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Dissertation Writing 101: The Introduction
I f you’re reading this, you’re probably at the daunting early phases of writing up the introduction chapter of your dissertation or thesis. It can be intimidating, I know.
In this post, we’ll look at the 7 essential ingredients of a strong dissertation or thesis introduction chapter, as well as the essential things you need to keep in mind as you craft each section. We’ll also share some useful tips to help you optimize your approach.
Overview: Writing The Introduction Chapter
- The purpose and function of the intro chapter
- Craft an enticing and engaging opening section
- Provide a background and context to the study
- Clearly define the research problem
- State your research aims, objectives and questions
- Explain the significance of your study
- Identify the limitations of your research
- Outline the structure of your dissertation or thesis
A quick sidenote:
You’ll notice that I’ve used the words dissertation and thesis interchangeably. While these terms reflect different levels of research – for example, Masters vs PhD-level research – the introduction chapter generally contains the same 7 essential ingredients regardless of level. So, in this post, dissertation introduction equals thesis introduction.
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Start with why.
To craft a high-quality dissertation or thesis introduction chapter, you need to understand exactly what this chapter needs to achieve. In other words, what’s its purpose ? As the name suggests, the introduction chapter needs to introduce the reader to your research so that they understand what you’re trying to figure out, or what problem you’re trying to solve. More specifically, you need to answer four important questions in your introduction chapter.
These questions are:
- What will you be researching? (in other words, your research topic)
- Why is that worthwhile? (in other words, your justification)
- What will the scope of your research be? (in other words, what will you cover and what won’t you cover)
- What will the limitations of your research be? (in other words, what will the potential shortcomings of your research be?)
Simply put, your dissertation’s introduction chapter needs to provide an overview of your planned research , as well as a clear rationale for it. In other words, this chapter has to explain the “what” and the “why” of your research – what’s it all about and why’s that important.
Simple enough, right?
Well, the trick is finding the appropriate depth of information. As the researcher, you’ll be extremely close to your topic and this makes it easy to get caught up in the minor details. While these intricate details might be interesting, you need to write your introduction chapter on more of a “need-to-know” type basis, or it will end up way too lengthy and dense. You need to balance painting a clear picture with keeping things concise. Don’t worry though – you’ll be able to explore all the intricate details in later chapters.
Now that you understand what you need to achieve from your introduction chapter, we can get into the details. While the exact requirements for this chapter can vary from university to university, there are seven core components that most universities will require. We call these the seven essential ingredients .
The 7 Essential Ingredients
- The opening section – where you’ll introduce the reader to your research in high-level terms
- The background to the study – where you’ll explain the context of your project
- The research problem – where you’ll explain the “gap” that exists in the current research
- The research aims , objectives and questions – where you’ll clearly state what your research will aim to achieve
- The significance (or justification) – where you’ll explain why your research is worth doing and the value it will provide to the world
- The limitations – where you’ll acknowledge the potential limitations of your project and approach
- The structure – where you’ll briefly outline the structure of your dissertation or thesis to help orient the reader
By incorporating these seven essential ingredients into your introduction chapter, you’ll comprehensively cover both the “ what ” and the “ why ” I mentioned earlier – in other words, you’ll achieve the purpose of the chapter.
Side note – you can also use these 7 ingredients in this order as the structure for your chapter to ensure a smooth, logical flow. This isn’t essential, but, generally speaking, it helps create an engaging narrative that’s easy for your reader to understand. If you’d like, you can also download our free introduction chapter template here.
Alright – let’s look at each of the ingredients now.
#1 – The Opening Section
The very first essential ingredient for your dissertation introduction is, well, an introduction or opening section. Just like every other chapter, your introduction chapter needs to start by providing a brief overview of what you’ll be covering in the chapter.
This section needs to engage the reader with clear, concise language that can be easily understood and digested. If the reader (your marker!) has to struggle through it, they’ll lose interest, which will make it harder for you to earn marks. Just because you’re writing an academic paper doesn’t mean you can ignore the basic principles of engaging writing used by marketers, bloggers, and journalists. At the end of the day, you’re all trying to sell an idea – yours is just a research idea.
So, what goes into this opening section?
Well, while there’s no set formula, it’s a good idea to include the following four foundational sentences in your opening section:
1 – A sentence or two introducing the overall field of your research.
For example:
“Organisational skills development involves identifying current or potential skills gaps within a business and developing programs to resolve these gaps. Management research, including X, Y and Z, has clearly established that organisational skills development is an essential contributor to business growth.”
2 – A sentence introducing your specific research problem.
“However, there are conflicting views and an overall lack of research regarding how best to manage skills development initiatives in highly dynamic environments where subject knowledge is rapidly and continuously evolving – for example, in the website development industry.”
3 – A sentence stating your research aims and objectives.
“This research aims to identify and evaluate skills development approaches and strategies for highly dynamic industries in which subject knowledge is continuously evolving.”.
4 – A sentence outlining the layout of the chapter.
“This chapter will provide an introduction to the study by first discussing the background and context, followed by the research problem, the research aims, objectives and questions, the significance and finally, the limitations.”
As I mentioned, this opening section of your introduction chapter shouldn’t be lengthy . Typically, these four sentences should fit neatly into one or two paragraphs, max. What you’re aiming for here is a clear, concise introduction to your research – not a detailed account.
PS – If some of this terminology sounds unfamiliar, don’t stress – I’ll explain each of the concepts later in this post.
#2 – Background to the study
Now that you’ve provided a high-level overview of your dissertation or thesis, it’s time to go a little deeper and lay a foundation for your research topic. This foundation is what the second ingredient is all about – the background to your study.
So, what is the background section all about?
Well, this section of your introduction chapter should provide a broad overview of the topic area that you’ll be researching, as well as the current contextual factors . This could include, for example, a brief history of the topic, recent developments in the area, key pieces of research in the area and so on. In other words, in this section, you need to provide the relevant background information to give the reader a decent foundational understanding of your research area.
Let’s look at an example to make this a little more concrete.
If we stick with the skills development topic I mentioned earlier, the background to the study section would start by providing an overview of the skills development area and outline the key existing research. Then, it would go on to discuss how the modern-day context has created a new challenge for traditional skills development strategies and approaches. Specifically, that in many industries, technical knowledge is constantly and rapidly evolving, and traditional education providers struggle to keep up with the pace of new technologies.
Importantly, you need to write this section with the assumption that the reader is not an expert in your topic area. So, if there are industry-specific jargon and complex terminology, you should briefly explain that here , so that the reader can understand the rest of your document.
Don’t make assumptions about the reader’s knowledge – in most cases, your markers will not be able to ask you questions if they don’t understand something. So, always err on the safe side and explain anything that’s not common knowledge.
#3 – The research problem
Now that you’ve given your reader an overview of your research area, it’s time to get specific about the research problem that you’ll address in your dissertation or thesis. While the background section would have alluded to a potential research problem (or even multiple research problems), the purpose of this section is to narrow the focus and highlight the specific research problem you’ll focus on.
But, what exactly is a research problem, you ask?
Well, a research problem can be any issue or question for which there isn’t already a well-established and agreed-upon answer in the existing research. In other words, a research problem exists when there’s a need to answer a question (or set of questions), but there’s a gap in the existing literature , or the existing research is conflicting and/or inconsistent.
So, to present your research problem, you need to make it clear what exactly is missing in the current literature and why this is a problem . It’s usually a good idea to structure this discussion into three sections – specifically:
- What’s already well-established in the literature (in other words, the current state of research)
- What’s missing in the literature (in other words, the literature gap)
- Why this is a problem (in other words, why it’s important to fill this gap)
Let’s look at an example of this structure using the skills development topic.
Organisational skills development is critically important for employee satisfaction and company performance (reference). Numerous studies have investigated strategies and approaches to manage skills development programs within organisations (reference).
