être favorables?
- Menaces : Quels sont les défis et les obstacles potentiels?
Chaque élément de ce plan doit être adapté au contexte marocain, que ce soit en termes de réglementations, de comportement des consommateurs, ou de spécificités culturelles. Seule une connaissance approfondie du marché local permettra de construire un business plan solide et pertinent.
Particularités du business plan au Maroc :
Le Maroc, avec ses spécificités culturelles, économiques et réglementaires, impose des nuances uniques dans la rédaction d’un business plan. Comprendre ces particularités est crucial pour garantir la réussite de tout projet entrepreneurial au sein du royaume. Voici quelques-unes des spécificités les plus marquantes :
Aspects culturels influençant les affaires :
- Habitudes de consommation : Le consommateur marocain est influencé par une combinaison de traditions ancestrales et de tendances modernes. Par exemple, pendant le mois sacré du Ramadan, les habitudes de consommation changent radicalement, influençant ainsi de nombreux secteurs tels que l’agroalimentaire et le retail.
- Relations d’affaires : La confiance et le réseau (ou “Réseau de connaissances”) jouent un rôle crucial dans les affaires au Maroc. Les relations interpersonnelles et le bouche-à-oreille sont souvent plus efficaces que les méthodes de marketing traditionnelles.
Réglementations et exigences légales spécifiques :
- Formalités de création : Les procédures de création d’entreprise au Maroc ont été simplifiées ces dernières années, mais il est essentiel de les connaître en détail pour éviter tout contretemps.
- Normes et certifications : Certains secteurs, comme l’agroalimentaire, exigent des certifications spécifiques pour garantir la conformité aux normes de qualité locales et internationales.
- Protection des investissements : Le Maroc a mis en place diverses mesures pour protéger les investisseurs, garantissant ainsi la sécurité et la stabilité des affaires.
Avantages fiscaux et incitations gouvernementales :
- Zones franches : Le Maroc compte plusieurs zones franches offrant des avantages fiscaux et douaniers pour encourager les investissements, notamment à Tanger et à Casablanca.
- Programmes de soutien : Divers programmes et initiatives, tels que Maroc PME, ont été lancés pour soutenir les entrepreneurs, notamment dans les domaines de la formation, du financement et de l’accompagnement.
- Accords de libre-échange : Le Maroc a signé plusieurs accords de libre-échange, offrant un accès préférentiel à des marchés clés, ce qui peut être un avantage compétitif pour certaines entreprises.
En résumé, bien que les fondamentaux d’un business plan demeurent universels, réussir au Maroc nécessite une compréhension approfondie de ses particularités. Cela garantira non seulement la pertinence du plan, mais aussi sa capacité à attirer et convaincre les partenaires et investisseurs locaux.
Erreurs courantes à éviter :
Dans l’élaboration d’un business plan, surtout dans un contexte aussi spécifique que celui du Maroc, il est facile de tomber dans certains pièges. Voici quelques-unes des erreurs les plus courantes que les entrepreneurs commettent et comment les éviter :
Sous-estimation des coûts et surestimation des revenus :
- Beaucoup d’entrepreneurs sont naturellement optimistes quant à leurs projections. Il est essentiel d’adopter une approche réaliste, basée sur des données tangibles et des études de marché, afin de ne pas se retrouver dans une situation financière difficile.
Négligence des spécificités culturelles et réglementaires du marché marocain :
- Ignorer les traditions, les fêtes religieuses ou les habitudes de consommation peut entraîner des erreurs stratégiques majeures. De même, méconnaître les réglementations locales peut conduire à des sanctions ou à des retards dans le processus de création et de développement de l’entreprise.
Ignorance de la concurrence locale et régionale :
- Sous-estimer ou ne pas identifier correctement les concurrents peut être fatal. Il est crucial de comprendre le paysage concurrentiel, d’analyser les forces et faiblesses des autres acteurs et de définir clairement son avantage compétitif.
Manque de flexibilité :
- Le monde des affaires est dynamique, et le marché marocain ne fait pas exception. S’accrocher à une idée ou à une stratégie sans être prêt à s’adapter aux feedbacks du marché ou aux changements externes peut entraver la croissance.
Négligence du service après-vente :
- Le bouche-à-oreille joue un rôle significatif au Maroc. Un mauvais service ou produit peut rapidement nuire à la réputation d’une entreprise. Assurez-vous d’avoir une stratégie solide pour le service client et d’écouter activement les feedbacks.
Dépendance excessive à une seule source de revenus ou à un seul client :
- Cette approche peut mettre l’entreprise en danger si cette source se tarit. Il est conseillé de diversifier les sources de revenus et de ne pas dépendre excessivement d’un client ou d’un segment de marché.
Ne pas prévoir de plan B :
- Même avec un business plan solide, il est possible que certaines choses ne se déroulent pas comme prévu. Avoir un plan de secours ou une stratégie alternative est essentiel pour la pérennité de l’entreprise.
En évitant ces erreurs courantes et en tenant compte du contexte unique du Maroc, les entrepreneurs peuvent maximiser leurs chances de succès et assurer la viabilité à long terme de leur entreprise.
Ressources et outils disponibles au Maroc :
Pour soutenir les entrepreneurs et les investisseurs, le Maroc a mis en place une série de ressources et d’outils destinés à faciliter la création, le développement et la gestion d’une entreprise. En voici quelques-uns :
Centres de formalités des entreprises (CFE) :
- Ces centres, répartis dans tout le pays, ont pour mission de simplifier les démarches administratives pour la création d’entreprises. Ils centralisent en un seul lieu toutes les procédures nécessaires à la création, la modification ou la cessation d’une entreprise.
Incubateurs et accélérateurs :
- De nombreuses structures d’accompagnement ont vu le jour au Maroc, comme la Technopark présente à Casablanca, Rabat et Tanger, qui offre un environnement favorable pour les startups technologiques. Il y a aussi des initiatives telles que Dare Inc. ou StartUp Maroc qui accompagnent les entrepreneurs dans la maturation de leurs idées et le développement de leurs projets.
Plateformes de financement :
- En plus des banques traditionnelles, le Maroc a vu émerger des plateformes de financement participatif (crowdfunding) comme CROWDPOLIS ou Hooplafund qui permettent aux entrepreneurs de collecter des fonds pour leurs projets.
