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Lost Passport Application – Sample Application for Lost Passport

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  • Sample Letter

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To, The Officer In-charge, __________ (Police Station Name), __________ (Police Station Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date),

Subject: Reporting loss of passport

Respected Sir/Madam,

With utmost respect, I would like to inform you that my name is _______ (Name) and I am a resident of ______ (Address/ Locality).

Most humbly, I would like to state that I do hold a passport bearing passport number_________ (Passport number) in the name of ________ (your name) issued at ________ (Issued Place). This is to regretfully inform you that I am unable to find my passport which was issued to me by _______ (Passport office name) for last _______ (Duration – days/ weeks) which is becoming a matter of concern for me.

I beg to request you to kindly file my complaint about the same. I shall be highly obliged for your kind and quick acknowledgment. For any queries, you may contact me at __________ (Contact number).

Thanking you, _________ (Signature) _________ (Your name), _________ (Address), _________ (Contact number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

Click the "Download Letter" button after composing your letter. This triggers a download of a file containing the content of your letter.

Click the "Share via Email" button after composing your letter. Your default email client will open a new message window with the subject "Sharing My Draft Letter" and the content of your letter in the body.

Click the "Share via WhatsApp" button after you've composed your letter. Your default browser will open a new tab prompting you to send the letter as a message to a contact on WhatsApp.

If you want to copy the text of your letter to the clipboard:

  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Answer: Report the loss to the nearest police station and apply for a replacement passport immediately.
  • Answer: Yes, filing a police report is essential as it serves as proof of loss when applying for a replacement passport.
  • Answer: The processing time for a replacement passport varies by country. Contact the passport office for specific information.
  • Answer: You will typically need identification documents, details of your lost passport, and proof of citizenship.
  • Answer: It's not advisable to travel without a passport. Contact the nearest embassy or consulate for assistance if you're abroad and have lost your passport.

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  • passport lost complaint letter

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Letter to Police Station for Loss of Documents

Sample letter or application to police for loss of documents/certificates. Police complaint letter format by lost certificate. Complaint letter for a lost wallet. Complaint letter format to the police station. Application for fir in the police station.

Application to Police Station for Missing Documents

I want to inform you that I missed some important documents, including (document names), on (date) in the area of your police station (name of place like home, road, park, market, etc.). However, I am afraid that the documents can also be misused if gone into the wrong person’s custody. Therefore, I request you to please register an immediate FIR and help me to find out the missed documents. I will be thankful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Application to Police for Missing Documents

To, The sheriff, Station no. 12, Miami

I am writing this letter to inform you that my bag has been stolen from the metro station. I have lost my laptop, some cash, and some essential documents. This happened yesterday evening when I was waiting for the train. 2 men with covered faces came and snatched my bag. I ran after them but missed them.

I request you to take quick action as those documents are essential to me.  I shall be really grateful if you take serious action, and help me find my documents, and other things. I have also filed a complaint. So please take quick action against my report. I shall be thankful to you.

Mr. Jack Jackson

Application to Police for Missing Important Documents

The In-charge, Police Station

It is submitted that the applicant is a resident of model town under your domain and needs your help in searching for my lost documents, including my ID card, passport, and academic papers.

In fact, I had lost the papers in the event of a job fair arranged by various companies at model Town Park last Friday. These documents have vital importance in my life and career as well.

It is requested that necessary directions be passed to the concerned officers to find my lost documents as soon as possible.

I will highly praise your help in this regard.

Letter to Police for Missing an Important Letter

Dear police sergeant smithy,

I am writing to you because I would like to discuss my documents. The last few days have been tough for me as I have my case coming up, and I have to stand up in front of everyone and tell them what happened to me. This alone makes me very nervous, and the fact that you, the police, have lost some documents, and most importantly, a critical letter, is making me even more stressed.

Please find these documents in the next few days, meaning two days, because, in three days, I am going into court, and without that letter, I can’t stand up, and that means no case because I am the main witness. And that guy will walk free to commit the crime again. What that guy did was horrendous, and he can’t be allowed to go free and do it again without punishment.