(this paragraph explains what’s already well-established in the literature)
However, these studies have traditionally focused on relatively slow-paced industries where key skills and knowledge do not change particularly often. This body of theory presents a problem for industries that face a rapidly changing skills landscape – for example, the website development industry – where new platforms, languages and best practices emerge on an extremely frequent basis.
(this paragraph explains what’s missing from the literature)
As a result, the existing research is inadequate for industries in which essential knowledge and skills are constantly and rapidly evolving, as it assumes a slow pace of knowledge development. Industries in such environments, therefore, find themselves ill-equipped in terms of skills development strategies and approaches.
(this paragraph explains why the research gap is problematic)
As you can see in this example, in a few lines, we’ve explained (1) the current state of research, (2) the literature gap and (3) why that gap is problematic. By doing this, the research problem is made crystal clear, which lays the foundation for the next ingredient.
#4 – The research aims, objectives and questions
Now that you’ve clearly identified your research problem, it’s time to identify your research aims and objectives , as well as your research questions . In other words, it’s time to explain what you’re going to do about the research problem.
So, what do you need to do here?
Well, the starting point is to clearly state your research aim (or aims) . The research aim is the main goal or the overarching purpose of your dissertation or thesis. In other words, it’s a high-level statement of what you’re aiming to achieve.
Let’s look at an example, sticking with the skills development topic:
“Given the lack of research regarding organisational skills development in fast-moving industries, this study will aim to identify and evaluate the skills development approaches utilised by web development companies in the UK”.
As you can see in this example, the research aim is clearly outlined, as well as the specific context in which the research will be undertaken (in other words, web development companies in the UK).
Next up is the research objective (or objectives) . While the research aims cover the high-level “what”, the research objectives are a bit more practically oriented, looking at specific things you’ll be doing to achieve those research aims.
Let’s take a look at an example of some research objectives (ROs) to fit the research aim.
- RO1 – To identify common skills development strategies and approaches utilised by web development companies in the UK.
- RO2 – To evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies and approaches.
- RO3 – To compare and contrast these strategies and approaches in terms of their strengths and weaknesses.
As you can see from this example, these objectives describe the actions you’ll take and the specific things you’ll investigate in order to achieve your research aims. They break down the research aims into more specific, actionable objectives.
The final step is to state your research questions . Your research questions bring the aims and objectives another level “down to earth”. These are the specific questions that your dissertation or theses will seek to answer. They’re not fluffy, ambiguous or conceptual – they’re very specific and you’ll need to directly answer them in your conclusions chapter .
The research questions typically relate directly to the research objectives and sometimes can look a bit obvious, but they are still extremely important. Let’s take a look at an example of the research questions (RQs) that would flow from the research objectives I mentioned earlier.
- RQ1 – What skills development strategies and approaches are currently being used by web development companies in the UK?
- RQ2 – How effective are each of these strategies and approaches?
- RQ3 – What are the strengths and weaknesses of each of these strategies and approaches?
As you can see, the research questions mimic the research objectives , but they are presented in question format. These questions will act as the driving force throughout your dissertation or thesis – from the literature review to the methodology and onward – so they’re really important.
A final note about this section – it’s really important to be clear about the scope of your study (more technically, the delimitations ). In other words, what you WILL cover and what you WON’T cover. If your research aims, objectives and questions are too broad, you’ll risk losing focus or investigating a problem that is too big to solve within a single dissertation.
Simply put, you need to establish clear boundaries in your research. You can do this, for example, by limiting it to a specific industry, country or time period. That way, you’ll ringfence your research, which will allow you to investigate your topic deeply and thoroughly – which is what earns marks!
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#5 – Significance
Now that you’ve made it clear what you’ll be researching, it’s time to make a strong argument regarding your study’s importance and significance . In other words, now that you’ve covered the what, it’s time to cover the why – enter essential ingredient number 5 – significance.
Of course, by this stage, you’ve already briefly alluded to the importance of your study in your background and research problem sections, but you haven’t explicitly stated how your research findings will benefit the world . So, now’s your chance to clearly state how your study will benefit either industry , academia , or – ideally – both . In other words, you need to explain how your research will make a difference and what implications it will have .
Let’s take a look at an example.
“This study will contribute to the body of knowledge on skills development by incorporating skills development strategies and approaches for industries in which knowledge and skills are rapidly and constantly changing. This will help address the current shortage of research in this area and provide real-world value to organisations operating in such dynamic environments.”
As you can see in this example, the paragraph clearly explains how the research will help fill a gap in the literature and also provide practical real-world value to organisations.
This section doesn’t need to be particularly lengthy, but it does need to be convincing . You need to “sell” the value of your research here so that the reader understands why it’s worth committing an entire dissertation or thesis to it. This section needs to be the salesman of your research. So, spend some time thinking about the ways in which your research will make a unique contribution to the world and how the knowledge you create could benefit both academia and industry – and then “sell it” in this section.
#6 – The limitations
Now that you’ve “sold” your research to the reader and hopefully got them excited about what’s coming up in the rest of your dissertation, it’s time to briefly discuss the potential limitations of your research.
But you’re probably thinking, hold up – what limitations? My research is well thought out and carefully designed – why would there be limitations?
Well, no piece of research is perfect . This is especially true for a dissertation or thesis – which typically has a very low or zero budget, tight time constraints and limited researcher experience. Generally, your dissertation will be the first or second formal research project you’ve ever undertaken, so it’s unlikely to win any research awards…
Simply put, your research will invariably have limitations. Don’t stress yourself out though – this is completely acceptable (and expected). Even “professional” research has limitations – as I said, no piece of research is perfect. The key is to recognise the limitations upfront and be completely transparent about them, so that future researchers are aware of them and can improve the study’s design to minimise the limitations and strengthen the findings.
Generally, you’ll want to consider at least the following four common limitations. These are:
- Your scope – for example, perhaps your focus is very narrow and doesn’t consider how certain variables interact with each other.
- Your research methodology – for example, a qualitative methodology could be criticised for being overly subjective, or a quantitative methodology could be criticised for oversimplifying the situation (learn more about methodologies here ).
- Your resources – for example, a lack of time, money, equipment and your own research experience.
- The generalisability of your findings – for example, the findings from the study of a specific industry or country can’t necessarily be generalised to other industries or countries.
Don’t be shy here. There’s no use trying to hide the limitations or weaknesses of your research. In fact, the more critical you can be of your study, the better. The markers want to see that you are aware of the limitations as this demonstrates your understanding of research design – so be brutal.
#7 – The structural outline
Now that you’ve clearly communicated what your research is going to be about, why it’s important and what the limitations of your research will be, the final ingredient is the structural outline.The purpose of this section is simply to provide your reader with a roadmap of what to expect in terms of the structure of your dissertation or thesis.
In this section, you’ll need to provide a brief summary of each chapter’s purpose and contents (including the introduction chapter). A sentence or two explaining what you’ll do in each chapter is generally enough to orient the reader. You don’t want to get too detailed here – it’s purely an outline, not a summary of your research.
Let’s look at an example:
In Chapter One, the context of the study has been introduced. The research objectives and questions have been identified, and the value of such research argued. The limitations of the study have also been discussed.
In Chapter Two, the existing literature will be reviewed and a foundation of theory will be laid out to identify key skills development approaches and strategies within the context of fast-moving industries, especially technology-intensive industries.
In Chapter Three, the methodological choices will be explored. Specifically, the adoption of a qualitative, inductive research approach will be justified, and the broader research design will be discussed, including the limitations thereof.
So, as you can see from the example, this section is simply an outline of the chapter structure, allocating a short paragraph to each chapter. Done correctly, the outline will help your reader understand what to expect and reassure them that you’ll address the multiple facets of the study.
By the way – if you’re unsure of how to structure your dissertation or thesis, be sure to check out our video post which explains dissertation structure .
Keep calm and carry on.
Hopefully you feel a bit more prepared for this challenge of crafting your dissertation or thesis introduction chapter now. Take a deep breath and remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day – conquer one ingredient at a time and you’ll be firmly on the path to success.