Programmes de soutien gouvernementaux :
- Maroc PME est l’une des principales initiatives gouvernementales qui offre une série de programmes et de services d’accompagnement, de financement et de formation pour les petites et moyennes entreprises.
- L’Agence de Développement Digital (ADD) soutient également les initiatives numériques au Maroc, avec un accent sur la transformation digitale et l’innovation.
Formations et workshops :
- De nombreuses organisations, comme l’ESCA ou l’EMI, offrent régulièrement des formations et des ateliers sur l’entrepreneuriat, le business plan, le marketing digital, et d’autres domaines pertinents pour les entrepreneurs.
Réseaux d’entrepreneurs :
- Il existe plusieurs associations et réseaux, comme le Réseau Entreprendre Maroc, qui rassemblent des entrepreneurs expérimentés et des novices pour échanger, collaborer et s’entraider.
Forums et événements :
- Le Maroc accueille régulièrement des événements dédiés à l’entrepreneuriat, tels que le Startup Weekend, le Africa Tech Summit ou le Hub Africa, qui offrent des opportunités de networking, de formation et de découverte des dernières tendances du marché.
Ces ressources et outils, combinés à une volonté politique de promouvoir l’entrepreneuriat, font du Maroc un terrain propice à l’innovation et à la création d’entreprises. Il est donc conseillé aux entrepreneurs de s’informer et de tirer parti de ces dispositifs pour optimiser leur parcours entrepreneurial.
Conclusion :
Le Maroc, carrefour de cultures et d’histoires, offre un terrain fertile pour les entrepreneurs désireux de s’immerger dans un marché dynamique. Les spécificités du pays, allant des traditions culturelles aux réglementations uniques, offrent des opportunités, mais nécessitent également une compréhension approfondie pour maximiser les chances de succès.
Le business plan, pierre angulaire de tout projet entrepreneurial, doit être adapté au contexte marocain. Il ne s’agit pas simplement de suivre une trame universelle, mais de l’ajuster en fonction des réalités du terrain. Les erreurs commises par manque de préparation peuvent coûter cher, mais, heureusement, le Maroc regorge de ressources et d’outils pour soutenir les entrepreneurs dans leurs démarches.
En somme, entreprendre au Maroc est une aventure prometteuse, riche en enseignements et en opportunités. Avec une préparation adéquate, un réseau solide et une compréhension claire du marché, les entrepreneurs sont bien placés pour laisser une empreinte durable sur l’économie marocaine. Il ne reste plus qu’à se lancer, avec passion, détermination et persévérance, dans cette quête entrepreneuriale au cœur du Royaume du Maroc.
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How to Start a Small Business in Morocco
A guide for every present and future small business.
In a previous article, I shared my experience running a small business and its expectations when starting . As a follow-up, I will guide you on how to start a business, recommend services, and reveal secrets that popular Moroccan small businesses know and use.
At the end of this article we would have created a hypothetical small business applying everything outlined so readers can understand the content, and hopefully start one of their own.
The first and arguably the most important step in starting a small business is defining what is your business about? Are you selling products for customers or are you providing services? What category does it fall onto? Are your products essential or non-essential?
The most popular example present in Morocco are :
Thrifting Shops
Bead Makers.
Accessory Sellers
Baked Goods
Clothing Brands
Print and Customize services
Sticker Sellers
Monthly Boxes
The list goes on and on… so you can see that there are so many paths you can take. Either draw inspiration from local brands or bring a new concept and idea to the table, the sky\’s the limit.
For our mock small business, we will become a small business that specializes in bead jewelry. Although the idea is saturated, we can stand out with proper branding, marketing, and customer service.
The process of defining and representing the identity of your small business is called branding. You should start with a name, color, and logo that showcases the public personality of your business. To demonstrate and understand branding, let’s compare two popular Moroccan brands that are in the same industry yet differ through font, color, and language.
A Moroccan tea biscuit often enjoyed by older generations. Henry’s is a household name for many families. Henry’s solidified its place among older folks mainly through two elements:
Color scheme : Crimson red, emerald green, and silver gray. The first two colors most likely represent the Moroccan flag which in turn transmit the country’s culture and traditions while the silver gray signifies maturity and timelessness.
Some readers might argue that green often symbolizes health, which is true since Henry’s are considered the healthier snack when it comes to biscuits as a whole, but given this shade of green I would argue otherwise.
Likewise for the red, the color itself is often used to symbolize passion, love, and grab attention (think coca-cola) but considering it is more crimson red than passion red i would bet on my original idea.
Font : Henry’s font choice is carefully chosen to be a handwritten serif font to symbolize age and prestige that compliments the brand’s image of a mature conservative tea biscuit marketed towards an older taste palette.
While researching Henry’s branding, I found that one of my favorite Moroccan advertisement companies, Brand Builder , worked on their rebranding and I love how it turned out (Big fan of their Graphic Designer, Pynk .)
Color Palette: Cheerful yellow and bright red, both are vibrant energetic colors meant to grab your attention.
Logo & Font : A round smooth curved red shape that has Bimo written in a sans-serif font with a smiling face that has two eyes, the B and O.
Once you start noticing branding in effect, you cannot unsee it. From Medi1 vs 2M vs Al Oula, Walmas (Best drink btw) vs sweet sodas, to Inwi vs Orange vs Maroc Telecom.
We can conclude that branding is an important concept since it attracts and communicates all your message, concept, and products to a defined audience just by your name, color, and logo choice.
For our example bead jewelry small business, We want to evoke youthfulness, playfulness, and highlight that our products are handmade. Let\’s consider the following :
Bead Feed, a bead jewelry small business that mainly promotes its products via social media. Our logo will have round shapes, vibrant colors, and fun gradients along with a sans-serif font.
Voila! Here is our logo and identity. I think they work greatly to represent our small business. Keep in mind I am not a graphic designer, mainly a content writer so this is what you get.
As mentioned in the previous section, both Henry’s and Bimo have a clear outline of their customer base and dedicate their marketing efforts to make sure all their advertisements cater to those groups.