I hope that you do as I say and find that letter. I would say that I look forward to seeing you next, but I don’t so see you in court.

Yours sincerely,

Miss. Rita Ore

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Friday, January 27, 2017

Sample letter format to lodge a police f.i.r (first information report).


What is F.I.R ? Why it is so important?

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  • Application To Police Station For Lost Of Sim Card

Losing a SIM card can be an inconvenient and concerning experience, as it involves the potential loss of personal data and communication capabilities. To help you navigate this situation and seek appropriate assistance, we have prepared four templates for applications to the police station regarding the loss of a SIM card. These templates cover different scenarios, including general reports of lost SIM cards, cases involving suspected theft, and situations where there are no suspicions or when a declaration of loss is necessary. Each template is designed to provide the necessary information to the police and request their assistance in documenting the incident. It is important to personalize the templates by including specific details such as the mobile service provider, SIM card number, associated phone number, and any relevant circumstances. Additionally, remember to attach copies of your identification documents to support the application. By utilizing these templates, you can effectively communicate the loss of your SIM card to the police and initiate the necessary steps to safeguard your personal information. Adapt the templates as per your specific situation and ensure clear and concise communication with the authorities.

Template Application to Police Station for Lost of SIM Card

To, The Officer In-charge, ________ (Police Station), ________ (Police Station Address)

Date: / /____ (Date)

Subject: Application regarding lost of SIM bearing no. __________ (SIM Number)

Respected sir/madam,

I, ________ (Name), s/o,d/o __________ (Parent’s/ Guardian) am writing this letter to complain about the SIM card I recently lost. I am a resident of _________ (Address) and this is to inform you that on / /____ (Date), unfortunately, I lost my SIM card during ___________ (Journey/ at home/ Stolen/ etc.). The SIM was of __________ (Company name/ Service provider’s name) and mobile number was __________ (Contact Number).

I request you to kindly accept this letter as a letter of complaint and lodge a complaint about the same. I shall be highly obliged for your kind support.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,

________ (Signature), ________ (Name), ________ (Alternate Contact Number)

Template Application for Issuance Of Duplicate Sim Card

To, The Manager Operations, _____________ (Telecom Company Name), _____________ (Office Address)

Subject: Issuance of duplicate SIM having No. __________ (Contact Number)

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is ________ and I am using your network since ________ (Year). But, unfortunately, on __________ (Date), during my journey from ________ (Location) to ________ (Location), I lost my mobile phone along with the SIM card.

The mobile number of the lost SIM card is __________ and it was registered under my name and address. I have already lodged a complaint at the nearest police station and blocked the SIM card by calling the customer care service.

I request you to kindly issue me a duplicate SIM card with the same number as soon as possible. I am enclosing a copy of the police complaint and my identity proof for your reference.

Yours faithfully,

________ (Signature), ________ (Name), ________ (Address)

Template Letter to Police to Lodge Complaint against Lost Mobile Phone

Date: / /____ (DD/MM/YYYY)

To, Officer in charge, ________ (Police Station), ________ (Police Station Address)

Subject: Loss of Mobile phone

Respected sir,

I, ________ (Name) S/o, W/o ________ (Father/ Husband Name), a resident of ________ (address) hereby request you to lodge a complaint about a lost Mobile Phone.

I lost my mobile phone on / /____ (Date) at around : AM/PM near _________ (Place). The mobile phone was a _________ (Brand and Model) with a _________ (Color) cover. The mobile phone had two SIM cards in it, one was of _________ (Company name/ Service provider’s name) with the number __________ and the other was of _________ (Company name/ Service provider’s name) with the number __________.

I have already blocked both the SIM cards by calling the respective customer care numbers. I request you to kindly register an FIR for the lost mobile phone and help me in tracing it. I am attaching a copy of the purchase invoice and the IMEI number of the mobile phone for your reference.

________ (Signature), ________ (Name), ________ (Contact Number)

Complaint Letter for Company Not Responding

To, The Customer Relation Manager, __________ (Company Name), __________ (Address)

Subject: Complaint about no response

Respected Sir/ Madam,

My name is ________ (Name) and I am a regular buyer from your ________ (website/ application/ store). I am writing this letter to inform you that on / /_____ (Date), I ordered a _________ (Product name) from your website with the order number __________.