Let’s quickly recap – the 7 ingredients are:
- The opening section – where you give a brief, high-level overview of what your research will be about.
- The study background – where you introduce the reader to key theory, concepts and terminology, as well as the context of your study.
- The research problem – where you explain what the problem with the current research is. In other words, the research gap.
- The research aims , objectives and questions – where you clearly state what your dissertation will investigate.
- The significance – where you explain what value your research will provide to the world.
- The limitations – where you explain what the potential shortcomings and limitations of your research may be.
- The structural outline – where you provide a high-level overview of the structure of your document
If you bake these ingredients into your dissertation introduction chapter, you’ll be well on your way to building an engaging introduction chapter that lays a rock-solid foundation for the rest of your document.
Remember, while we’ve covered the essential ingredients here, there may be some additional components that your university requires, so be sure to double-check your project brief!
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Thanks very much for such an insight. I feel confident enough in undertaking my thesis on the survey;The future of facial recognition and learning non verbal interaction
Glad to hear that. Good luck with your thesis!
Hi Derek, your article has been really helpful. Samuel. Student, Masters in Communication and Development Studies. Papua New Guinea University of Technology. 2024.
Thanks very much for such an insight. I feel confident now undertaking my thesis; The future of facial recognition and learning non verbal interaction.
Thanks so much for this article. I found myself struggling and wasting a lot of time in my thesis writing but after reading this article and watching some of your youtube videos, I now have a clear understanding of what is required for a thesis.
Thank you Derek, i find your each post so useful. Keep it up.
Thank you so much Derek ,for shedding the light and making it easier for me to handle the daunting task of academic writing .
Thanks do much Dereck for the comprehensive guide. It will assist me queit a lot in my thesis.
thanks a lot for helping
i LOVE the gifs, such a fun way to engage readers. thanks for the advice, much appreciated
Thanks a lot Derek! It will be really useful to the beginner in research!
You’re welcome
This is a well written, easily comprehensible, simple introduction to the basics of a Research Dissertation../the need to keep the reader in mind while writing the dissertation is an important point that is covered../ I appreciate the efforts of the author../
The instruction given are perfect and clear. I was supposed to take the course , unfortunately in Nepal the service is not avaialble.However, I am much more hopeful that you will provide require documents whatever you have produced so far.
Thank you very much
Thanks so much ❤️😘 I feel am ready to start writing my research methodology
This is genuinely the most effective advice I have ever been given regarding academia. Thank you so much!
This is one of the best write up I have seen in my road to PhD thesis. regards, this write up update my knowledge of research
I was looking for some good blogs related to Education hopefully your article will help. Thanks for sharing.
This is an awesome masterpiece. It is one of the most comprehensive guides to writing a Dissertation/Thesis I have seen and read.
You just saved me from going astray in writing a Dissertation for my undergraduate studies. I could not be more grateful for such a relevant guide like this. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much Derek, this has been extremely helpful!!
I do have one question though, in the limitations part do you refer to the scope as the focus of the research on a specific industry/country/chronological period? I assume that in order to talk about whether or not the research could be generalized, the above would need to be already presented and described in the introduction.
Thank you again!
Phew! You have genuinely rescued me. I was stuck how to go about my thesis. Now l have started. Thank you.
This is the very best guide in anything that has to do with thesis or dissertation writing. The numerous blends of examples and detailed insights make it worth a read and in fact, a treasure that is worthy to be bookmarked.
Thanks a lot for this masterpiece!
Powerful insight. I can now take a step
Thank you very much for these valuable introductions to thesis chapters. I saw all your videos about writing the introduction, discussion, and conclusion chapter. Then, I am wondering if we need to explain our research limitations in all three chapters, introduction, discussion, and conclusion? Isn’t it a bit redundant? If not, could you please explain how can we write in different ways? Thank you.
Excellent!!! Thank you…
Thanks for this informative content. I have a question. The research gap is mentioned in both the introduction and literature section. I would like to know how can I demonstrate the research gap in both sections without repeating the contents?
I’m incredibly grateful for this invaluable content. I’ve been dreading compiling my postgrad thesis but breaking each chapter down into sections has made it so much easier for me to engage with the material without feeling overwhelmed. After relying on your guidance, I’m really happy with how I’ve laid out my introduction.
Thank you for the informative content you provided
Hi Derrick and Team, thank you so much for the comprehensive guide on how to write a dissertation or a thesis introduction section. For some of us first-timers, it is a daunting task. However, the instruction with relevant examples makes it clear and easy to follow through. Much appreciated.
It was so helpful. God Bless you. Thanks very much
I thank you Grad coach for your priceless help. I have two questions I have learned from your video the limitations of the research presented in chapter one. but in another video also presented in chapter five. which chapter limitation should be included? If possible, I need your answer since I am doing my thesis. how can I explain If I am asked what is my motivation for this research?
You explain what moment in life caused you to have a peaked interest in the thesis topic. Personal experiences? Or something that had an impact on your life, or others. Something would have caused your drive of topic. Dig deep inside, the answer is within you!
Thank you guys for the great work you are doing. Honestly, you have made the research to be interesting and simplified. Even a novice will easily grasp the ideas you put forward, Thank you once again.
Excellent piece!
I feel like just settling for a good topic is usually the hardest part.
Thank you so much. My confidence has been completely destroyed during my first year of PhD and you have helped me pull myself together again
Happy to help 🙂
I am so glad I ran into your resources and did not waste time doing the wrong this. Research is now making so much sense now.
Gratitude to Derrick and the team I was looking for a solid article that would aid me in drafting the thesis’ introduction. I felt quite happy when I came across the piece you wrote because it was so well-written and insightful. I wish you success in the future.
thank you so much. God Bless you
Thank you so much Grad Coach for these helpful insights. Now I can get started, with a great deal of confidence.
It’s ‘alluded to’ not ‘eluded to’.
This is great!
Thank you for all this information. I feel very confident to complete my dissertation with all the help given. This is awesome and very helpful; I was studying alone with very little supervision and feedback of my thoughts. feelings. aspirations and experiences, with my topic or Kaupapa. It is a topic that very little or few researchers have written a thesis about (from personal experiences). As John Burke said ” unless you are sitting in the front seat and row, up close and personal, you will not understand the difficulties of growing up and living with hearing loss (caused by swimmer’s ears infection, resulting in burst eardrums, unless one denies having a hearing loss. This is from a Māori woman’s cultural perspective. Nga mihi nui kia koutou.
Thanks a lot for this information. The concepts are explained in a simple yet powerful way. They are easy to understand and adopt. Your team played an important role in writing my thesis. A big thank you !!!
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Trapped in dissertation revisions?
How to write dissertation chapter 1, published by steve tippins on july 19, 2022 july 19, 2022.
Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 04:48 am
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the dissertation stage! You should be incredibly happy. However, beginning to write chapter one might be a little daunting. We’re going to cover a broad overview on chapter one here in this article so that you know the territory before you set out.
Purpose of Chapter One
The purpose of chapter one is to introduce the reader to what’s coming. Chapter one usually runs around 15 pages, and it gives the reader the highlights of what’s coming. Typically, you start with an introduction.
#1. Introduction
The introduction includes a few citations and says, “Hey, we’re going to talk about ___.” Fill in the blank with your topic (educational policy, or management handling of turnover, etc.). Also, don’t say “hey” like we did (that wouldn’t be very good academic writing).
#2. Background of the Problem
The next section is the background of the problem. I like to think of this as a very short literature review , showing the reader that there’s a foundation of scholarly research about this topic.
#3. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Follow that up by the theoretical or conceptual framework . Think of this as the seminal research upon which your study is based. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, for example, is an incredibly popular conceptual framework. Erickson’s theories are popular in education, and systems theory is being used in many disciplines now.
#4. Problem Statement
Next comes what many consider to be the guts or the foundation of the dissertation: your problem statement . Your problem statement is typically one line. Now it might be surrounded by a paragraph or two, but the actual problem statement is one sentence. It should begin, “The problem to be studied is…” and finish with something that directly aligns with your purpose and research questions. For example, “…we don’t know the impact of extra after school education on student grades in math,” or “…we are not aware of the perceptions of employees regarding management, changing retirement plans.”