The first step in defining an audience is to create a buyer’s persona. Which is essentially a profile that represents your perfect customer. This includes their sex, age, location, motivations, occupations, dreams, languages, interests, dislikes, etc.
Practically every business operates with a buyer’s persona in mind since marketing towards this persona is more effective for both the company and customer.
To create a buyer’s persona I recommend using tools provided by social media platforms like Instagram’s insight for business accounts or conduct a market study (a survey that introduces your business) to understand your audience’s aspiration.
For Bead Feed, we will create a survey that asks our audience their sex, age group, occupation, media they consume, interests, and whether they are interested in bead accessories. We will share it on our personal social media platform or in groups related to beads to deduce whether bead feed will be liked by the public.
Following our branding, we must now create a budget for our small business. The best method to do this is to open up an excel spreadsheet and get to research. In this spreadsheet it\’s crucial to at least note the following:
Supplies : If you are the person crafting the product then you have to calculate the acquisition cost of your supplies that are needed for production. Things like threads, beads, material, fabric, vinyl paper, ink…
Tools : If tools are necessary for your creation then it is important to factor them in too. Odds and bits like screwdrivers, printing and cutting machines, sewing machines, plastification machines, scissors, cutters…
Packaging : An underrated aspect that will make your business stand out. Packaging is the first representation of your business that your client interacts with.
For packaging ideas, I often see small businesses using a fold-up box along with shredded paper, a sticker, a thank you card, wrapped with twine. However, you don\’t have to follow this. For my business ( Pintastic ) I often use envelopes or bubble mailers. So think of the nature of your product and get creative with how you package it.
Note : If you are in Tangier then I recommend Embalo , they have nearly every type of packaging and you can buy in bulk or single items at a relatively cheap price. If you are outside Tangier i recommend Youpack for packaging and 24hrprint for stickers and thank you cards.
An excel spreadsheet can be used to demonstrate costs, cash earned, and profit made, which helps in keeping track of finances.
I wrote some random numbers for a hypothetical financial spreadsheet for Bead feed, using the basic =SUM function in excel to automate the process a bit
Per the figure, Bead Feed packages its products with envelopes, plastic bags, doypacks, and backing cards.
Additionally, You should also track your orders and how much you earned in a separate column along with the date and/or sex, age, and location of your clients to understand your financial situation.
In this photo, I shared the spreadsheet I currently use for my business, Pintastic, to demonstrate what we talked about. Numbers are barred for business reasons.
Notice the date and amount of orders, these are realistic expectations during your first 3-5 months of starting your small business. Do not compare your progress to others!
We are halfway there and next up on the list supply and logistics. The difficulty/complexity of this step will depend on the source of your business’ supply :
Urbanly : Meaning that your business acquires all its sources in its local city. This is the easiest since variables are minimum and you can personally ensure correct quality shipments. This will be the case for Bead Feed, since we can get our beads from a textile and crafts shop for 100-200dh.
Nationally : If your supplies are only available from a certain shop / factory in Morocco different from your city, then you will have to organize a schedule either weekly or monthly to smooth transportations.
Internationally :
The hardest in my opinion so it deserves its own part to discuss this. This part can be tricky for a lot so I will try to simplify and explain this process.
Shein Shipping: Most Moroccan small businesses use Shein to resell accessories and clothes but be aware that you cannot import a large quantity from the get-go, so you will have to separate your orders across different time periods, or use different shein import services.
Alibaba Shipping :
Message suppliers and never settle for one price and be sure to explore your options. When debating pricing and shipping having knowledge about the inco-terms will reduce shipping costs. In my experience DAP and DDP are the best for Moroccan imports.
Basically DAP and DDP both include the responsibility of importation on the seller (DAP the seller’s responsibility ends when it reaches your region/city, DDP the seller’s responsibility ends when it reaches your doorstep.)
It would be even better if you can find suppliers who can ship via Aramex or Fedex by DDP or DAP, the prices vary but these two agencies are the cheapest and fastest in international shipping (roughly 10-15 days).
If your Alibaba supplier cannot ship via those shipping services nor do DAP/DDP, consider CIP, CPT, or CIF shipping methods. Although your product will be stopped at the Duane, if the overall value of the package does not surpass 2000-3000DH you are given a free pass for the first import. For the second import and over, you will either have to physically be there to clear the paperwork or hire import agencies in your area.
Ali Express :
The cheapest of the three but you can only order a limited quantity. Moreover, the price that you pay for products is slightly more expensive than Alibaba since Aliexpress is B2C while Alibaba is B2B. The only downside for AliExpress is long shipping time and limited order quantity.
NOTE: Stay away from products that contain electronic or bluetooth components, cosmetics, plants, animal-based products, or food as they require a special license to be imported, and throughout that process you will need to justify your shipment by a company and obtain a license which is 4000-5000DH just to create and register.
In anticipation of future orders, we must establish a good packaging and shipping system to avoid future problems. Since we already covered packaging in previous sections we will discuss shipping. You will come across two types of orders :
Local Orders : Meaning orders from your city. You can either personally deliver them, set up a meeting location, or use a shipping agency :
Personal Delivery : Make sure to include transportation costs in the order total, especially if a taxi or bus is needed.
Meeting Location : I personally prefer this option since it removes unnecessary costs and ensures safety for both sides. Pick a famous public location like a local Mcdonalds or a public park.
Shipping Agency : These services ship under 24 hours for local orders and it costs between 20-25DH per order (will explain shipping agencies below)
Regional Orders :
I.e every order that isn’t from your city. To fulfill these orders, consider using these popular shipping services that work with the Moroccan small business community :
Tlog (Website seems to have some issues) : By far the best and fastest cost efficient shipping service in Morocco. I have not met a single business that used Tlog and were unsatisfied with it. They pick up your package from your house for free and deliver it across Morocco in 48-72 hours.
For small packages each shipment will cost 25-40DH depending on the city (more if bigger) but I believe that most products fall under this category.
Amana : Less reliable but more known. Amana is a national shipping service that covers every region in Morocco (biggest advantage). However, their agencies are always full and have high shipment fees.
Cash on delivery option is forbidden unless you have a Barid Bank account which is a negative in itself. The ONLY reason you should consider Amana is if your client is in a non-rural city and your shipping service cannot deliver there.