However, till date, I have not received any confirmation or tracking details about my order. I have tried to contact your customer care service several times but no one has responded to my queries. I am very disappointed and frustrated with your service.

I request you to kindly look into this matter and update me about the status of my order as soon as possible. If you are unable to deliver the product within the promised time, then please cancel my order and refund my money. I hope you will take this complaint seriously and resolve it at the earliest.

________ (Signature), ________ (Name), ________ (Email ID)

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at Englishtemplates.com . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at englishtemplates.com. Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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application letter to police station

Police Permission Letter for Official Event

police permission letter for official events - Permission Letter Sample - request letter

If you are organizing an official event then writing a permission letter for event is a must. This permit letter ensures carrying out the function smoothly. If you are organizing an event then application for permission to organize an event is a must. Just like police permission for event there is also a police permission letter for DJ in English.

Follow the tips on How to Write a Permission Letter to create a professional draft.

Given below is a request letter to police commissioner for permission. Use this sample police permission letter format to draft a customize letter.

Letter of Permission to Police for an Official Event

Rajat Arora Chairman Health and Wellness Society Hyderabad

Date: 24.12.18

To, The Commissioner of Police Department of Police Hyderabad

Sub: Regarding permission of Marathon

Respected Sir,

I, Rajat Arora, Chairman of Health and Wellness Society, Hyderabad, would like to submit that our organization has decided to organize a “Health and Wellness Marathon” in Hyderabad on February 3rd , 2019.

We will have around 1500 people participating this event. The marathon will start from Gachibowli stadium and will end at Mehadipatnam stadium, covering a stretch of 11 kms. The event will start on Sunday morning at 7.30 a.m. and will end at 10.30 a.m. We will ensure that no rules are broken during this event and we would request your department to kindly grant us the permission to organize this event and also provide us with the necessary assistance.

I request you to please grant permission for the event at the earliest so that we can start working on the event. If you need any more details then please feel free to call me at +91-9898989898.

Thanking in anticipation

Sincerely, Rajat Arora

Click here to download Police Permission Letter for Official Event

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Be the first to comment - What do you think? Posted by Hrformats - December 22, 2018 at 6:26 AM

Categories: Letters  Tags: Official Event , permission letter , police

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Application to Police Station for Lost of Mobile Phone

Application to Police Station for Lost of Mobile Phone

If you have lost your mobile phone then you must write an Application for mobile lost to Police Officer. The Letter to Police Station for Lost of Mobile is a simple letter which includes information about the phone and other details. The Application to Police Station for Lost of Mobile Phone in English is an easy way to inform about the loss.

Report loss of mobile phone to police with the Mobile lost complaint letter to Police with Sample formats shared below. You can use the Mobile lost complaint letter format to Write a letter to Police Station for lost mobile phone that rightly meets your needs.

Application for Mobile Lost to Police Officer

Andrew Smith

54, Richmond Town

Date: November 20 th , 2022

The Police Officer

City Police Station

Sub: Regarding loss of mobile phone

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, Andrew Smith, am writing this letter to bring to your notice that while I was returning from my office on November 19 th , 2022 at around 6 pm in the bus, I lost my mobile phone during the commute.

The lost mobile is an Apple XI Pro and has a shimmery cover on the back. The IMEI number of the handset is IMEI- 89898989 and the serial number is 98324512. The number of the lost phone is 9865329865 and it had a YMX SIM.

I request you to please register my complain and take the required action. Also kindly provide me with a copy of the same complaint so that I can have it submitted to the service provider in order to have my phone number blocked and prevent any kind of SIM abuse.

It would be highly appreciated if you could locate the phone and also recover the device.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Mobile Lost Complaint Letter to Police

The purpose of writing this letter is to inform you that I, Andrew Smith, have lost my mobile phone on November 19 th , 2022. I lost my phone while shopping at the Central Mall in the city during the evening hours and despite looking for it at the all suspected places, I have not been able to find it.