Over 50% of doctoral candidates don’t finish their dissertations.
#5. Purpose Statement
Next comes your purpose statement . The purpose is directly related to the problem. If the problem is that the impact of management decisions on employee turnover is unknown, then our purpose would be to determine the impact of management decisions on employee turnover.
#6. Research Questions
Follow this by the research questions. Your research questions should be highly aligned with your problem and your purpose. For example, your research question could be: “what is the relationship between management decisions and employee turnover?” Or for another topic, “what are the perceptions of parents regarding teacher pay raises?”
Quick aside: You’re going to say things over and over and over again in your dissertation. Say them the exact same way. You get in trouble when you try to get interesting and use different terms, because doing so actually introduces new meanings. Be okay with sounding boring.
#7. Methodology
Next is a brief Methodology section. Am I going to use a quantitative approach? Am I going to use a qualitative approach? What sources am I going to use? Is this going to be secondary data? Am I going to interview parents? Quickly tell the reader that you’re going to have a whole chapter (chapter three) to really go further on this.
#8. Definition of Key Terms
Many chapter ones include a definition of key terms. If I’m talking about phenomenology, I’d better tell the reader what phenomenology is. If I’m talking about special ed teachers, I’m going to say what a special ed teacher is.
#9. Validity
You also may have a section in chapter one on validity. This is going to be somewhere in your dissertation, and it’s going to assure the reader that you’re following all the ethical steps and that results can be transferable.
#10. Conclusion and Segway to Chapter Two
Finally, you’re going to have a conclusion wrapping everything up, summarizing for the reader what they heard, and a segue into chapter two.
Steve Tippins
Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins
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Dissertation Chapter 1 – What Should Be Included
- July 20, 2020
- Essay Guides and Topics
Here's What We'll Cover
Chapter 1 of the dissertation plays a fundamental role in helping readers acknowledge your area of study in a lengthy manner. Therefore, you must always follow the right outline and format . You will agree with me that dissertation chapter one plays an integral role in providing an excellent dissertation paper.
However, many students get the whole dissertation wrong due to availing a wrongly written chapter one. All hope isn’t lost as you can buy your term paper online to reduce the stress and the hustle of writing one.
Even so, you still need to understand how chapter one of your dissertation should be. This article provides you with insightful information on what a dissertation chapter 1 includes.
Introduction To The Dissertation Chapter 1
The introduction segment helps introduce the subject at hand to the readers.
In order to do this,
You need to use the funnel approach to start with a broadened perspective while narrowing your study to your dissertation topic. Using the funnel approach helps mark your research territories.
Therefore, your introduction must provide a few quotes from other researchers.
As a researcher, you need to do your study and understand the research gaps available for your study area.
Through availing quotations from other researchers, you will showcase the possible research gap and the need to fill that gap.
Background Of The Problem
The problem has been prevailing for years, and you need to showcase this.
Therefore, consider showing the history, geographical setting, and the extent of the problem.
Through the background information you avail, your readers will understand the practicality of the problem and how it has affected life and existence.
Background of the problem helps prepare your readers to understand the relevance of the paper.
Statement Of The problem
Once you introduce your dissertation, you need to have a statement of the problem.
Every essay must have a problem to be addressed.
Therefore, writing an ideal statement of the problem helps you avail of a powerfully crafted dissertation chapter 1.
There are five different parts of the statement of the problem and they include;
- Showcase the research gap
- Significance of the study
- Purpose of the study
- Research questions
- Research hypothesis
- Definition of terms
- Assumptions, limitations, and delimitations
The topic helps you identify and state the problem that your research focuses on or addresses.
You need to state the problem from both the practical and theoretical perspectives.
Showcase The Research Gap
Other researchers must have investigated the problem in the past years but haven’t availed a remarkable solution yet.
Therefore, ensure that you showcase the gap available by showing how previous researchers have failed to avail of a proven solution.
The gap in your SOP is different from the one in your introduction. Your introduction’s research gap is broad, but this one must have clarity.
Your readers need irrefutable proof that the problem exists.
Therefore, consider writing a maximum of two paragraphs showcasing what other researchers and papers have written proving the problem’s existence.
You need to demonstrate how your investigation filled the available gap hence solving the problem.
Your statement of the problem must never provide a specific solution to the problem but should guide readers towards a great solution.
Who is your targeted audience? You need to identify who your investigation and research eyes focus on and areas where it would be useful.
Your statement of the problem should have at least five paragraphs, with each paragraph focusing on a specific area.
You cannot provide irrefutable resources when writing your SOP section unless it’s the evidence part.
Significance Of The Study
Detailing is necessary for this section. Therefore, ensure that you show the significance of your investigation and research to other researchers and people concerned with your specific area of study.
Therefore, ensure that you answer the questions “why and how the study is important?”
Consider showing the research gap available but uniquely from how you presented the gap in your SOP and introduction sections.
The main idea is showcasing the significance of your research in chapter 1 of the dissertation.
Purpose Of The Study
What will your investigation unveil? Your readers need to acknowledge what you are looking for in your studies and what you purpose on revealing.
Research Questions
Your research must have answers to specific questions. Therefore, understand those questions that you will be answering throughout the study or investigation.
Your research questions should be the same as your purpose, but they are supposed to be in question form.
The section should have jotted down questions that your research shall answer. It would be best if you considered precision and concision when developing these questions.
Research Hypothesis
This section gives you a platform to answer the questions in the previous sections.
It would help if you settled for the null hypotheses while answering the questions. Your answers must be detailed but concise.
Definition Of Terms
Your chapter 1 should have keywords and terms not commonly used, but they are variables to your dissertation.
Therefore, ensure that you note the keywords and have them defined from a theoretical and operational perspective.
To define a keyword theoretically, you will have to go through other related research and understand their definition for the particular keywords.
Once you have scanned the papers and identified their keyword definitions, consider quoting these definitions.
Once you have theoretically defined the keywords, ensure to have another paragraph availing an empirical definition.
Empirical definitions help state how your research defines the keywords.
Assumptions, limitations, And Delimitations
During your investigation process for chapter 1 of your dissertation, you are prone to have some assumptions and experience some limitations.
You also need to understand the difference between limitation and delimitation.
While a limitation is out of your control as a researcher, delimitation is chosen by you in your research.
For instance, it is your choice to have teenagers answer your questionnaires and not adults. Therefore, you have delimited yourself to having teenagers answer your questions.
Dissertation chapter 1 must have a conclusion. The conclusion helps remind the reader of the purpose of the research and the statement of the problem.
Without the problem, your thesis becomes null and void. Therefore, ensure that you remain precise and relevant in your conclusion .
How thorough you are with your chapter 1 determines how relevant and remarkable your dissertation will be.
Therefore, you should ensure that you understand the outline and what each section brings to the table.
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What should be in Chapter 1 of a dissertation?
In chapter one you make a compelling case regarding the problem under research.
What is Chapter 1 of a dissertation?
Identify the need for the study and why it is of concern to the researcher. The purpose of the Study section of Chapter 1 provides a reflection of the problem statement and identifies how the study will be accomplished. It explains how the proposed study will contribute to the field.
What are the 5 chapters of a dissertation?
They include; introduction, literature review, methodology, findings, conclusion, discussion, and future consideration.
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How to write a fantastic thesis introduction (+15 examples)
The thesis introduction, usually chapter 1, is one of the most important chapters of a thesis. It sets the scene. It previews key arguments and findings. And it helps the reader to understand the structure of the thesis. In short, a lot is riding on this first chapter. With the following tips, you can write a powerful thesis introduction.