Chrono Diali : Another service similar to Tlog, they offer the same options as Tlog. However, last time I interacted with them, they had a 3-5dh collection fee for each pickup package under 5 packages per pick-up.
How to Sign-up with A Shipping Service :
Hopefully I have convinced you to utilize Tlog as your main shipping service (seriously they are that good!) so i will explain the sign-up process since it can be intimidating but don\’t worry this works for other shipping services too!
You will need the following to sign-up :
Accessible Email
Digital copy of your CIN Recto / Verso
Digital copy of your RIB (RIB of the bank account that you will receive money in)
Digital copy of an ID style photo.
After you contact a shipping service, they will ask you to send the documents listed above digitally. Once everything is confirmed, expect a physical contract delivered to you 5-10 days after you sign-up. You need to legalize the signature of the contract.
In short, the contract just guarantees service for both you and the agency, it does not obligate you anything nor do you pay any amount. You can also cancel anytime and use other shipping services freely.
Once it is sent, you can proudly claim that you have partnered with a shipping service. Normally, you will receive login information via email or whatsapp to use in their online platform.
One of the biggest advantages of hiring shipping agencies is the cash on delivery payment option. Young clients and customers who do not trust you, can use this service for their benefit.
When the agency collects the money physically, they deduce their shipping fee and wire the rest to your bank account (the one with the RIB you shared) every week.
We have established our concept & brand, set up a budget, gathered supplies, and established shipping. I think it\’s fair to estimate that we are ready to launch our brand.
Even if we had the most unique perfect concept in the world, it is worth nothing if nobody knows about it. This is why marketing is crucial for any project no matter its scale or purpose.
There are many many many ways to tackle marketing across different channels and platforms. I wrote an introductory guide to marketing in french but feel free to check it out .
Social Media Marketing :
It goes without saying that your social media account should have at least two main social media accounts :
Instagram : A visual platform that has the most active user base and is the most interactive too. Organic growth can be relatively achieved through influencers, hashtags, reels, and shoutouts.
Facebook : In most cases, a facebook account is a by-product that comes with making an Instagram account. If you want to run ad campaigns then Facebook is necessary. Whether it\’s facebook business hub to schedule posts or using Facebook pixel for your website.
Tiktok : A promising platform for business to grow especially in Morocco. However, I found that without having an already existing follower base to share your content or not knowing the correct hashtags, your success will vary.
Pinterest : Mild to low success. This shouldn’t be your main priority for growth but rather an account to consider in the future after establishing your business.
Twitter : Not a bad option to consider but not a lot of small businesses use this website. It is mostly popular with influencers and bloggers.
Reddit : Stay away.
Most if not all small businesses in Morocco have three main accounts, ranked in order of importance which are : Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook. Your marketing and content efforts should be dedicated to those platforms in that order
Most Underrated Growth Advice For Moroccan Small Business
The underrated growth hack I discovered is short and simple: Collaboration and Giveaways . I wish someone would have revealed this trick to me when I first started my business since it boosted my account tremendously
To start this strategy, I first want you to realize that you cannot expect visibility and popularity without giving. As the cost of products you will lose is worth the impression generated.
Begin by searching for local influencers and popular characters in Moroccan communities. The sweet spot are figures with 5K to 40K followers, since anything bigger might ask for money to promote you or ignore your contact request.
Reach out through Instagram DM or email them. Introduce yourself and propose to send them a care package of your products under no obligations on their part. Let your products speak for themselves and if it goes well you will receive a shoutout if not then ask for feedback on how to improve.
When I started Pintastic, I sent over 5 care packages to local figures and influencers whom I respected deeply and felt that they appreciated my brand. Each package had a value of over 200 DH, so I sent packages worth around 1000dh for free to influencers. I never asked for a shoutout and sought opinion instead, shoutouts were kindness from their side!
It was worth it every single time. I received valuable feedback and tips from people who knew how social media worked, exposed me to an audience interested in my brand, and converted prospects to leads smoothly.
In short, reach out to influencers that relate to your small business and send them care packages as the results far outweigh the costs.
Collaborations and Giveaways
Another good outlet for growing your account is through collaborations and shoutouts from other small businesses. Don’t be afraid to message them about a promotion, just make sure you are nice about it. Most of them will be happy to share your account, especially if it is unique.
Similarly, organizing giveaways (solo or collaborating with other small businesses) can yield many gains for your small business. Make sure to include the winning condition of following you, liking & tagging friends in comments, and sharing your post with a mention. This is the best way to interact with a post as Instagram’s algorithm boosts posts with high engagement.
Customer Follow-Up
Did you know that it is easier to sell a product to returning clients rather than new clients? Returning clients are highly beneficial for your business (A.K.A loyal clients) as they purchase your products without going to the effort of marketing it to them.
So how can you secure returning customers? Well with good customer service of course. By making clients feel valued and appreciated when ordering, you can leave a good impression and secure loyal customers.
Simple gestures can go a long distance. For instance, write your client a handwritten thank you card, include free products along with their order, offer exclusive discounts, ask for their feedback, etc.
When I first started Pintastic, I struggled to find resources to help grow my small business. Although there are some articles, I was never able to find something applicable for Morocco. Since then, I have been considering writing one just for Morocco, and after acquiring moderate experience I think I am qualified to provide advice.
In the end, we created Bead feed, a hypothetical small business that applied everything we have learned so far. Consider this article as a guide to help you get started with your small business.
During the writing of this article, I sought some feedback from my social media accounts ( Abdonejam and Pintastic) asking them about their biggest concern regarding small businesses. Here are the most common :
How Can My Small Business Become Recognizable?
Consistency and efficient marketing. Stay active on your social media and promote yourself.
Is a Small Business a Good Investment?
In a previous article , we discussed profitability for small businesses. To save you the read, yes it is but only after a few months.
How Much Of a Responsibility Is Running a Small Business?
It might seem overbearing at first but it is a fun process to go through. When you partner up with shipping agencies and start handling people’s money, you will acquire a sense of responsibility.
How Can I Stay Motivated?
It can be quite frustrating to see that your efforts go unappreciated during its early stages. My only advice is to not compare yourself to others and take occasional breaks.
What Do I Do If My Small Business Fails?