The number of the lost phone is 865784512. It was a Samsung Duo handset in black color. The IMEI number of the phone is IMEI- 123456 and the serial number is 23568978.

I am writing this letter to request you to please have my complaint registered and also provide me with an attested copy of the same as I need to have it submitted with the service provider so that there is no SMS abuse and my phone number can be blocked without any further delays.

I am hopeful that you will be taking all steps necessary in order to recover the device and locate its location.

Thanking you.

Write a Letter to Police Station for Lost Mobile Phone

I am writing this letter to report the loss of my mobile phone on November 19 th , 2022from INOX theatre at the City Centre.

It was a Samsung M series mobile phone bearing an IMEI number 56457845 and serial number 552233456. The phone is blue in color and has a brown colored textured cover. The phone has a FTM SIM and the number is 9856451278.

The purpose of writing this letter is to kindly register the loss of mobile complaint and take necessary actions to locate it and recover it. I will also be needing a copy of this complaint as I need to submit it with the service provider so that my number can be blocked in order to prevent any SMS abuse.

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  • https://www foundletters com/complaint-letters/application-to-police-station-for-lost-of-mobile-phone/
  • https://www foundletters com/complaint-letters/application-to-police-station-for-lost-of-mobile-phone/#:~:text=Respected Sir/Madam, shimmery cover on the back
  • https://www foundletters com/complaint-letters/application-to-police-station-for-lost-of-mobile-phone/#:~:text=I request you to please any kind of SIM abuse
  • https://www foundletters com/complaint-letters/application-to-police-station-for-lost-of-mobile-phone/#:~:text=Application for Mobile Lost to Police Officer -From:&text=The IMEI number of the and take the required action
  • https://www foundletters com/complaint-letters/application-to-police-station-for-lost-of-mobile-phone/#:~:text=Application for Mobile Lost to Police Officer -From:&text=Respected Sir/Madam, mobile phone during the commute
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4 thoughts on “Application to Police Station for Lost of Mobile Phone”

Dear sir, I humbly state that my following android mobile phone has been lost to my sisters marriage ceremony the 7th may 2023 in chittagong K.B Convention Hall . I cannot find out of my phone from that day to today. So I requested to you to record of the Diary of my android phone has been lost. For the above circumstances kindly register the loss of mobile complaint and take necessary actions to locate it and recover it. I will also be needing a copy of this complaint as I need to submit it with the service provider so that my number can be blocked in order to prevent any SMS abuse.

Thanking you in anticipation. Description of Mobile Phone :- model: oppo A77s , oppo cph2473 color : Starry black IMEI1 : 869739060463455 IMEI2 : 869739060463448 mobile: 01843721709 cash memo date :- 01/04/2023 yours Faithfully Plabon Paul.

Please find the phone sir

Mera phone chalti train se chori ho gaya h location goraul railway station

i lost my mobile phone at snaho automobiles bajaj motorcycle showrooom

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15+ Letter Writing to Police – Examples, How to Write, Elements

  • Letter Writing
  • March 13, 2024
  • Formal Letters , Complaint Letters

Letter Writing to Police: Writing a letter to the police can be necessary for various reasons, such as reporting a crime, requesting information, or seeking assistance. A well-written formal letter can help to provide clear and concise information to the police and can also serve as a formal record of the communication.

When Letter Writing to Police, it is important to follow the appropriate format and use a professional and respectful tone. The Letter Writing to Police should include the sender’s contact information, the date, and a clear subject line that briefly summarizes the purpose of the letter.

Also Check: Formal Complaint Letter of Harassment Format

Letter Writing to Police – How to Write

Content in this article

Here important information is provided for how to write letter writing to police

  • Start with a proper salutation: Begin your letter with a respectful salutation such as “Dear Officer [Name]”.
  • Introduce yourself: Briefly introduce yourself and explain the reason for writing the letter. If you are writing to report a crime or request assistance, provide a clear and concise description of the incident.
  • Include details: Provide as much detail as possible about the incident, including the time, date, and location. If you witnessed the incident or have any information that may be helpful to the investigation, include it in your letter.
  • Request action: Clearly state the action you are requesting from the police, such as an investigation, arrest, or follow-up communication. Be sure to include any supporting documents or evidence that you may have.
  • Express gratitude: Thank the police for their attention to your matter and express your appreciation for their service.
  • Close the letter: End the letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,” and include your name and contact information.
  • Proofread: Before sending your letter, review it for errors and ensure that it is clear and concise.