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Elements of a fantastic thesis introduction
Open with a (personal) story, begin with a problem, define a clear research gap, describe the scientific relevance of the thesis, describe the societal relevance of the thesis, write down the thesis’ core claim in 1-2 sentences, support your argument with sufficient evidence, consider possible objections, address the empirical research context, give a taste of the thesis’ empirical analysis, hint at the practical implications of the research, provide a reading guide, briefly summarise all chapters to come, design a figure illustrating the thesis structure.
An introductory chapter plays an integral part in every thesis. The first chapter has to include quite a lot of information to contextualise the research. At the same time, a good thesis introduction is not too long, but clear and to the point.
A powerful thesis introduction does the following:
- It captures the reader’s attention.
- It presents a clear research gap and emphasises the thesis’ relevance.
- It provides a compelling argument.
- It previews the research findings.
- It explains the structure of the thesis.
In addition, a powerful thesis introduction is well-written, logically structured, and free of grammar and spelling errors. Reputable thesis editors can elevate the quality of your introduction to the next level. If you are in search of a trustworthy thesis or dissertation editor who upholds high-quality standards and offers efficient turnaround times, I recommend the professional thesis and dissertation editing service provided by Editage .
This list can feel quite overwhelming. However, with some easy tips and tricks, you can accomplish all these goals in your thesis introduction. (And if you struggle with finding the right wording, have a look at academic key phrases for introductions .)
Ways to capture the reader’s attention
A powerful thesis introduction should spark the reader’s interest on the first pages. A reader should be enticed to continue reading! There are three common ways to capture the reader’s attention.
An established way to capture the reader’s attention in a thesis introduction is by starting with a story. Regardless of how abstract and ‘scientific’ the actual thesis content is, it can be useful to ease the reader into the topic with a short story.
This story can be, for instance, based on one of your study participants. It can also be a very personal account of one of your own experiences, which drew you to study the thesis topic in the first place.
Start by providing data or statistics
Data and statistics are another established way to immediately draw in your reader. Especially surprising or shocking numbers can highlight the importance of a thesis topic in the first few sentences!
So if your thesis topic lends itself to being kick-started with data or statistics, you are in for a quick and easy way to write a memorable thesis introduction.
The third established way to capture the reader’s attention is by starting with the problem that underlies your thesis. It is advisable to keep the problem simple. A few sentences at the start of the chapter should suffice.
Usually, at a later stage in the introductory chapter, it is common to go more in-depth, describing the research problem (and its scientific and societal relevance) in more detail.
You may also like: Minimalist writing for a better thesis
Emphasising the thesis’ relevance
A good thesis is a relevant thesis. No one wants to read about a concept that has already been explored hundreds of times, or that no one cares about.
Of course, a thesis heavily relies on the work of other scholars. However, each thesis is – and should be – unique. If you want to write a fantastic thesis introduction, your job is to point out this uniqueness!
In academic research, a research gap signifies a research area or research question that has not been explored yet, that has been insufficiently explored, or whose insights and findings are outdated.
Every thesis needs a crystal-clear research gap. Spell it out instead of letting your reader figure out why your thesis is relevant.
* This example has been taken from an actual academic paper on toxic behaviour in online games: Liu, J. and Agur, C. (2022). “After All, They Don’t Know Me” Exploring the Psychological Mechanisms of Toxic Behavior in Online Games. Games and Culture 1–24, DOI: 10.1177/15554120221115397
The scientific relevance of a thesis highlights the importance of your work in terms of advancing theoretical insights on a topic. You can think of this part as your contribution to the (international) academic literature.
Scientific relevance comes in different forms. For instance, you can critically assess a prominent theory explaining a specific phenomenon. Maybe something is missing? Or you can develop a novel framework that combines different frameworks used by other scholars. Or you can draw attention to the context-specific nature of a phenomenon that is discussed in the international literature.
The societal relevance of a thesis highlights the importance of your research in more practical terms. You can think of this part as your contribution beyond theoretical insights and academic publications.
Why are your insights useful? Who can benefit from your insights? How can your insights improve existing practices?
Formulating a compelling argument
Arguments are sets of reasons supporting an idea, which – in academia – often integrate theoretical and empirical insights. Think of an argument as an umbrella statement, or core claim. It should be no longer than one or two sentences.
Including an argument in the introduction of your thesis may seem counterintuitive. After all, the reader will be introduced to your core claim before reading all the chapters of your thesis that led you to this claim in the first place.
But rest assured: A clear argument at the start of your thesis introduction is a sign of a good thesis. It works like a movie teaser to generate interest. And it helps the reader to follow your subsequent line of argumentation.
The core claim of your thesis should be accompanied by sufficient evidence. This does not mean that you have to write 10 pages about your results at this point.
However, you do need to show the reader that your claim is credible and legitimate because of the work you have done.
A good argument already anticipates possible objections. Not everyone will agree with your core claim. Therefore, it is smart to think ahead. What criticism can you expect?
Think about reasons or opposing positions that people can come up with to disagree with your claim. Then, try to address them head-on.
Providing a captivating preview of findings
Similar to presenting a compelling argument, a fantastic thesis introduction also previews some of the findings. When reading an introduction, the reader wants to learn a bit more about the research context. Furthermore, a reader should get a taste of the type of analysis that will be conducted. And lastly, a hint at the practical implications of the findings encourages the reader to read until the end.
If you focus on a specific empirical context, make sure to provide some information about it. The empirical context could be, for instance, a country, an island, a school or city. Make sure the reader understands why you chose this context for your research, and why it fits to your research objective.
If you did all your research in a lab, this section is obviously irrelevant. However, in that case you should explain the setup of your experiment, etcetera.
The empirical part of your thesis centers around the collection and analysis of information. What information, and what evidence, did you generate? And what are some of the key findings?
For instance, you can provide a short summary of the different research methods that you used to collect data. Followed by a short overview of how you analysed this data, and some of the key findings. The reader needs to understand why your empirical analysis is worth reading.
You already highlighted the practical relevance of your thesis in the introductory chapter. However, you should also provide a preview of some of the practical implications that you will develop in your thesis based on your findings.
Presenting a crystal clear thesis structure
A fantastic thesis introduction helps the reader to understand the structure and logic of your whole thesis. This is probably the easiest part to write in a thesis introduction. However, this part can be best written at the very end, once everything else is ready.
A reading guide is an essential part in a thesis introduction! Usually, the reading guide can be found toward the end of the introductory chapter.
The reading guide basically tells the reader what to expect in the chapters to come.
In a longer thesis, such as a PhD thesis, it can be smart to provide a summary of each chapter to come. Think of a paragraph for each chapter, almost in the form of an abstract.
For shorter theses, which also have a shorter introduction, this step is not necessary.
Especially for longer theses, it tends to be a good idea to design a simple figure that illustrates the structure of your thesis. It helps the reader to better grasp the logic of your thesis.
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Module 3, Chapter I - Introduction
The introductory chapter of a dissertation is crucial because it is the first section that readers will read. In this module, you will learn how to write the perfect introduction chapter for your dissertation.
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Module 3, Chapter I - Introduction: How to Write the Introduction Chapter for a Dissertation
The first chapter of your dissertation or thesis is the introduction. It comes right after the table of contents, and its main goal is to explain the background of your research topic, your focus and scope, the importance of your research, your questions and goals, and a brief summary of your structure. Your introduction chapter gets the reader interested by making it clear what your research is about, what your goal is, and where you want to go with it. If well written, the introduction chapter will help the supervisor build reading momentum for your dissertation. This module will guide you on how to write the introduction chapter of your dissertation and explain what should be included and what needs to be left out. Further, we’ll talk about how to organize the background of your research, write your problem statement, write the goals and objectives of your research, and explain why your research is important. The idea is to help you create a picture of what you would like to see and what details you appreciate when you read the introductory chapter of a dissertation and try to recreate that same clarity for your supervisor. Therefore, folks, grab your coffee, sit back, and learn how to write the perfect introduction chapter for your dissertation.
Section in this module:
3.1 understanding the purpose of the introduction chapter, 3.2 the opening section of the introduction, 3.3 the background of the research, 3.4 the problem statement, 3.5 the aim and objective of the research, 3.6 significance of the research, 3.7 the limitations of the research, 3.8 the structure of the dissertation, let's get started....