First of all, quantifying failure is vague since so many factors are at play, especially for small businesses. Despite that, appreciate the fact that you took a risk starting a business, which is a step in the right direction. It is better to know that you tried and failed rather than keep thinking “what if?”
When Is The Right Time To Promote / Launch Ads?
New product launch, low engagement, promo or giveaway announcement. This can differ from case to case but generally speaking anytime is a good time to buy an ad.
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Abdo spends most of his time either binging Youtube or writing what is on his mind. Hailing from Morocco, this trilingual writer is passionate about video games, entrepreunership, and interesting stories
- Expat guide
- Starting a business in Morocco
How to set up a business in Morocco
The Government of Morocco has committed, for a few years, to the liberalisation of its economy. Investment procedures in the country have been simplified to encourage more entrepreneurship in the region. New laws have been passed to increase the growth of local and foreign private companies. The Moroccan government has also signed free trade agreements with several partners, including the European Union, the United States of America, Turkey, and the Arab and Mediterranean countries.
Types of companies in Morocco
Expatriates in Morocco can create any type of company they wish to; however, the most popular ones among expatriates are LLCs (SARL) and outsourcing solutions. Keep in mind that to set up your business in Morocco as an expatriate, you must have a valid residency permit. Note that many expatriates who wish to set up a business in Morocco usually start the company in their country of origin or another country of their choice and then they set up a branch or satellite office in Morocco, thanks to low rent and expenses compared to other countries.
How to proceed
You will first have to name your business. In fact, you need to obtain a certificate in order to create an enterprise in Morocco . This document will be used for the identification and registration of your business (known as a negative certificate). For this, you will need to apply to the Moroccan Industrial and Commercial Property Office by producing the following:
- Negative certificate (filled with 3 possible trademarks, which you can withdraw from the CRI or OMPIC counter)
- ID or passport 3 notarized copies
- Formal letter of request
You are also advised to have already established a business plan that you will have to present to the authorities. Next, you will need to establish your business status with a notary or a law firm (required documents for this step depend on the law firm) as well allotment letters and transfer acts (these function mainly as a promise of financial contribution by associates to the company capital). Then, you will have to block the amount of paid-up capital for the creation of your business.
The next step is the establishment of the declaration of share allotment and the remittance, which is drawn up by the notary or law firm after you present them with the bank document proving the blocking of capital.
Good to know:
You may handle the whole process by yourself, or you may present your file to a fiduciary who can take care of both the registration and domiciliation of your business for a fee
Registering your business in Morocco
To register your business, you should go to the Regional Tax Directorate, which is the Regional Investment Center within 30 days, and bring your business documents. You will also have to produce a lease or a purchase deed registered within these 30 days. Note that the fees vary according to the different types of companies.
Blocking the paid-up capital and other paperwork
The last major part of the process before obtaining a license is blocking the paid-up capital within 8 days of fund receipt. A certificate of the blocking will be delivered by the bank which, along with the ballots drawn up by the notary will be needed to deposit the acts of company creation and registration formalities at the RCI.
Keep in mind that the process and the required documents may differ between L.Cs, L.L.Cs and law firms. A good way to proceed is to always check the required documents and concerned entities at the website of the right government agency (information available in English as well).
For the detailed info about the company registration process, please refer to this link .
Obtain a license
Once you have completed all these steps, you must obtain a license and a tax ID from the Regional Taxes Directorate. You will have to produce the approval letter for regulated financial activities you intend to practice in Morocco, an agreement for classified establishments ( see the list of sectors ), and your acquisition lease or debit note.
Finally, you must obtain a license from the Commercial Court for your business. You will also need to register your company at the National Fund for Social Security if you intend to hire staff.
Here is some more information regarding paying taxes in Morocco .
Once all procedures performed, you must publish an official announcement for the launch of your business.
Additional help
There are many agencies and middle-man type companies specialised in helping expatriates set up a business (usually a startup) in Morocco such as WeStartUp . Consult fiduciaries, the Moroccan Agency for Business Development and Invest In Morocco .
Useful links:
The Morocco Office of Industrial and Commercial Property Step by step guide – English Version
A serial expat, I have been living in Rabat, Morocco, for two years, after having lived in Mauritius and Senegal. A journalist with a passion for travel, I love writing and sharing my discoveries and adventures.
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Morocco company formation: How to start a business in Morocco?
Morocco is a country renowned for its openness to foreign investment and, as such, occupies the third position in Africa in the World Bank's Doing business 2019 ranking .
Indeed, setting up a company in Morocco is quite straightforward as It takes only a few days to submit your incorporation file and register a private limited company or a public limited company.
This situation allows investors, whether local or foreign, to quickly become operational and start focusing on Morocco business opportunities.
That said, incorporating a company will require thorough preparation beforehand as well as bespoke support to avoid any potential complications during the incorporation procedure.
In this context, we will review the different steps to create a company and start a business in Morocco.
Step 1: Choosing a legal structure
Foreign companies have a choice between several legal form to carry out their activities in Morocco. The different types of companies in Morocco fall into three main categories:
- Partnerships: general partnership, limited partnership, and joint venture.
- Capital companies: private limited company, public limited company, simplified public limited company, and limited partnership with shares.
- Branch office
In practice, the most commonly used legal forms of companies in Morocco are the Limited Liability Company (SARL) and the Public Limited Company (SA).
The LLC is the legal structure usually chosen by investors since it accounts for more than 97% of the 162,877 companies incorporated during the period 2010-2014 according to the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC).
For these reasons, we will only explain the characteristics of the LLC, PLC, and branch:
Limited liability company (SARL)
The LLC or Limited Liability Company is a legal entity with legal personality. It can be incorporated by a single shareholder (referred to as a SARL with a sole shareholder) or by several shareholders.
This legal form is generally adapted to small business and medium-sized enterprises and has the following key characteristics:
- Non-free transferability, except between spouses, parents, and the non-negotiability of shares,
- A minimum of two founding partners, except for SARL with single shareholder,
- There is no limit in terms of minimum share capital. However, it is preferable for credibility sake towards your future partners (banks, customers, suppliers) to have a share capital of at least 100 000 MAD.
- The director(s) of the LLC is not required to be resident in Morocco or to hold shares in the said company.