Letter Writing To Police – Sample Format

Below is a Sample Format of Letter Writing To Police:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Police Department Name] [Police Department Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: [Brief Description of the Matter]

Dear [Police Department Name],

I am writing to bring your attention to [provide a brief description of the matter or incident]. This incident occurred on [date and time] at [location]. I believe it is necessary to report this matter for further investigation.

[Provide a detailed account of the incident, including any relevant information such as names, descriptions, or any evidence you may have.]

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter to ensure the safety and well-being of the community. I am willing to cooperate fully with any investigation and provide any additional information required.

Please find attached any supporting documents or evidence related to this incident.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and I appreciate the efforts of the [Police Department Name] in maintaining the safety of our community.

[Your Full Name] [Your Signature – if sending a hard copy]

Letter Writing to Police – Example

Here’s an Example of Letter Writing to Police:

[City Police Department] [Police Department Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Reporting Suspicious Activity

Dear Officer [Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to report a concerning incident that I witnessed on [date] at approximately [time] in the vicinity of [location].

I observed [describe the incident in detail, including any relevant information such as descriptions of individuals involved, license plate numbers, or other pertinent details]. The behavior appeared suspicious, and I believe it warrants further investigation.

I am concerned about the safety of the community, and I wanted to bring this matter to your attention. I am more than willing to provide any additional information or testify if needed.

Please find attached a document containing additional details and a description of the incident.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and thank you for your service in maintaining the safety of our community.

Letter Writing to Police – Reporting a Crime

Heres’ a Letter Writing to Police for Reporting a Crime:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State – ZIP Code] [Date]

[Police Department Address] [City, State – ZIP Code]

Dear Officer [Name],

I am writing to report a crime that occurred on [Date] at [Location]. At approximately [Time], I witnessed a man breaking into a parked car and stealing a laptop and other valuable items from inside.

The suspect was approximately [Description], wearing [Clothing Description], and fled the scene in a [Vehicle Description] in the direction of [Direction]. I was able to capture a photo of the suspect and the vehicle on my phone, which I have attached to this letter for your reference.

I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in investigating this crime and bringing the suspect to justice. Please let me know if you need any additional information or if I can assist in any way.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Letter Writing to Police for Requesting information

Look at the below that shows Letter Writing to Police for Requesting information:

I am writing to request information regarding a traffic accident that occurred on [Date] at [Location]. I was involved in the accident and would like to obtain a copy of the police report for my insurance claim.

The accident involved a [Description of Vehicles] and occurred at approximately [Time]. I have attached a copy of my driver’s license and insurance information for your reference.

If possible, I would appreciate receiving a copy of the police report as soon as possible to expedite my insurance claim process. Please let me know if there is any additional information you need from me or if there are any fees associated with obtaining the report.

Letter Writing to Police for Requesting Information

Letter Writing to Police – Template

Here’s a Template of Letter Writing to Police:

I am writing to report an incident that occurred on [date and time] at [location]. I believe it is necessary to bring this matter to your attention for further investigation.

Letter to police about an incident

A letter to the police about an incident is a formal communication reporting a specific occurrence. It typically includes details such as date, time, and location, and may request further investigation or intervention.

Subject: Reporting an Incident

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to report an incident that occurred on [date and time] at [location]. I believe it is crucial to bring this matter to your attention for further investigation.

Letter to Police About an Incident

police complaint letter

A police complaint letter is a formal document filed with law enforcement to report an incident, providing details of the event and requesting an investigation into the matter for potential legal action.

Subject: Formal Complaint

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally file a complaint regarding an incident that occurred on [date and time] at [location]. The details of the incident are as follows:

I believe this incident warrants further investigation, and I request your assistance in ensuring that justice is served. I am willing to cooperate fully with any inquiry and provide any additional information required.