To write an excellent dissertation introduction, you should understand the essential elements of the chapter. The purpose of the introduction chapter is to orient the reader of the dissertation and give them an understanding of what the research seeks to accomplish or discover. What do you need to address in the introduction n chapter?
- What is the topic of the research?
- What justification are you giving to conduct the research (Why is the study critical)
- What will be the extent of your study? (The things to be covered and those that should be left out)
- What are the constraints and limitations of your study?
The dissertation introduction is set to provide an overview of the anticipated study. It is also set to outline a clear rationale for the research. The introduction chapter is meant to answer what the research entails and why it is essential to conduct it. The chapter should be detailed and contain the required depth of information. Often, you can be easily distracted by other fields of study connected to the topic of interest. While writing the introduction part of a dissertation, it is important to note other related fields as pieces knowledge that the reader would need to know and not as the focus of the research. The introduction is set to be less detailed but precise. Details of the study are unfolded in other chapters of the dissertation.
Having gained an understanding of what is needed from the introduction chapter of a dissertation, you can now delve into the details of the introduction. The specific requirements of the introduction chapter may vary based on the needs of different institutions and departments. However, the essential parts that inform an excellent dissertation introduction are:
- The opening section. In this section, you should introduce the readers to your study and highly orient them on the precise purpose of the study.
- The background of the research. This portion position the dissertation in its proper context.
- The problem statements. This section explains the main problem or issues existing in the study.
- The aim and objective of the research. This explains the things the study seeks to achieve.
- The importance of the study. It gives an understanding of why the research should be conducted. This section seeks to share satisfactory evidence on why the research is worthwhile.
- The limitations of the research. This portion unveils the possible problems and constraints that could be experienced during the study.
- The structure of the dissertation. This section gives an outline of how the dissertation will be structured.
These sections will ensure that the introduction is written smoothly and logically. It builds a friendly interface between the reader and the research, which is key to shaping the reader’s attitude throughout the dissertation.
When writing the introduction chapter of a dissertation, the opening section is one of the essential parts. This section seeks to engage the readers with the research by representing it in language and a manner they can easily understand. The opening session should be simple, precise, and attractive. It should be simple enough to understand as the reader may lose interest. There is no specific way to write the opening section of the dissertation introduction. However, there are vital elements that you can consider while writing an engaging introduction section:
- A sentence orienting the reader on the general field of study. For instance, “ Organizational skills development involves identifying current or potential skills gaps within a business and developing programs to resolve these gaps. Management research, including X, Y and Z, has clearly established that organizational skills development is an essential contributor to business growth.”
- A sentence about the specific research topic derived from the field of study. For instance, “However, there are conflicting views and an overall lack of research regarding how best to manage skills development initiatives in highly dynamic environments where subject knowledge is rapidly and continuously evolving – for example, in the website development industry.”
- A sentence explaining the aims and objectives of the dissertation. For instance, “This research aims to identify and evaluate skills development approaches and strategies for highly dynamic industries in which subject knowledge is continuously evolving.”
- A sentence giving the structure of the dissertation introduction chapter. For example, “This chapter will provide an introduction to the study by first discussing the background and context, followed by the research problem, the research aims, objectives and questions, the significance and finally, the limitations.”
TIP: The opening section of the dissertation introduction should be short, preferably a paragraph. The points above serve as a guideline for composing a neat and clear opening section.
While the opening section offers an overview of the research at hand, the background of the dissertation seeks to lay a foundation for the topic of study. When writing the introduction chapter of a dissertation, the background of the study provides a broader understanding of the topic of choice. It also sheds light on the present contextual variables of the study. The section entails a brief history of the desired field of study, the changes and improvements that may have occurred throughout the history of the research conducted, and the fundamental findings that have been documented. The background of the study gives the relevant information needed to equip the readers with a basic understanding of the area of study.
For example, sticking with the skills development topic addressed in the opening section of the introduction, the background of the research would begin by providing a general outlook of the skills development field. The section would then give an outline of the existing studies conducted. The background of the research section would then examine how the current day context has affected the efficacy of previously developed skill development processes. In our case, the section would examine how the rapid growth in technology has affected the traditional skill-developing trainers due to the struggle to keep up with new-age development.
While writing the background of the research section, you should assume that the reader has yet to gain any prior knowledge or expertise in that field of study. Therefore, you are expected to include a ‘Definition of Terms’ session with some of the technical terms associated with the topic of study. This would help the reader quickly understand the rest of the paper since most of the terms are repeated. Also is essential to avoid assuming the readers’ level of knowledge. In many cases, the readers do not have a platform to communicate directly with you or ask questions in opaque areas. Therefore, it is crucial for you to explain all terms that cannot be identified as common knowledge.
In this session, you should begin to get more precise about the research problem. The background of the research section may have opened the reader to a wide range of the issues solved by other scholars in the same field of study. However, the problem statement helps you to make the scope of the study narrower and more specific. The research problem can be termed as the issue or field of study where there needs to be more well-rounded and conclusive information based on research. A research problem emerges when questions that need answers arise, yet the present literature is limited in offering a satisfactory answer to the question(s) at hand. While writing the introduction chapter of a dissertation, the problem statement should be clear on what could be missing in the existing literature and why the deliberation issue is a problem. You can plan the research problem presentation by answering the following questions:
- What is the current state of research in the field of choice? (What has already been established by other scholars?)
- Where is the literature gap? In the research conducted, what is the missing outcome?
- Is the missing literature posing a problem that needs to be solved?
For example , research that has already been established can be acknowledged as follows, “ Organizational skills development is critically important for employee satisfaction and company performance (reference). Numerous studies have investigated strategies and approaches to manage skills development programs within organizations (reference).”
The missing information from literature stemming from studies done by other researchers in the same field can be presented as, “However, these studies have traditionally focused on relatively slow-paced industries where key skills and knowledge do not change particularly often. This body of theory presents a problem for industries that face a rapidly changing skills landscape – for example, the website development industry – where new platforms, languages and best practices emerge on an extremely frequent basis.”
Presenting reasons why the missing literature is a problem that needs to be solved can be done as, “As a result, the existing research is inadequate for industries in which essential knowledge and skills are constantly and rapidly evolving, as it assumes a slow pace of knowledge development. Industries in such environments, therefore, find themselves ill-equipped in terms of skills development strategies and approaches.”
As outlined in the examples above, the present research status has been acknowledged, the missing gap in the research conducted has also been clearly stated, and finally, the evidence as to why the missing literature is a problem that needs analysis has been given.
TIP: When you incorporate this format to focus on the research problem, clarity informs and compels the reader to agree on the need to conduct the research.
The research aims and objectives explain what you plan to do to solve the research problem defined by the problem statement. This section also includes the research questions. When writing the introduction chapter of a dissertation, the aims and objective session of the research begin by clearly stating the primary goal of the dissertation. The study’s main purpose is a well-thought-out and structured statement that clearly details what you are willing to achieve through your study. For example, the skills and development topic used in previous models can have the primary goal of the study presented as, “ Given the lack of research regarding organizational skills development in fast-moving industries, this study will aim to identify and evaluate the skills development approaches utilized by web development companies in the United Kingdom.” As shown in the example, the aim of the study is clearly stated. It shows the precise context in which the research is set to be conducted: web development firms in the United Kingdom.
After the main aim of the research has been outlined, the other study objectives are outlined. The research objectives help support and achieve the main purpose of your study. They are more specific and practical. They outline practical developments that should be carried out to accomplish your study’s main aim. Based on the main goal outlined in the previous paragraph, the research objectives can be as follows:
- To examine the main skill development systems and the principal approach employed by website development firms in the United Kingdom.
- To analyze the efficacy of the skills development systems enacted
- To analyze the effectiveness of the main approaches used by website development firms in the United Kingdom.