If the turnover (excluding tax) of the LLC exceeds MAD 50,000,000, an auditor must be appointed.
Public limited company (SA)
It is the second most common legal form in Morocco in which shareholders hold negotiable security (share) and have liability for losses limited to the amount of their contribution.
The main characteristics of the SA are:
- the free transfer and negotiability of the shares,
- a minimum of 5 shareholders,
- the minimum share capital of 300,000 MAD or 3,000,000 MAD in the event of a public offer,
- An auditor must be appointed.
There are two types of public limited companies:
- a public limited company under the management of a board of directors (at least three and at most twelve members),
- A public limited company governed by a management board in charge of the company's operations and a supervisory board that oversees the management of the management board on behalf of the shareholders.
Simplified Public Limited Company (SAS)
This legal form is particularly suitable for the implementation of joint projects between several companies. A minimum of two shareholders is required. The minimum share capital is the same as that of the SA.
The shareholders of the SAS must be companies whose share capital is at least MAD2,000,000, i.e., the exchange value in foreign currencies.
A SAS is a public limited company that is not bound by restrictive rules such as those of a public limited company or a limited liability company. The provisions relating to management are d in the Articles of Association. The only obligation is to appoint a president.
Branch office
A branch is a company created by a foreign parent company. As such, it has no legal autonomy (legal personality) or assets (own property or share capital) separate from the parent company.
The branch is led by the head office legal representative, who is usually an employee.
As the LLC (SARL) is the legal form most used by investors in Morocco, we will describe its incorporation procedure. The incorporation of SA and branch offices will be the subject of another blog article.
Step 2: Getting the negative certificate
The negative certificate is an administrative document issued by the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC) . This administration stands as Morocco company search or Morocco business directory and updates regularly the list of company in morocco.
It certifies that the trade name requested by the investor is available and can be registered in the commercial register.
The application for the negative certificate is submitted online through the OMPIC website, and its validity period has recently been reduced to 90 days.
Step 3: Signing of a commercial lease or a domiciliation contract
To be duly registered, any company in Morocco must have a registered office address.
In this regard, Two options are available :
- Rent premises by signing a commercial lease agreement;
- Be domiciled in a business center.
Domiciliation is usually the most popular option for companies because of its low cost and simplicity. Indeed, 72% of newly created companies in Casablanca used domiciliation during their start-up phase, according to estimates by the Moroccan Association of Business Centres (AMCA).
Step 4: Opening a business bank account
This procedure is mandatory for SAs and LLCs whose paid up capital exceeds MAD 100,000.
It involves opening a temporary bank account in a local bank where the company's share capital is transferred.
Once the transfer completed, the bank issues a certificate of capital freezing.
Step 5: Signing of the articles of association
Drafting the company's articles of association is the most critical step in Morocco company formation.
Indeed, the articles of association are the company's constitutive documents and cover all the rules governing both relations between shareholders and relationships with third parties. It is an essential document that will define the rules that will guide your company and will represent the " constitution " of your company.
This document can be drafted in two different ways:
- Have the entire articles of association prepared by a professional (chartered accountant or corporate lawyer),
- Write the articles of association of your company yourself.
It is recommended to hire a professional to draft them to avoid any potential inconveniences or unpleasant surprises with the commercial court.
In practice, the use of standard models (which are easily found on the Internet) is not a good idea. Indeed, these models will never fit with the specificities of your company and its operating model.
Once the drafting of the articles of association completed, the founding partners may sign the final bylaws without being physically present in Morocco.
Step 6: Submission of the incorporation file to the regional investment centre (CRI)
The required documents by Morocco company registry (CRI) are the following:
- Negative certificate,
- Final articles of association,
- Single form of the CRI,
- Copies of ID cards or passports of the managers and representatives of the shareholders
- articles of association and trade register extract of the parent company, if applicable.
All the incorporation documents are then filed with the regional investment center (CRI) in the city where the company's registered office is located.
The CRI acts as a one-stop-shop for the incorporation of companies in Morocco and brings together the services of the tribunal of commerce, Tax Authorities, Morocco company search (OMPIC), and the Social Security (CNSS) .
Step 7: Withdrawal of the incorporation file from the CRI
In practice, the company is usually incorporated within one week to 10 days from the date of filing.
The documents issued by the CRI include:
- A notification form of the company's identifiers;
- A certificate of registration for the professional tax,
- A declaration of existence issued by the tax administration;
- A certificate of registration from the National Social Security Fund (CNSS)
- Original copies of the duly registered articles of association.
The commercial register issues the trade register extract called Model J within one week of the company's incorporation.
Step 8: Legal advertising
Once the company incorporated, the formalities of legal publication in a newspaper and the official bulletin must be completed.
Step 9: Finalize business bank account setup
Once these steps completed, the entire incorporation file is sent to the bank for the opening of a final business bank account.
Step 10: Reporting to the Foreign Exchange Office
Under foreign exchange regulations , foreign investors are allowed to freely transfer abroad all the proceeds of their investments in Morocco (dividends, the sale price of shares and liquidation income) as far as the initial investment is made in one of the foreign currencies listed by the Moroccan central bank.
To be able to benefit from the subsequent transfer of dividends abroad, a report of the foreign investment in Morocco must be submitted to the foreign exchange office (Office des Changes) .
Finally, the last tasks to be carried out are to order a seal for your company and choose an accounting firm for the bookkeeping and tax compliance.
Some practical tips
- When opening a business in morocco, It is recommended to have a professional carry out a preliminary study regarding the legal, social security and taxation implications of your project in Morocco ;
- Foreign investors must transfer the initial paid up capital in foreign currencies to benefit from the free transfer of the profits generated by these investments;
- It is recommended not to use a standard model of articles of association that do not fit with the specificities of your company and its operating model;
- It is recommended to draft a partnership agreement when the company has several shareholde rs;
- The choice of business centres is critical . You must make sure that their office is located in a well-known business area. You should also check that it is well established company and that it is not likely to close its doors unexpectedly. You will also need to be particularly vigilant when signing your domiciliation agreement;
- It is also recommended to hire an English-speaking advisor (chartered accountant or corporate lawyer) to avoid any potential issue during the incorporation process;
- Finally, it will be necessary not to overlook intellectual property aspects . It is therefore strongly recommended to protect your business with a local trademark to avoid potential disputes;
Please feel free to get in touch with us should you need any further information with regards to the incorporation of your company in Morocco.
is a CPA and tax advisor. He is the founder of WeCount.ma, the accountig firm that helps foreign companies with their accounting, payroll and tax compliance, so that they can grow confidently in Morocco and Africa.