Enclosed with this letter are any supporting documents or evidence related to the incident.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and thank you for your commitment to upholding the law and ensuring the safety of our community.

Police Complaint Letter

Formal letter to the police

A formal letter to the police is a respectful communication addressing a specific matter, reporting an incident, or seeking assistance. It typically includes details of the issue and a polite request for police intervention or investigation.

Subject: Formal Letter

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to address a matter that requires the attention of the police department.

[Explain the reason for writing the letter concisely and provide relevant details about the incident or concern.]

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter and appreciate any assistance or investigation that the police department can provide.

Thank you for your dedication to maintaining peace and security in our community.

Formal Letter to the Police

Letter Writing to Police for Seeking Assistance – Email Format

Here’s an Email Format of Letter Writing To Police For Seeking Assistance:

Subject: Seeking Assistance for [Issue]

I am writing to seek your assistance in resolving an issue I have been experiencing. [Describe the issue you are facing and provide any relevant details, such as the time frame, location, and individuals involved.]

I am hoping that you can provide guidance or direct me to the appropriate resources to address this matter. [If you need specific help, such as filing a restraining order, include this in your request.]

I would be grateful for any assistance you can provide and appreciate your attention to this matter. Please let me know if there is any additional information you need from me or if there are any fees associated with obtaining help.

Thank you for your time.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Reporting suspicious activity to the police letter

A letter reporting suspicious activity to the police is a formal communication detailing observed incidents, providing essential information, and urging prompt investigation for community safety and security.

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to report a concerning incident that I observed on [date] at approximately [time] in the vicinity of [location].

[Provide a detailed account of the suspicious activity, including any relevant information such as descriptions of individuals involved, license plate numbers, or other pertinent details.]

I believe it is essential to bring this to your attention to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. I am willing to cooperate fully with any investigation and provide any additional information required.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and I appreciate the efforts of the [City] Police Department in maintaining the security of our community.

Reporting Suspicious Activity to the Police Letter

Request letter to the police for security

A request letter to the police for security is a formal appeal seeking increased security measures in a specific area or situation, emphasizing the importance of ensuring community safety and well-being.

Subject: Request for Enhanced Security Measures

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns regarding the security situation in our neighborhood, particularly around [specific area or issue]. In light of recent incidents, I believe it is crucial to request enhanced security measures to ensure the safety of residents.

[Describe the specific security concerns and incidents prompting the request. Provide any supporting details or evidence.]

I kindly request the [City] Police Department’s assistance in implementing additional security patrols, surveillance, or any other measures deemed necessary in the mentioned area. Your support in addressing these concerns would contribute significantly to the well-being of our community.

I am more than willing to collaborate with the police department, provide further information, or attend any community meetings to discuss these matters.

Thank you for your attention to this request, and I appreciate the dedication of the [City] Police Department in maintaining public safety.

Request Letter to the Police for Security

FAQS About Letter Writing to Police – Examples, How to Write, Elements

How should i begin a letter writing to police reporting an incident.

This Letter Writing to Police start with a formal salutation addressing the officer or relevant authority. Introduce yourself and provide your contact information.

What elements are essential in a Letter Writing to Police?

Letter Writing to Police Include a detailed description of the suspicious activity, relevant dates, times, and locations, as well as any supporting information or evidence.

Can you provide an example of a Letter Writing to Police for request enhanced security measures?

Certainly, a request for Letter Writing to Police should include details about specific security concerns, incidents, and a polite request for additional security measures. It should also express willingness to collaborate with the police.

How long should a Letter Writing to Police be when reporting an incident?

Keep the Letter Writing to Police concise and focused on essential details. Aim for clarity, providing enough information to convey the incident effectively without unnecessary details.

What is the general tone of a Letter Writing to Police, and how formal should it be?

This Letter Writing to Police the tone should be formal and respectful. Address the officer with proper titles and maintain a professional language. Clearly state the purpose of the letter and your willingness to cooperate with any necessary investigations.