- To determine the pros and cons of the different systems and approaches to check the best versus the worst.
From the examples shown, the objectives outlined should show the actions that you intend to undertake and the precise areas of study that will help in achieving the primary goal of your research. The objectives can be termed as a breakdown of the leading research goal. They are more practical and specific.
Once the research objectives have been stated, the next step is to outline the research questions. The research question is a further breakdown of the aims and objectives of the study. They are termed as the specific queries that the study will be answering. Research questions should be precise and theoretical. At the conclusion chapter of the dissertation, the research questions should be directly answered based on the evidence you will have gathered in the research. From the research objectives in the skills development example, some of the research questions determined can be:
- What skills development systems and methods are used by website developers in the United Kingdom?
- How successful are these systems and methods?
- What are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the specified systems and methods?
The examples above show that the research questions are directly linked to the research objectives outlined. Research questions can be termed as the force propelling the dissertation as they determine what you will cover in all the other parts of the dissertation and the direction of the research. It is also crucial to be clear on the scope of the study. While writing the aim and objectives of the study, you should be clear on what will be covered in the dissertation and what will not. Consequently, having extensive research goals, objectives, and questions poses the possibility of deviating from the topic of interest. Establishing clear boundaries for the research is crucial to writing a dissertation that focuses on the study’s primary purpose.
When writing the introduction chapter of a dissertation, it is essential for you to state the significance of the research. So far, there has been an alluding to the importance of the study throughout the other sections of the introduction. However, the significance of the research sections gives a broader perspective of the importance of the research. It shows how the research will benefit the entire world. For example, based on the skills development topic, the significance of the study can be as follows, “ This study will contribute to the body of knowledge on skills development by incorporating skills development strategies and approaches for industries in which knowledge and skills are rapidly and constantly changing. This will help address the current shortage of research in this area and provide real-world value to organizations operating in such dynamic environments.” As shown in the example, the significance of the research should show that your study intends to fill the missing literature and provide actionable plans.
After convincing the reader of the significance of the research, the next part involves identifying the study’s limitations. When writing the introduction chapter of a dissertation, it is essential to note that no research is perfect. Many dissertations are surrounded by factors that may affect their effectiveness. The fact that the time limit set to complete the study is tight, financial constraints that make it difficult to finance the research, and the fact that you may need more experience in writing dissertations are all factors that may limit your dissertation. Constraints and limitations in dissertation writing are expected and accepted. It is essential for you to identify the limitation and document. This helps to inform scholars in the future and caution them to be aware of the limitations hence improving future research. Once the research is improved, the findings for future research will be strengthened more than those of the past.
While writing the introduction chapter of the dissertation, you are expected to include a clear outline of the structure of the dissertation. The session acts as a map that the reader can use to understand what to expect throughout each part of the dissertation. The structure of the dissertation provides an overview of the aim of each chapter and the content to be shared. To help the reader, you can have a sentence for every dissertation chapter stating what would be done in each chapter.
How to Write the Introduction Chapter for a Dissertation or Thesis
The introduction chapter of a dissertation or thesis serves as the gateway to your research, setting the stage for what lies ahead. Crafting a well-structured and engaging introduction is essential to captivate your readers and establish the purpose and significance of your study. This comprehensive guide will provide you with valuable insights on how to write an effective introduction chapter that will make a lasting impression.
What is the Purpose of a Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter? The purpose of the introduction chapter is multifaceted. It introduces your research topic, provides the context and background of your study, and highlights its significance within the academic field. This chapter also outlines the objectives, research questions, and the overall structure of your dissertation or thesis.
How to Structure the Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter: To create a cohesive and engaging introduction chapter, consider the following structure:
Opening: Begin with a compelling hook that grabs the reader’s attention and creates an interest in your research.
Background and Context: Provide a concise overview of the existing literature and theories related to your research topic. This section should establish the context and lay the foundation for your study.
Problem Statement: Clearly state the research problem or gap in the current knowledge that your research aims to address. This statement should be focused, specific, and supported by existing literature.
Objectives and Research Questions: Clearly outline the objectives of your study and the research questions that will guide your investigation. These should be concise, measurable, and aligned with the problem statement.
Significance of the Study: Explain the relevance and significance of your research. Discuss how your study contributes to the existing knowledge, addresses the research gap, and potentially impacts the field or society.
Stages in a Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter: The introduction chapter can be divided into stages to ensure a logical flow:
Establishing the Field: Introduce the broader field of study and its key concepts, theories, and methodologies. Provide a foundation for readers to understand the context of your research.
Focusing the Research: Narrow down the scope by identifying the specific aspect or area you will explore. Explain why you chose this particular focus and how it relates to the larger field.
Identifying the Gap: Highlight the existing research gap or problem in the literature. Emphasize the need for your study and explain how it fills this gap or contributes to the knowledge in the field.
Defining Objectives: Clearly state the objectives of your research, outlining what you aim to achieve through your study. These objectives should be clear, specific, and aligned with the problem statement.
What Types of Information Should You Include in Your Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter? Your introduction chapter should include the following essential information:
Background and Context: Provide a brief overview of the existing literature, theories, and research related to your topic.
Problem Statement: Clearly articulate the research problem or gap that your study addresses. This statement should be concise and focused.
Objectives and Research Questions: State the specific objectives and research questions that guide your investigation. These should be measurable and aligned with the problem statement.
Significance of the Study: Explain the relevance and potential impact of your research. Discuss how it contributes to the existing knowledge and addresses the research gap.
Common Problems When Writing Your Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter: When writing the introduction chapter, be aware of the following common issues:
Lack of Clarity: Ensure that your problem statement, objectives, and research questions are clear and concise. Ambiguity can confuse readers and undermine the effectiveness of your introduction.
Overloading with Information: Avoid overwhelming readers with excessive details or too much background information. Focus on providing the necessary context and maintaining a balance between brevity and relevance.
Inadequate Significance: Clearly articulate the significance of your study, highlighting its potential contributions to the field. Failure to do so may undermine the reader’s understanding of the importance of your research.
How Long is a Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter? The length of the introduction chapter can vary depending on institutional guidelines and the complexity of your research. However, as a general guideline, it is typically recommended to be around 10% to 15% of the total word count of your dissertation or thesis. Remember, quality is more important than quantity.
How Long Does It Take to Write a Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter? The time required to write the introduction chapter depends on various factors, including your research process, familiarity with the topic, and writing proficiency. On average, it may take several weeks to develop a well-crafted introduction chapter. However, this timeframe can vary based on individual circumstances.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Dissertation or Thesis Introduction Chapter:
- Can I revise and make changes to the introduction chapter after it is completed? Yes, you can revise and make changes to the introduction chapter even after it is completed. In fact, it is quite common for writers to revisit and refine their introduction as they progress with the rest of their dissertation or thesis. As you gain a deeper understanding of your research and its implications, you may identify areas that require further clarification or adjustment. Revision is an integral part of the writing process, allowing you to enhance the coherence, clarity, and overall effectiveness of your introduction chapter.
- Should the introduction chapter be written before or after the other chapters? The general recommendation is to write the introduction chapter after completing the other chapters of your dissertation or thesis. By doing so, you will have a comprehensive understanding of your research, findings, and conclusions, which will enable you to provide a more accurate and informative introduction. Writing the introduction last allows you to summarize and highlight the main points of your work, ensuring that it aligns seamlessly with the content of the subsequent chapters.
- How can I ensure coherence and flow between the introduction chapter and the subsequent chapters? To ensure coherence and flow between the introduction chapter and the subsequent chapters, consider the following strategies:
Outline a clear roadmap: In your introduction, provide a concise overview of the structure and organization of your dissertation or thesis. This will help readers navigate through your work and understand how each chapter contributes to the overall narrative.
- Maintain consistency in terminology and concepts: Use consistent terminology and concepts throughout your introduction and subsequent chapters. This helps to establish a cohesive thread and avoids confusion or contradictions.