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‘Business Forum ZLECAF 2024’ à Casablanca: Le Maroc a érigé la coopération africaine en priorité de sa politique étrangère (O. Hejira)
Casablanca (© 2024 Afriquinfos)- La 1ère édition du ‘Business Forum ZLECAF 2024’ qui s’est tenue le mardi 05 novembre dernier à Casablanca a servi de tribune à Omar Hejira ( Secrétaire d’Etat au Commerce Extérieur du Royaume Chérifien) pour réaffirmer la place de la coopération africaine dans la politique étrangère du Royaume chérifien. Des propos qui ont en effet marqué cette journée de réflexion.
‘ ’En tant qu’acteur économique de premier plan en Afrique, le Royaume du Maroc est en mesure de jouer un rôle majeur dans cette expansion commune ’’, a-t-il dit, rappelant que le Souverain marocain avait ‘’ exprimé cette vision avec force, lors du 28e Sommet de l’Union Africaine à Addis-Abeba. Et ce Forum 2024 apparaît comme une mise en œuvre de cette vision Royale, à travers un renforcement du cadre de coopération des pays africains membres’’ .
‘ ’Cependant, cette responsabilité nous incombe : En effet, si la ZLECAF offre le cadre, c’est à nous de bâtir la dynamique nécessaire à la défense de nos intérêts communs et pour nous assurer que nos échanges (nos partenariats) soient gagnant-gagnant. Pour ce faire, logistique et durabilité doivent devenir des piliers, les piliers solides sur lesquels nous nous appuierons pour faire de nos entreprises de véritables conquérantes des marchés mondiaux .’’ A-t-il insisté.
Placée sous le Haut Patronage de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI et présidé par le Secrétaire d’Etat au Commerce Extérieur du Royaume Chérifien, Omar Hejira, cette rencontre, organisée en collaboration avec l’Association Marocaine des Exportateurs (ASMEX), a vu la participation de plus de 12 pays Africains.
Le Ministre du commerce du Tchad, le Secrétaire Général de la ZLECAf, des ambassadeurs de nations du Continent, des Organisations gouvernementales, des représentants du secteur privé, etc. ont également pris part à cette réunion portant sur la mise en œuvre de la Zone de Libre-Echange Continentale Africaine, l’ambitieux projet inscrit à l’agenda 2063 de l’Union Africaine (UA) dont l’objectif est de créer un marché unique à l’échelle de l’Afrique, faisant ainsi du Continent, au potentiel de 1.2 milliard de consommateurs et au Produit Intérieur Brut (PIB) combiné estimé, à l’heure actuelle, à 1.831.500 milliards FCFA, l’une des plus grandes zones de libre-échange au monde…
De son côté, Hassan Sentissi El Idrissi, le Président de l’ASMEX, a présenté la ZLECAF comme une opportunité unique pour l’Afrique. ‘ ’La ZLECAF n’est pas seulement une zone de libre-échange. Elle incarne une nouvelle ère pour l’Afrique. En créant une économie intégrée et compétitive, elle ouvre la voie à des emplois qualifiés, surtout pour les jeunes, et encourage une croissance durable (…) ’’, a-t-il indiqué.
Mene Wamkele Mene, Secrétaire Général de la ZLECAF, a, pour sa part, salué le rôle stratégique du Maroc dans le développement d’une coopération Sud-Sud renforcée et déclaré : ‘’ Ce forum marque une étape cruciale dans le renforcement des liens historiques et socio-économiques entre le Maroc et les autres pays Africains. Il promeut une coopération Sud-Sud et des partenariats accrus au sein du cadre de la ZLECAF. En réunissant des Ministres du Commerce, des figures publiques clés, des représentants de la promotion du commerce, des experts, des leaders du secteur privé, des universitaires et des membres de la société civile de tout le Continent, ce forum contribue à positionner le Maroc comme un hub stratégique en Afrique. ’’ Estime-t-il.
Des recommandations
Les discussions menées, lors de ce Forum d’affaires, ont porté sur divers sujets tels que les stratégies de pénétration des marchés Africains, les dispositifs de financement, les politiques favorisant le commerce intra-Africain, les pratiques optimales pour maximiser les avantages de la ZLECAF, etc.
A cette 1ère édition du Business Forum ZLECAF, Omar Hejira a émis plusieurs recommandations majeures. Parmi elles, la création d’une Task force Ministère-ZLECAF qui veillera à l’accélération du processus d’opérationnalisation de la Zone de Libre-Echange Continentale Africaine et le développement d’un Guide du Parcours Export-Import en Afrique – réalisé en partenariat avec l’Office des Changes, l’Administration de la Douane, Portnet et les banques Marocaines.
La création d’une structure dédiée à l’Afrique pour encore plus d’ouverture et encourager des flux commerciaux vers de nouveaux marchés dans une logique gagnant-gagnant était aussi au cœur des suggestions du Secrétaire d’Etat Marocain au Commerce Extérieur qui a, en outre, profité de la clôture de ce 1er Business Forum ZLECAF-Maroc pour instituer ce colloque en rendez-vous professionnel annuel en annonçant l’organisation d’une 2ème édition, à Marrakech, en 2025.
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- MRO Management
Safran signs key agreements for its new LEAP facility in Morocco
Safran Aircraft Engines (Safran) has signed a series of agreements with Moroccan partners ahead of the construction of its new LEAP MRO facility, set to open in 2026 near Casablanca Mohammed V International Airport.
The first agreement is a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Moroccan Aerospace Industries Association (GIMAS) which addresses the growing need for skilled engine mechanics and technicians to support Safran’s existing subsidiary, SAESM, and its future LEAP-focused MRO shop.
Starting in early 2025, GIMAS will provide specialised training for 60 to 100 technicians annually, utilising both existing infrastructure and new facilities provided by Morocco’s top training providers.