Writing a letter to the police can be an effective way to report a crime or request assistance. It is important to be clear and concise in your description of the incident and provide as much detail as possible. Remember to keep your tone respectful and professional, and express gratitude for the police’s attention to your matter. By following these guidelines, you can effectively communicate your needs to law enforcement officials and take steps towards resolving the issue at hand.

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Application Wallah

Application For Lost Atm Card To Police Station (3+ Letter Format)

Application For Lost Atm Card To Police Station : Have you lost your ATM card? Losing an ATM card can be a frustrating and worrying experience.

Learn how to write an application for a lost ATM card at the police station. Follow our 3+ application formats and ensure a hassle-free experience.

Tips for Writing an Application for a Lost ATM Card to Police Station.

  • Provide your personal details, such as name, address, and contact details.
  • Mention the date and time of losing the ATM card, along with the location.
  • Provide details of the ATM card, such as the bank name, account number, and card number.
  • Mention any suspicious activity, such as unauthorized transactions or unusual withdrawals.
  • Request for action, such as blocking the ATM card and conducting an investigation.

Application Letter For Lost Atm Card To Police Station

The Police Incharge

Ballia Police Station

59 – Abcd Road,

Ballia- 277002


Subject: Complaint regarding lost of ATM card.

Respected Sir,

It is said that the applicant is a resident of Ballia, which is within your jurisdiction, and that I am writing to report the loss of my ATM card. The account number is __________, and the card number is __________. The name on the account is ___________. The card was lost on _______ at around _______ in [your location].

I kindly request your assistance in finding the lost card. Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

ATM Card Number

Phone Number

I’ve included the following documents for your convenience.

  • copy I.D proof.

Application For Lost Atm Card To Police Station format

Application For Lost Atm Card To Police

I am the account holder, [account holder name], and I am informing you that I have lost my ATM card with the account number [account number] and the card number [card number] . The incident occurred on [date] at [time].

I request that you kindly take the necessary action and inform me of any updates regarding this matter. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Lost Atm Card Application To Police Station

I am Dipu Verma, and I am writing to report the loss of my ATM card with the account number [account number] and the card number [ card number] . The card was lost on [date] at [time].

I request that you kindly register this complaint and take appropriate action. Thank you for your assistance.

I hope you are writing an application for Application For Lost ATM Card To Police Station. Do you need any help related to this topic? Please tell me in a comment box.

Remember to provide all the necessary details, mention any suspicious activity, and request appropriate action. Thank you for reading this application.

What should I do if I lose my ATM card?

The first step is to report the loss ATM Card, such as the bank or the police. You should also block the ATM card to prevent any unauthorized transactions.

How can I block my lost ATM card?

You can call the bank’s customer care helpline or visit the nearest branch to block your lost ATM card. Some banks also offer the option to block the card through their mobile banking app.

Should I report a lost ATM card to the bank or the police?

It is recommended to report a lost ATM card to both the bank and the police.

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Complaint Letter To Police For Threatening

Are you looking for some best samples of Complaint Letter To Police For Threatening ? If your answer is Yes, here you can get your best sample for life threatening complaint letter.

If someone is threatening you, you will be a little scared, but I will tell you, there is no need to panic. Because our legal system is enough strong and strict. So I also want you to take legal action against it.

Complaint Letter To Police For Threatening, Sample Complaint Letter To Police For Life Threatening, Life Threatening Complaint Letter To Police, Letter To Police Commissioner For Security

According to Indian law, if someone threatens you, it is a punishable offense & you can easily lodge a complaint at your local police station.  You can use those sample complaint letters to make your own perfect complaint letter. I’m sure the police will help you in this situation.

To, The Police Incharge, (Police Station Name), (District), (Police Station Address).

Subject: Life threatening complaint letter to police.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am ________ (Your Name), currently residing at ________(Mention your address). Yesterday my neighbor had a big quarrel with me. The reason for this quarrel was that I had a place next to my house, my neighbor was trying to forcefully occupy it with some fake documents.

Because I prevented them from occupying it, they threatened me with my life. This is exactly what I was forced to write this Complaint Letter to you. I hope you take this matter seriously and take some strong action on this issue.

