APA Guide: 7th Edition
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Student Paper Example
- Student Paper Example This is a student paper example from the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Professional Paper Example
- Professional Paper Example This is a professional paper example from the 7th Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.
Student Title Page Elements
The title page includes the following elements: Page number, Paper title, Author, Author Affiliation, Course, Instructor, and Due Date . Remember, your instructor can include other requirements for your assignment. Refer to their instructions carefully.
Your title page and paper is double-spaced. Use 1-inch margins.
Acceptable Fonts:
- 11-point Calibri
- 11-point Arial
- 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode
- 12-point Times New Roman
- 11-point Georgia
- 10-point Computer Modern 1
- Should summarize the main idea in a succinct way .
- Include strong keywords so that readers can find your work in a database or by using a search engine.
- Avoid using abbreviations in a title.
- The title should be provided in title case . This means that all major words are capitalized.
- Be bolded, centered, and begin 3-4 lines down from the top margin of the paper.
- Put a double-spaced blank line between the title and the byline.
- The paper title also appears at the top of the first page of your paper.
Author Name(s) (Byline)
- Beneath the title, type the author's or authors' full name(s) .
- Do not use titles or degrees.
- Order the names of authors based on their contributions.
- Write all of the names on the same line.
- Center the names in a standard font.
- Smith and Doe
- Smith, Doe, and Jones
Author Affiliation
- Identify where you worked or studied when the body of work was completed.
- Include no more than two affiliations for each author.
- Example: College of Nursing and Health Innovation, University of Texas at Arlington
- Include the department or division.
- Include the name of the institution.
- Include the location of the institution.
- Example: Hematology/Oncology, Cook Children's Medical Center, Fort Worth, Texas, United States
- Include the location.
Locations should include the city, state, province, and country.
Course Name
- Put the course number and name below the Author Affiliation.
- Check with your instructor on the preferred name.
- Place the month, date, and year after the Instructor(s) name(s).
See the example title page below:
All content on this guide comes from the 7th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and from the APA Style Blog.
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association ( 7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000
American Psychological Association. (2020, October). Blog . https://apastyle.apa.org/blog
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Home / Guides / Citation Guides / APA Format / Formatting an APA title page
Formatting an APA title page
The title page is a requirement for all APA papers. The primary role of the title page is to present just that: the title. But that’s only the beginning of what is actually required for a properly formatted APA title page. This is the first chance a writer has to truly engage with the reader.
For students, the title page also lets people know which class, professor, and institution the text was written for. For professional authors, the title page is an opportunity to share any affiliations or conflicts of interest that might be present.
APA Style recognizes two different ways to format a title page. One is for student papers and the other is for professional papers. This guide will examine the difference and provide real-life examples of both.
The information provided below comes from the 7 th edition of the APA’s Publication Manual . You can read more about title page elements in Sections 2.1 – 2.8.
Here’s a run-through of everything this page includes:
The difference between a professional title page and a student title page in APA
Elements of an apa style title page, apa formatting title page example, conclusion: formatting a title page in apa 7.
Both student and professional title pages require a title, author, and an affiliation. Both types of title page also require the same basic formatting, including 1-inch indentations on all sides and a page number in the top right corner.
The primary difference is that professional title pages also require an author note and a running head. However, some professors do ask that you provide some of these elements in student papers. It’s a good idea to know how to format them just in case.
Student title page APA
An APA title page for any paper being submitted for a class, degree, or thesis is all about the basics. Here are the elements that should be included in a student title page :
- Title of your paper
- Byline (author or authors)
- Affiliation (department and university)
- Course name and course number
- Instructor name
Page number
Your professor or institution might have their own formatting requirements. When writing a paper for a class, the first rule is to always pay attention to the instructions.
Professional title page APA
A professional title page skips the class info and due date, but it includes:
- Affiliation (division and/or organization)
- Author note
- Running head
The author note and running head are generally only required for professional papers. However, some professors might ask that you include one or both of them. Be sure to check the assignment instructions before submitting.
The title of your paper is really important. This is where the author needs to simultaneously inform and engage the reader without being overly wordy.
An effective title will:
- Engage the reader
- Concisely explain the main topic of research
- Concisely explain any relevant variables or theoretical issues
The paper title should be placed three or four lines down from the top margin of the page. It should be presented in bold, title case, and centered on the page.