- Reference and build upon the introduction: As you progress with your research, refer back to the key points and objectives outlined in the introduction. Continuously link your findings and discussions to the initial framework established in the introduction, reinforcing the logical progression of your work.
- Transitions and signposting: Use transitional phrases and clear signposting to guide readers from one chapter to the next. Highlight connections between ideas, methodologies, and findings, ensuring a smooth transition and logical progression from the introduction to subsequent chapters.
- Seek feedback: Share your work with peers, advisors, or colleagues and seek their feedback on the coherence and flow between the introduction and subsequent chapters. Their insights can help identify any gaps or inconsistencies that need to be addressed.
By employing these strategies, you can maintain a cohesive and seamless flow between the introduction chapter and the rest of your dissertation or thesis, allowing readers to navigate your work with clarity and understanding.
The introduction chapter of your dissertation or thesis plays a pivotal role in engaging readers and providing a solid foundation for your research. By following the recommended structure, addressing common problems, and incorporating the necessary information, you can create an introduction chapter that sets the stage for a successful and impactful study. Remember, the introduction is your opportunity to make a strong first impression, so invest time and effort into crafting it effectively.
*** The End of Module 3 ***
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ARTICLE 13: How to Write the First Chapter of Your Thesis or Dissertation.
Written by Dr. Hannes Nel
Most universities will allow you to choose a name for your first chapter.
It can simply be “Introduction”.
You can also choose a more descriptive name of the contents of the chapter, for example, “Contextualising the Study.”
Some universities might even allow you to insert a Preface before your first chapter.
You should check with the university first before you add a separate preface to your thesis or dissertation.
I will share a few thoughts on the preface near the end of this post for the sake of clarity.
Each chapter in your thesis or dissertation should have its own introduction, but that is not what I will discuss here, so don’t get confused.
Writing the first chapter is the launchpad for writing a thesis or dissertation.
It points the writing process in the direction it should go and lay out what your research project should achieve.
The following are possible headings for your first chapter:
- Introduction. It might be confusing if you include an introduction to a chapter called “Introduction”, but that should not be a serious problem.
You can discuss the following issues in the introduction:
- Your problem statement, problem question or hypothesis.
- Clarify the problem statement, question or hypothesis.
- Background information on the field in which the study will be conducted.
- You should narrow the wider scope (the background information) down to a viable target group or target area.
- Explain why the problem or hypothesis is important.
- Introduce and develop the topic for your research.
- Introduce the title for your thesis or dissertation.
- Break the purpose down into objectives and objectives into sub-objectives or tasks.
- This breakdown can be useful when you need to prepare questions for interviews or questionnaires that you intend to send to members of your target group.
- Concepts and words are often understood and used differently by different academics.
- It will often be impossible to determine what the right meanings are.
- Therefore, do your homework to determine as accurately as you possibly can what the concepts and words that you will use mean and then explain how you will use them.
- You need to explain why you wish to investigate the problem of your choice.
- Most universities will not even allow you to enroll for doctoral or master studies if you cannot show that you have enough prior knowledge of the topic of your research.
- You need to explain who will benefit from your research as well as how they will benefit.
- This can be integrated with your motivation for the study.
- You need to conduct your research and write your report in a manner that will be acceptable to any reasonable person and that does not transgress any legislation, rules or regulations.
- The university will require you to confirm in writing that this is the case.
- The structure of your research will depend on the university requirements, the research approach, research methods, paradigms, data collection methods and data analysis methods that you will use.
- Your personal style will also play a role.
- Each of your chapters needs to have an introduction and a summary.
- You can add conclusions and recommendations that you gained from the chapter here.
- Cutting and pasting sections from the body of the chapter is not a summary – it is an extract.
- The summary should not contain new information.
- It will, therefore, be unlikely that you will acknowledge sources in the summary.
- You should summarise the chapter in such a way that all the important facts and arguments are given in a concise manner.
The preface
Some universities will allow you to include a preface before your first chapter.
You will probably only write the preface after the thesis or dissertation has been completed.
Or you can write the preface while you are writing the rest of your report.
A preface is usually a combination of disparate elements, necessary for the clarification of aspects of the work, but not necessarily concerned with the development of the argument.
Some claim that a good preface consists of three distinct parts – a general presentation of the research problem, the purpose of the research, and stating your position in terms of your capacity and limitations to do the research.
All of this can also be included in the first chapter.
Be careful of not using the preface to rationalize.
Do not use the preface to make excuses for not submitting quality work. If that is the case, no preface can save you – your study leader and external examiners will see that your work is not up to standard.
You may wish or need to supply information on the historical or literary background of your research topic, intellectual climate and biographical material relevant to a fuller understanding and appreciation of the research material.
Do not use the preface to put the blame for your challenges on your family, your employer, study leader, the university, the world.
The first chapter of your thesis or dissertation prepares the reader for the scientific argumentation and evaluation of the information that you will gather and analyse.
You should use the first chapter to contextualise your study.
It explains the importance of your research topic, how you will investigate the problem or hypothesis that you formulated, the area and target group for your research and what your research project should achieve.
Although you will need to show what you expect to achieve, you need to guard against showing that you have already decided what the results of your research will be.
You need to be objective and conduct research with an open mind.
Some universities will allow you to include a preface before your first chapter. The best way to write a preface is to write it while you write your thesis or dissertation.
Go back to the preface when you think of something that you desperately need to write but that does not fit into the structure and layout of your thesis or dissertation.
Do not use the preface for anything that might damage your end-product.
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margins should be set to 1 inch. The left margin should be set to 1 ¼ inch. Introduce the general topic area. Tip: Always introduce abbreviations. Once you introduce it, you can use the abbreviation alone. Tip: Think of your “General Statement” section as the background of your s tudy . Use evidence to show that the problem exists.
Dec 9, 2024 · #1 – The Opening Section. The very first essential ingredient for your dissertation introduction is, well, an introduction or opening section. Just like every other chapter, your introduction chapter needs to start by providing a brief overview of what you’ll be covering in the chapter.
Jul 19, 2022 · We’re going to cover a broad overview on chapter one here in this article so that you know the territory before you set out. Purpose of Chapter One. The purpose of chapter one is to introduce the reader to what’s coming. Chapter one usually runs around 15 pages, and it gives the reader the highlights of what’s coming.
Jul 20, 2020 · Chapter 1 of the dissertation plays a fundamental role in helping readers acknowledge your area of study in a lengthy manner. Therefore, you must always follow the right outline and format. You will agree with me that dissertation chapter one plays an integral role in providing an excellent dissertation paper.
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces and provides an overview of the research that is to be undertaken. Parts of Chapter 1 summarize your Chapters 2 and 3, and because of that, Chapter 1 normally should be written after Chapters 2 and 3. Dissertation committee chairs often want students to provide a 5-10 page overview of their proposed
Apr 24, 2024 · 1. Understand the elements and objectives of chapter 1 In a dissertation or thesis, the introduction always appears as chapter 1 right after the table of contents. To write an effective chapter 1, you first need to grasp the key elements that build up the introductory chapter and the main purposes of an introduction.
The thesis introduction, usually chapter 1, is one of the most important chapters of a thesis. It sets the scene. It previews key arguments and findings. And it helps the reader to understand the structure of the thesis. In short, a lot is riding on this first chapter. With the following tips, you can write a powerful thesis introduction.
Sep 7, 2022 · To help guide your reader, end your introduction with an outline of the structure of the thesis or dissertation to follow. Share a brief summary of each chapter, clearly showing how each contributes to your central aims. However, be careful to keep this overview concise: 1-2 sentences should be enough.
Establishing clear boundaries for the research is crucial to writing a dissertation that focuses on the study’s primary purpose. 3.6 Significance of the Research. When writing the introduction chapter of a dissertation, it is essential for you to state the significance of the research.
Aug 11, 2020 · You should summarise the chapter in such a way that all the important facts and arguments are given in a concise manner. The preface. Some universities will allow you to include a preface before your first chapter. You will probably only write the preface after the thesis or dissertation has been completed.