paperfresnel biprism experiment viva questions with answersShare on FacebookShare on Twitter320IMAGESIn a Fresnel's biprism experiment, 2 position of lens give seperation[ANSWERED] 2 In a Fresnel biprism experiment the two positions of lensIn a Fresnel biprism experiment, the two positionsIf Fresnel's biprism experiment is held in water instead of air, then[ANSWERED] 7 In a Fresnel biprism experiment the two positions of lensFresnel biprism experimentVIDEOIn Fresnel's biprims experiment coherent sources are obtained from an incoherentnumerical on fresnel biprismNodal slide experiment viva question answer..## physics ## bscFreshnel's Biprism Experiment (part 1)FRESNEL'S BIPRISM (Full Explanation)| PHYSICSFlywheel Experiment || VIVA Questions with Answers