The correct way to display the author’s name is first name, middle initial, and last name. The most important thing is to prevent the possibility of mistaken identity. After all, there are a lot of papers published every year, and it’s possible that someone else has the same name as you do.
For all author bylines in APA, all licenses and degrees are omitted (e.g., Dr., Professor, PhD, RN, etc.).
If your paper has multiple authors, then they should all be listed in the same way, in order of their contributions. All authors should be on the same line, unless more lines are required.
Here’s an example of a properly formatted byline for a paper with two authors:
Cassandra M. Berkman and Wilhelm K. Jackson
The affiliation element is where you identify the place where the work was conducted or who it was conducted for. This is almost always a university or institution. In some cases, there are multiple affiliations for one author, or multiple authors with different affiliations.
Academic affiliations
Academic affiliations include schools, universities, and teaching hospitals. The affiliation line should include the specific department followed by the name of the institution. There is no need to include a location for academic affiliations.
Here is an example of what a basic academic affiliation line should look like:
Department of Psychology, Colorado State University
Non-academic affiliations
Non-academic affiliations are anything that isn’t a school or university, which could be a hospital, laboratory, or just about any type of organization. The affiliation line for a non-academic organization should include the department or division, followed by the name and location of the organization. All elements should be separated by commas.
Here’s how it looks when put to use:
Vidant Health, Greenville, NC, United States
Course number and name (Student only)
Use the course number and course name as they appear on official university materials. Examples:
- ENG 204: Modern English Literature
- PSYC 2301: Research Methodology
Instructor name (Student papers only)
It’s important that you display your instructor’s name in their preferred way. With academics who have multiple degrees and positions, this isn’t something that you should guess at.
It is generally safe to use the course syllabus to see how they prefer to be listed. For example, some use the word “Professor” as their prefix, and many will have PhD, RN, or other type of professional designation.
Due date (Student papers only)
The due date should be presented in the day, month, and year format that is standard to your country.
The page number goes at the top right-hand side of the paper. This is one of the only elements that appears on every single page.
You can add running page numbers to your paper by double-clicking the header portion of the document or clicking the “Insert” tab. It will automatically insert page numbers into the rest of the document.
Author note (Professional papers only)
The author note is usually only required for professional papers. This is where additional data, disclaimers, conflicts of interest, and statements about funding are placed. In some cases, the author statement can be several pages long.
The author note is generally split into four paragraphs, including:
- ORCID iD (a scientific/academic author ID)
- Changes of Affiliation
- Disclosures and Acknowledgments
- Contact Information
Section 2.7 of the Publication Manual has even more information on how to structure these elements for a professional paper.
Running Head (Professional papers only)
While some student papers might require a running head, this is something that is typically only for papers being submitted for publication. This is an abbreviated version of your title that appears at the top of every page to help readers identify it. The running title is particularly useful especially in print versions of journals and publications.
The running head does not have to use the same words as they appear in your title. Instead, try to re-work your paper’s main idea into a shortened form.
For example, if your paper’s title is:
“A Mystery of Style: Exploring the Formatting Mechanics of the Running Head According to APA Style 7th Edition”
Then your abbreviated title can be something like:
The idea is to convey only the most important aspects of your title. The running head should be entered in the page header, flush left against the margin, and presented in all-capital letters.
The APA suggests a maximum length of 50 characters (including spaces and punctuation) for a running head. If your title is already 50 characters and under, then you can use the whole thing as the running head.
Next, let’s have a look at an example of what a real APA title page looks like when it’s all put together.
Student title page formatting example
Professional title page formatting example
All papers written according to APA Style should have a properly formatted title page. Making sure that the title page elements are accurate and informative will help people access your work. It is also the first opportunity that you have as the author to establish credibility and engage the reader.
For more information on the basic elements of an APA paper, check out Chapter 2 of the Publication Manual or our guide on APA format .
Published October 28, 2020.
APA Formatting Guide
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An APA title page provides the details of the paper, such as the title of the paper, author name, and author affiliation. APA title pages have two formats—one for professional papers and one for student papers.
The elements to be added on the title page of a professional paper (in order of appearance) are:
- Page number and running head: These elements appear in the header section. The page number appears at the top-right corner, whereas the running head appears at the top-left corner. If the title is too long, the running head is shortened to less than 50 characters.
- Title of the paper: It provides information about the paper. It is aligned center and set in bold.