Two additional agreements concern plans for the new MRO shop in the Midparc aerospace hub (a free trade zone), located in the Casablanca airport zone. The first covers the purchase of a plot of land through MedZ, a subsidiary of Morocco’s state-owned financial institution Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion, which specialises in the development of business parks. The second involves a service contract with Midparc for the new MRO shop real estate project.
Jean-Paul Alary, chief executive of Safran, said: “We’re now in an optimal position to begin construction of our new MRO shop at the start of 2025 and launch operations around one year later. I’m delighted that we’ll be working with these foremost partners. They will ensure we benefit from the highest standards of training, infrastructure and low-carbon performance.”
Safran claims that once complete the new MRO shop will employ more than 600 people, and will have the capacity to handle 150 engines per year, allowing it to meet fast-growing demand for LEAP shop visits, especially from airlines based in Africa, the Middle East and Europe.
Additionally, the new facility is hoped to expand Safran ’s industrial footprint in Morocco, where the group has been present for a quarter of a century.
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Bien choisir son modèle de business plan. En matière de business plan, le Maroc n'exige pas de modèle précis pour les entrepreneurs. Toutefois, il faut tout faire pour que le document qui sera présenté aux investisseurs contienne toutes les informations nécessaires.
Business Plan. Répondez à de simples questions et générez votre business plan gratuitement en format PDF. Cliquez ici. CA potentiel. Ayez des prévisions financières argumentées grace à nos outils gratuits comme le calculateur de CA potentiel. Cliquez ici. Il soutiennent le projet
Pour vous, le Business Plan : . Permet de faire le tour de votre projet tout en évaluant les risques pouvant en découler. Aide à clarifier et ordonner vos idées, à réaliser une étude de marché, à construire votre stratégie, à faire le point sur vos ressources et vos besoins en financement et enfin de vérifier la faisabilité du projet.
Préparer les informations de base. La première étape pour créer votre Business Plan est de préparer les informations de base. Il s'agit notamment de votre nom d'entreprise, votre secteur d'activité, votre structure juridique, votre adresse, votre numéro de téléphone et votre adresse e-mail. 3. Présenter votre entreprise.
Le Business Plan est un document qui reprend les éléments fondamentaux d'un projet permettant d'en juger la faisabilité technique, commerciale et financière.. Le business plan au Maroc (Plan d'affaires) démontre par écrit la valeur ajoutée de votre projet, il est le document de pilotage et de démonstration du succès futur de votre projet.
9 étapes pour la rédaction d'un Business Plan: Pour la bonne réussite d'un business plan au Maroc, ce dernier doit être soigné au niveau de la présentation car la 1ère impression est toujours la bonne ; il ne doit pas être trop long mais plutôt concis et complet ; il doit être clair et bien structuré dans un style simple et ...
Le business plan est un outil d'évaluation du projet dans son ensemble. Il permet de bâtir le projet puis de le gérer à court, moyen et long terme. Il est également requis lors des rendez-vous avec des investisseurs potentiels ou auprès des banques. Le business plan est donc à la fois utile pour vous, en tant que porteur de projet, mais
Le business plan au Maroc est un outil incontournable dans le mécanisme de la création d'entreprise. Ce document de 10 à 30 pages est une référence aussi bien pour l'entrepreneur que pour les acteurs extérieurs. En tant qu'axe directeur du projet de création d'entreprise, le business plan doit refléter la personnalité de l ...
Faire un business plan au Maroc ou plan d'affaires, est un document synthétique rédigé qui présente un projet de création, de développement ou de reprise d'entreprise, déroulant tous les aspects du projet. Il doit présenter de façon argumentée le besoin de financement et le potentiel de rentabilité du projet ainsi que la vision ...
Au Maroc, un business plan est souvent requis lors de la demande de financement, que ce soit auprès des banques, des programmes gouvernementaux (comme le programme Intelaka), ou des investisseurs privés (business angels). Il montre la solidité de votre projet et prouve que vous avez bien pensé à chaque aspect de votre entreprise.
Quel modèle de business plan pour votre projet au Maroc ? Il faut dire qu'il n'existe pas de modèle universel de business plan convenant à tous les projets, chaque projet étant unique. Néanmoins, il existe des éléments de base qui devront être communs et présentés dans chaque plan d'affaires.
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Au Maroc, pays riche en opportunités d'affaires et en dynamisme entrepreneurial, la rédaction d'un business plan adapté au contexte local est essentielle. Ce document ne se contente pas de donner une direction; il est souvent la clé pour convaincre partenaires, investisseurs et autres parties prenantes de la viabilité d'un projet.
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Registering your business in Morocco. To register your business, you should go to the Regional Tax Directorate, which is the Regional Investment Center within 30 days, and bring your business documents. You will also have to produce a lease or a purchase deed registered within these 30 days. Note that the fees vary according to the different ...
Main economic indicators. Total revenues in the Kingdom increased during 2022 by 18.8 percent, to reach 304.3 billion dirhams ($29.8 billion), compared to 256 billion dirhams ($25.1 billion), as a result of an increase in tax revenues by 17.4 percent. Non-tax revenues increased by 29 percent, to 48.6 billion dirhams ($4.7 billion).
The CRI acts as a one-stop-shop for the incorporation of companies in Morocco and brings together the services of the tribunal of commerce, Tax Authorities, Morocco company search (OMPIC), and the Social Security (CNSS) Step 7: Withdrawal of the incorporation file from the CRI. In practice, the company is usually incorporated within one week to ...
A detailed business plan becomes a crucial tool when seeking financing from banks or investors for your Moroccan restaurant. Investing and lending to small businesses are very risky activities given how fragile they are. Therefore, financiers have to take extra precautions before putting their capital at risk.
Casablanca (© 2024 Afriquinfos)- La 1ère édition du Business Forum ZLECAF qui s'est tenue le mardi 05 novembre 2024, a été l'occasion pour « le Maroc
Two additional agreements concern plans for the new MRO shop in the Midparc aerospace hub (a free trade zone), located in the Casablanca airport zone. The first covers the purchase of a plot of land through MedZ, a subsidiary of Morocco's state-owned financial institution Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion, which specialises in the development ...