Thank you in advance.

Yours Faithfully, (Your Name), (Your Mobile No), (Signature).

Sample Complaint Letter To Police For Life Threatening

To, The Sub Inspector, (Police Station Name), (Address).

Subject: Complaint letter to police for threatening.

Respected Sir,

First of all, I would like to inform you that some hooligans live next to my house and they play loud music every night using some big loudspeakers. Our family has repeatedly asked them to stop, but they have not listened to us.

Tomorrow, when we tell them to turn off the loudspeakers and we threaten to make them compliant with the police, they threaten to kill me.

I request you to look into this matter as soon as possible. Because it can slowly cause a big problem. Looking forward to your positive response.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Contact Details].

Read Also: Cyber Crime Complaint Letter (Blackmail & Threatening)

Life Threatening Complaint Letter To Police

To The Inspector of Police, [Police Station Name], [Address], [Date].

Subject: complaint letter to police for threatening.

Respected Sir/ Madam,

With due respect, I am _______ [Your Name], a resident of _______ [Your Address]. I am writing this letter to inform you that I have been receiving a lot of threatening calls from an unknown number in the last few days. The unknown number is __________ [Mention the unknown number]. That’s why I’m so nervous these days.

Therefore, I request you to look into this matter and take legal action on it. Also, you can also call me at this number_______[Mention your personal number] for further details.

Thank you so much.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Address], [Contact Details].

Letter To Police Commissioner For Security

To, The Police Commissioner, (Police Station Name), (Address), (Date).

Subject: Complaint letter to police for life threatening.

I, _________ [Write Your Name], am writing this letter in sheer desperation. I took a loan of Rs 2 lakh from a person about a few months ago. He gave me 6 months to repay this loan. But after 2 months, he started forcing me to repay the loan.

Since I don’t have money now, I can’t repay the loan to him now. I asked him for 10 days to raise money but in return he threatened to kill me.

Below are the full details of the person from whom I took the loan – Person Name: Ratan Sen. Loan Amount: 2 Lakh. Loan Payoff Time: 8 Month. Person Address: Jeevan Praksh, Post Box No.102, 25, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi Mobile No: 9088XXXX15.

Please look into this matter urgently & I hope for a quick adjustment to this problem.

Best Regards, [Your Name], [Your Contact Details].

Complaint Letter To Police For Threatening In English

sample complaint letter to police for life threatening

Sample Complaint Letter To Police For Life-Threatening In India PDF – Download

Using the above samples you can write almost all types of police complaint letters for threatening. Also, if you need more samples on this topic, then kindly please make a comment in the comment section below.

Read More Complaint Letter Samples –

  • Police Complaint Letter Samples & Format (Tamil)
  • Application For Residential Certificate
  • Electricity Meter Complaint Letter

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Application format to Police Station for Lost of Sim Card

[These are sample application letter to police station for enquiring the lost of sim card and misuse of your sim for any violation. You should write with proper cause and formal manner. You can modify this format as your requirement.]

The Officer (Designation),

Police station name…

Police station Address…

Sub: Application for lost of Sim Card

Respected sir,

My name is (name) S/O (Name), the resident of (Area and road name). Sir, this is to inform you of the security reason and also for our protection that I have lost my mobile phone and Sim card last night in the market. My Sim card number is registered under my name. I have lost it at Liberty Market while shopping with family. (show your actual problem and situation). This morning it is my first priority to inform you about the loss of mobile with the sim card. I do not want anybody to misuse it, I am a peaceful citizen who always follows and obeys the law of my country.

Please notice and submit my application. Then I will take the copy of this application to the Cellular Company for complaint and get a new sim card.

I shall be thankful to you.

Yours faithfully,



Contact no and signature…

Another format,

Sub: Application for Lost of Sim Card

Respected Sir,

This is to inform you that my mobile has been snatched from (Area name) near Main Market on (date) night about (time). My personal use of number was in it, it’s a humble request to please find out my mobile phone and block that sim. (show your actual problem and situation). And please give me a letter of allotting the same number on a different sim card. It would be a huge favor for me. Thanks,

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