- Names of the authors: It gives the names of the contributors to the paper and is aligned center.
- Affiliations of the authors: It gives the department and university details of the authors.
- Author note: It gives extra information about the authors.
In a student paper, the following details are included on the title page:
- Page number: This appears in the top-right corner of the header section.
- Title of the paper: It gives the reader an idea of the information in the paper. It appears in title case and bold. It is center-aligned.
- Names of the authors: The names of the contributors are added here. This field is also called the by-line.
- Affiliations of the authors: It includes the names of the authors’ departments and universities.
- Name of the course: The name of the course for which the paper is written is included in this field.
- Name of the instructor: Unlike the professional paper, the instructor’s name is included in a student paper.
- Due date of the assignment: The due date of the assignment is added here. The format is “Month Day, Year” (e.g., August 22, 2017).
The title page information for APA is different for a professional paper and a student paper. As a student, you need to include the following details in the same order on the title page of your student paper.
- Page number: This appears in the header section. Set the page number in the top-right corner of the header.
- Title of the paper: Set it in title case and bold. Align it to the center.
- Names of the authors: Provide the names of the contributors. This field is also called the by-line.
- Affiliations of the authors: Include your department and university name.
- Name of the course: Provide the name of the course and course number for which the paper is written.
- Name of the instructor: Add the instructor’s name. There is no rigid rule on how to set the instructor’s name. You can set it according to the instructor’s preference.
- Due date of the assignment: Add the due date of the assignment. The format should be “Month Day, Year” (e.g., August 23, 2021).
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Student Paper Template
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Title Page Template
Learn how to set up the title page of an APA Style student paper and professional paper, including the page header, title, author name and affiliation, course information, and author note.
Academic Writer
© 2023 American Psychological Association.
Students should use the student version of the title page unless their instructor has requested they use the professional version. The student title page no longer requires a running head.
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The running head appears in all-capital letters in the page header of all pages, including the title page. Align the running head to the left margin. Do not use the label "Running head:" before the running head. Prediction errors support children's word learning. Page number. Use the page number 1 on the title page.
Page header. For a student title page, the page header consists of just a page number in the top-right corner. There is no need for a running head (as was the case in APA 6th edition). A professional title page does have a running head. The running head is an abbreviated version of the paper title in all capital letters.
Student Title Page Elements. The title page includes the following elements: Page number, Paper title, Author, Author Affiliation, Course, Instructor, and Due Date. Remember, your instructor can include other requirements for your assignment. Refer to their instructions carefully. Your title page and paper is double-spaced. Use 1-inch margins.
The page number goes in the upper-right corner of the title page, as part of the running head. This should be flush right with the page margin (1 inch). Because the title page comes first, this page number is always 1. 2 Title. The first line of text on the title page is, appropriately, the title. It follows these formatting guidelines: The ...
TITLE PAGE: The title page needs to provide information about the paper's topic and authors and the course to which it is being submitted. Title Page Content. A student title page includes the following elements: • title of the paper • author(s) ° include the full names of all authors of the paper; use the form first name, middle initial,
Student title page APA. An APA title page for any paper being submitted for a class, degree, or thesis is all about the basics. Here are the elements that should be included in a student title page: Title of your paper; Byline (author or authors) Affiliation (department and university) Course name and course number; Instructor name; Due date ...
Place the page number in the top right corner of the header. Begin with page number 1. The header should be 1 inch from the top. Paper title: Place the title in the upper third of the page. The title should be centered and bolded. Capitalize the first letter of important words in the title. Double-space titles that are longer than one line ...
student title page in APA, 7th edition. 1. First, use the Insert Page Number button on the Insert Tab of a Microsoft Word document to insert a plain page number at the right margin of the header. 2. Next, 3 or 4 lines down from your paper's top margin, type your paper's title. The title's typeface should appear in boldface and title case. 3.
Here are the main components of the above APA title page examples: 1. Page number. The page number in an APA style title page should be present on the top right corner of each page and the title page should always be considered page number "1". Follow these steps to correctly format the page number in Microsoft Word:
A title page is an important part of a paper. The purpose of a title page is to provide general information about the paper to the reader. For example, if you are a student, the title page of your paper will tell the reader your name (who wrote the paper), the class and teacher you wrote it for, and the title of the paper. The majority of APA style papers require a title page.